
You Egg! {dies}

@and-we-are-all-dead / and-we-are-all-dead.tumblr.com

they/them, Bi- grey romantic- Asexual. Anyone in the LGBTQIA+ is neato and valid. I am a fan of Detroit Become Human, Psych, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Steven Universe, Dead by Daylight, Stanley Parable, Portal/2, and a lot of other stuff, so if you want to talk to me about that, I'm game. I love to read, write, and sketch. I love music. My asexual ask blog is @acespacegalaxy. My writing blog is @a-writers-last-words. My sketch blog is @@a-sketched-out-person. Have a great day.

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For all your dnd purposes


david jenkins looking at the skeleton stabbing the heart on blackbeard's flag and going "that happened because blackbeard had a really bad breakup with his boyfriend" is the best thing to happen to screenwriting in decades


So I've been on Youtube trying to find an analysis of one of my favorite and unbelievably underrated sitcoms of all time. I beg you, someone, anyone, please create a retrospective video breaking down the show Newsradio. I really need this in my life and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Thank you for your time.


i agree so so much,, i have an extreme interest in comedy,, and psychology,, i love to analyze this show to such an extreme,, i have so many thoughts and opinions,, especially on how every character is lowkey queer-coded,, and how every character deserves an analyzation,, ugh this is so true,,

I’ll be doing this as soon as I figure out YouTube. It won’t be done well in terms of quality but in terms of spirit it will be done with extreme and intense enthusiasm


Does anyone on here watch news radio?


Well you're going to hear a head cannon I have for it any way.

I think Bill McNeal is a trans man.

Reasons I believe this

  1. His name on his birth certificate is Evelyn, bills his middle name
  2. He knows how to put make up on really well
  3. His mother said when he was kicked off the football team "the teams lost a player but the McNeals have gained a daughter" which was said as a jab unless?
  4. I'm desperate for queer characters even in 1990s shows

5. he is proud of his masculine body (speedo freedom)

6. "YOU ROBBED ME OF MY GENDER" he says to catherine when she photoshopped him with feminine features

7. this isn't direct proof but he had a rough childhood with his family and friends at school,, which is subtly hinted at the fact that he was basically outcasted and unaccepted by virtually everyone he knew as a kid,,

8. he's also queer coded with a massive thing for dave AND lisa sooo,, yeah,, it wouldn't surprise me if he was also trans,,

9. i'm trans,, bill mcneal is super gender,, and so it only makes sense i project that onto him,,

This is amazing I’m so happy that 1. Other people see what I’m talking about and 2. There’s more evidence then what I remembered.

Anonymous asked:

Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)

Well for one I’m not a lesbian and for too from what I understand a gold star lesbian is often used by terfs. And also like it seems invalidating to lesbians that before realizing they were lesbians and had had sex with a man. I guess thanks for the ask??


I want to rage, to erase this crushing sense of helplessness in my lungs. To snarl instead of sobbing. I wanted to be shocked at this injustice. To be surprised and treat this as a horrific incident and not just a symptom of a bigger problem.

But I've witnessed how racist bigots reacted to Floyd, the instinctive racist response and "jokes" when people identified China as the one who was at fault with the whole COVID-situation, and how I immediately thought that those "low-key" racist thoughts will escalate someday to deadly actions. I listened to some of my friends when they said that I'm exaggerating.

And I wish- I wish I was. I wished that they were right and I was wrong. But look at our bloodied history. Look at where we are now.

One step forward, eight bloody steps back.

....stay safe.


support aces of colour who are struggling to reclaim their sexuality while being actively fetishized, hypersexualized, and/or desexualized based on their race and intersections of neuro-atypicality, physical disability, etc.

i’m op of this post (i’ve since changed my url) and the amount of bloggers who have reblogged this and tagged it with some variation of “thank you” shows you how important it is to recognize people of colour who are on the ace spectrum


Honestly as a blind person I’m so tired of seeing fictional blind characters who don’t use white canes or other guides. “They have special powers so they know what’s around them” or “they’re confident enough to not need a guide” are common tropes, and I’m tired.

