
Desert Rose


Aries☀️Taurus🌛Cancer⭐🧿Clairaudient/Medium/Death Witch🧿《•Lilith🦉Lucifer🐉Freya🐇Loki🦊Persephone🦇Hades🗝•》

Death & Ostara

The Spring Equinox has an interesting relationship to the concept of life and death. Rebirth and new life is heavily associated with the holiday of Ostara due to it marking the first day of Spring and the longest day of the year. It is a day when light and dark are in perfect balance, and similarly life and death. 

You may not associate death with Ostara due to its emphasis on birth and new beginnings. Slavic pagan traditions believed that death had no power on the day of the Spring Equinox. 

However, this day itself still represents death. The death of winter. I think this highlights the importance of death as a source of change and renewal. Death does not always have to be seen negatively as it is the source of new life. The bodies of fallen creatures bring richness to the soil for future life to be grown. 

I do not think Ostara should be limited to celebrating that which is currently living. I think we can look back on those who have passed and celebrate their lives. Samhain does not have to be the only holiday where we reach out to our ancestors. 


🌼 Spring Magic 🌼

🌼 Blessed Spring witches! 🌼 I hope this season is treating you well so far. I’m sorry I haven’t posted a lot recently, life has taken a turn and I suddenly ran out of time to do anything witchy… I’m hoping spring will bring in some new energy and help me get out of these difficult times. 

Here’s a list of what I’ve been doing to feel more like myself, and appreciate the season of fresh starts and new beginnings. 

🌼 Nature: 

  • if you can, walk around in a forest or in a field, barefoot, and learn to notice the trees and flowers growing all around you.
  • if you live in a city, and have limited access to nature, bring it inside your home: decorate it with fancy flowers and new plants to take care of. 

🌼 Cleanse:

  • donate clothes and furniture that no longer inspire you, deeply clean and freshen your home to give yourself a new environment. 
  • spiritually, open the windows wide open and practice rituals to banish old energies and bringing in the new. 

🌼 Self care: 

  • eat fresh salads, green vegetables and bake beautiful honey cakes that are tasty and make you feel good. 
  • celebrate your body by moving again, whether it’s dancing, exercising, practicing yoga, stretching, walking, running or cycling. 

🌼 Colours: 

  • the cold season is over, so it’s time to dress in florals, pastel colours to celebrate this new season!
  • paint your nails, use makeup with colours that inspire you and make you feel like you’re on top of the world. 

Paganism 101: Dumb Suppers

With Samhain around the corner (click here for a post about Samhain), you may see the term “dumb supper” crop up in posts surrounding traditions and activities done at this time of heightened liminality (click here for a post about liminality).

What is a dumb supper?

In layman’s terms, a dumb supper is a meal that is held in silence with food reserved for invited spirits. This ceremony is mean to be a time of remembrance and connection to those you have lost. That’s the simplest version of it.

The term “dumb” simply refers to the silence that is observed during the meal, as no one shall speak, no phones shall ring and no external noises such as radios, televisions should be able to be heard. Essentially, a dumb supper should be done in total, utter silence.

*It should be made known that some people may be uncomfortable with the term “dumb” due to its connotations and the fact it was used historically to describe those with disabilities. If you do not wish to call it a dumb supper, there are other names for it such as: spirit’s supper, devotional supper, and remembrance supper.

How do you do a dumb supper?

There is no staunch set of rules for this, aside from the silence. A basic template to follow if you’re unsure or doing this for the first time, may be as follows:

  1. Cleanse your space; empty of it any energy, even if it’s residual. You can do this by burning incense, spritzing or chanting - however you feel is best. If you want to, or are wont to do, cast your circle now.
  2. When you set the table for the meal, set a place for every physical being in attendance, making sure you make it so that the head of the table is set for the spirits who will be joining the supper. You may want to set a place for every spirit you want to invite, but this isn’t always feasible. If you like, you can use tealight candles set around the plate to represent them.
  3. There is no set colour scheme for this ceremony, but black is typical of the season and activity. You may want a black tablecloth or candles on the table itself.
  4. If possible, use candles as a light source.
  5. Upon entering the room in which the supper is being served, no one may speak. 
  6. Only once everyone’s food has been served - spirits included - may anyone begin to eat.
  7. During the meal, you may want to speak to your spirit guests in your mind; tell them you think of them, remember memories, share laughter. You may want to simply think about them, if that is easier.
  8. Once the meal is over, you may want to say goodbye (silently of course).
  9. Only when everyone is finished eating may you all leave and exit the room in silence. Once you are out of the ceremony space, the silence can be broken.

Food, drink and menu choices:

The food you serve at your dumb supper is entirely up to you. You may want to incorporate some of the traditional Samhain foods, e.g., apples, game, cider, late Autumn vegetables, etc,. but remember that you may want to serve food that pleases the spirits you invite too.

What do you do at the end of the supper?

This depends on you and your traditions.

If you’ve cast a circle, you will want to remove it and cleanse the area. When it comes to the food, there are a few things you can do to dispose of the food.

  1. Some people choose to burn the meal afterwards - it is said that the smell of the burnt food can bring happiness to the spirits.
  2. Some people will divide the meal out between the guests afterwards to make sure nothing goes to waste.
  3. Some people simply bin it.

may your soul be overgrown with moss. may your veins fill with rainwater and your lungs swell with flowers.

is this a curse or blessing?? either way lay it on me boys

gimme the peat, boys, and free my soul

i wanna get lost in a mossy knoll

and dri f t  a  w   a    y   .   .     .


Assert dominance over ghosts by jumping out at yourself from dark corners

Why wait for a poltergeist to cause a ruckus? Slam your own doors. Rattle your own windows. Smash your own favourite plate against the wall. Haunt your own house. You don’t need no weakass spirit. The only supernatural force you need in your life is yourself.

this is so inspiring i’m crying thank you

The poltergeist:


Poltergeist: smashes plate on floor

Me: *swipes entire stack of plate off the shelf like a cat*

Poltergeist: okay mate alright take it easy jeez

Ghost in my home: *ungodly shrieking sound*

Me: *hits an operatic high G and leaves the room*



Because it’s that time of year, here’s a reminder that Samhain is pronounced Saow-in. Because it is an irish word, not an english one and irish is in fact a completely different language with it’s own way of pronouncing things like french or spanish or chinese or swahili or literally any other language in the world

Complaining that irish words don’t follow english pronunciation rules just makes you come across as an idiot who’s never come across the idea of more than one language existing. Also like a pompous coloniser.

Also fun fact: samhain is the irish word for november.

Halloween is Oíche Shamhna. (Ee-ha How-na) aka the eve/night before the start of winter. 

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