
The S1n Bin

@s1ndle / s1ndle.tumblr.com

Hi! Welcome to my Tumblr Page!
My name is Sindle. This is where I post about Sims and Sims accessories. I do lots of research too!
He/They/It 🏳️‍🌈 Gay 🏳️‍🌈

Yamato Dining Table and Yamato 'Stiff Back' Dining Chair Converted from The Sims 2 Console for The Sims 2

Hey everyone, it's been a good minute since my last release, so here's a little something from The Sims 2 console! The Yamato Dining Table is one of the few 3x2 tables available in the game. This is a fully functional, 10 seater table with 15 deco slots for The Sims 2. I cloned and fully unrepo'd Pixel Sims 3x2 Nordic Dining Table. (I would link, but I can't find a working source anymore?). This turned out great, aside from the thumbnail being semi-transparent. I was unable to fix this, but you can tell what the object is still. The original console description says it "seats up to four", which I've corrected to ten. When playing The Sims 2 console, you can see this chair featured at Tranquility Falls, and the table featured in the Freeber's home. I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you encounter any problems. Info below the cut. The Sims 2 Console collection file for The Sims 2 can be found on my collection files page: Found Here


Yamato Dining Table & Dining Chair For The Sims 2 - SFS Alt Download - Patreon Enjoy my work? Consider becoming a Patreon or buying me a coffee!


Modern Plumbobs for Sims 2

It's... been a while since I made anything for Sims 2 hasn't it?

I've been meaning to get back into the rhythm of creation for a long time now and only managed to do so just recently while going through some old and unfinished works in progress.

This isn't something that I'd had laying around for a while, in-fact this was a very spur of the moment idea that against seemingly all odds, managed to be completed.

But enough chit-chat, more previews and download below the cut!


Cowboy Yvaren again because why not 🤠✌️

It’s a running joke in my friend group LOL

Here’s a close up:

I updated it because if you look at this new version the lens flare makes it sooooooo much better.

Here’s the old version for reference:

The new lens flare adds a bit of gentle contrast to the piece enabling you to see Titan’s nose a lot clearer. Anyways, yeah woooooo! I LOVE fixing pieces and then having to reupload hahaaaa 😅


its-a-mario.png presented with CRT View and raw pixels

this is actually the first time i've actually done a full pixel art piece in a very, very long time 😬 it was a lot of fun even if i had several breakdowns and crises and took a little over a month of work

drew almost everything myself, only thing i didn't draw was mario himself, that was edited from a scrapped sprite from super mario world


🌸 Jasiek's House Numbers, with smaller textures, repositoried and enabled for quartertile placement.

I love Jasiek's numbers, but recoloring 10 separate meshes is a bit of a chore. So I repo's all numbers to the 0. Older recolors will still work with my edits. If you have any, you only need to keep the recolors of the 0, you can throw all the others out.

I also recolored them in 11 of @shastakiss/ @cluedosims metals. All edited meshes are included.

polycounts are between 80 and 110, texture size is 256x256. Found in deco > walls for 35 each.

📥Download [sfs]

credits: Jasiek, Shastakiss, @bluerubberbear for the houses in the previews.


i have some stuff from a project i never finished from around 2 years ago that i want to polish up and release

1t2 fans are going to be eating once i overcome the executive dysfunction


i got back into playing sims 2 for a bit and then i made the mistake of starting up runescape again

i have once again lost control of my life

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