Are people scared that using a white cane will make their blind character seem weak? They can’t use a cane because they’re so special that they already know what’s around them, and other blind people who use guides are inferior because they’re not special?

I’m tired. Give your blind characters white canes and other guides. Let them hold onto their friends, let them have guide dogs. Don’t make white cane users feel ostracized for not being “strong enough” to go without.

Another thing that pisses me off is when a sighted character comes up with the fantasy equivalent of braille and teaches it to the blind character. Braille was invented by Louis Braille, a blind man, in 1824. The blind character should be the one coming up with it.

Tldr I’m blind and tired of sighted people lol

🔪 Sighted People MUST Reblog This 🔪


Can you do something for me, please?

I want you to reblog this if you believe that two people can be very close and physically affectionate with one another, but still have a completely nonsexual, non-romantic relationship. 

Even if the two people in question are capable of being sexually or romantically attracted to one another. 

Because the friendship I share with someone I consider family in a way that transcends blood has been typecast as a romantic relationship ENTIRELY too many times, and I’m beginning to get sick of it. 

I’ve never reblogged anything faster.

yess i hamve reblog before will do again


i think a lot of neurotypicals misunderstand what “routine” means in the context of autistic ppl needing routine. they seem very fixated on the idea that routine means doing the same thing at the same time every day (eg always eating at 12, always showering at 7, idk, stuff like that) and they don’t seem to get that while yes, those are a kind of routine that some autistic ppl need/like, it’s not the only thing. 

like for me, for example, it is way more important that the songs i listen to play in the right order and that the right kind of audio is on in the background when i do different tasks than it is that i do said tasks at a specific time of day. the routines that are important to me are about how i do things, not when. but nt ppl don’t understand this. 

why is this important? bc i have had So. Many. neurotypicals tell me that the reason i’m depressed/anxious/not feeling well is that i don’t have enough of those when routines in my life. that obviously if i made sure to always shower at the exact same time of day i wouldn’t be depressed. that obviously if i made sure to always get up at exactly the same time, no wiggle room of even a minute, then i wouldn’t be anxious. “because you’re autistic!” they say, “and routines are important for you! you’ve even said so yourself!”

and then they proceed to not take the actual reasons why i’m feeling unwell seriously, because obviously if an autistic person isn’t living minute by minute according to a schedule that dictates their every move then that has to be the cause of all their problems. 


reblogging this not for the NTs who misunderstand, but for other autistics reading this and going “wait, what i am doing is… a routine?”


alright, this is a pretty difficult post for me to make, but i'm swallowing my pride bc i am flat broke with no income and bills piling up. i'm job searching, but it's very hard when i'm trying to find a wfh job to minimize my covid exposure and my laptop recently died. between that (~450), rent (450), my car payment (200), and my credit card payment (100), i'm going to need about 1200 dollars to get thru this month. any little bit helps! if every single one of my followers donated a dollar or two, i'd be more than safe.

cash/app: $jcatgrl

ko/fi: pinejaytreasures

pay/pal: msg me



hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!

No no no! Jewish LGBTQ kinderlach! Go to Keshet

hoperemains is completely from a Christian perspective, and not pluralistic or interfaith at all.

If you reblogged the first post from me please reblog this amendment so the Jewish peeps can access this resource too! 

Trans Jewish kids, you can go to TransTorah as well!

Muslim LGBTQ kids, you can go to iamnotharaam! It’s run by a mod squad of different genders and orientations, and they take submissions from everybody!




http://hoperemainsonline.com/ Is the new site for hoperemains. Every other link is still active as of 1/9/2020


I’m the real estate agent that sells obviously haunted houses to nice white families that want to get away from it all.

I'm the vaguely queer coded person who recently suffered a terrible accident that has affected me drastically and are on bad terms with my family, do you have anything for me?

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