
Oli ^7

@lesbiansloveyoonji / lesbiansloveyoonji.tumblr.com

26 // formerly 1D & marvel // bangtan and girl group enthusiast
backup acct for @yoonjis_wig on twt

first post since probably … 2018?? here just in case twitter implodes :)


back here for the first time in years just in case twitter implodes xoxo


i feel like they’re never going to actually address bucky’s mental health issues and the fact that he’s unfairly using sam as a scapegoat because then that would mean addressing the fact that steve left them both was deeply selfish and is negatively affecting the both of them.

i was going to write a longer post about this but i just do not have the spoons and i know if i dont say it now, i’ll never get around to it.

one of the story’s biggest problems is refusing to address the elephant in the room - that steve’s decision to go back in time is not only one of the major causes of the current conflict, but has also left sam and bucky arguably traumatized.

and they wont ever talk about it because, as the show keeps pointing out, steve was a good man. he is a legend. an icon. and thats one of the big reasons zemo hates him and other superheroes. its the reason why walker feels its just a mantle and a shield and not an ideology. the show doesn’t want us to see steve as a selfish person because that means walker is not all that different from him.

but at the same time, sam has been left with a legacy he feels does not represent him. and where is steve to help him through this? he’s obviously not dead, the show would’ve established that. so he’s either in hiding (as implied by the conspiracy theories) or he’s in his own alternate reality, completely avoiding any consequences of his actions. there is NO ONE who has enough power to vouch for sam and stand up to walker with him. he has to do this entirely on his own, but he is also isn’t allowed to be angry with steve for it because the show doesn’t want US to be angry.

and for bucky, the one stable figure in his life is gone. he’s only fairly recently gotten his agency and mind back and then his childhood best friend, the one who has given up everything for him just disappears. sam is literally the only person left that he can trust and i was under the impression that maybe bucky didnt answer sam because he was afraid if he opened his heart to someone, they might leave too, so its better if he leaves first. but since they wont ever delve into bucky being abandoned by the person who cared for him the most, they’re just going to have him put all the blame on sam with no cathartic resolution to it. they wont ever have him say, “i’m actually mad at steve for leaving and putting you in this position.”

so the show wants to have it both ways. they want the characters to be affected by steve’s decision, but they dont want sam or bucky to actually be resentful of him for leaving since that means steve wasn’t as good as we thought he was.


Why did you give up that shield? Why are you making such a big deal out of something that has nothing to do with you?

Sam’s expression says it all. He feels for Bucky. And he feels for Steve; he respects the decision he made in handing that shield over to him but Sam, as he points out in his next line, also knows that the shield carries more than Steve anticipated when slung on the shoulders of a black man. Sam, at this point, has already checked Bucky’s privilege once before (re: this is what you’re not going to do. you’re not going to […] tell me about my rights). He can see that Bucky is in pain, in limbo, in need of confirmation that he is on the right path, or that he’s even capable of getting onto the right path. Steve gave that to him. Steve knew him, and believed in him. In the same way he believed in Sam. And rightly so. Everything Steve saw in Sam is very much there. And in someway… Sam doesn’t doubt that. He doesn’t doubt that Steve wanted him to be the next Captain America. And he probably would have wanted to carry on the legacy if he didn’t already know exactly how this shit would turn out. And honestly? Bucky should have an idea by now, too. Sam has already shut him down once. Bucky has already seen first hand the fate of black heroes (see: Isaiah Bradley). He literally just witnessed racial profiling with his own two eyes and has some small insight into what life must be like for Sam on a day to day basis. And he still doesn’t accept that the decision Sam made to not take the shield had nothing to do with Steve, nothing to do with Bucky. And everything to do with the way his entire life has been like up until now, with no hopes of it really changing in the near future — at least not enough that Sam can even think about being the one to instigate that change, rather, would likely lose all ability to make a difference and help people if he did actually take up the shield. So Sam’s expression? (And god, Mackie’s acting is just PHENOMENAL, Seb’s too)! There’s sadness there. For Bucky. Because his friend has been through a lot and is struggling with so much still. But there’s sadness there because his friend is so completely oblivious to Sam’s own struggle, and has unknowingly made it about himself.

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