
It's Necessary. ALWAYS.

@snazzy-suit / snazzy-suit.tumblr.com

Aw heck, it's an art blog! Fandom whiplash and occasional reblogs await those brave enough to enter. Venture forth! | She/Her | 32 | Mostly video game and movie related content | I'm a tag talker, so brace yourself fam

Luigi: Liaison of Ghosts - Master Post

Series Description:

Following the Dark Moon incident, Luigi finds himself spending more and more time among the spirits of Evershade Valley—to the point where he finally conquers his fear of ghosts. Inspired by his experiences, Luigi goes on to start a business that focuses on building a more positive relationship between spirits and mortals.

Which is mightier? The pen? Or the Poltergust?


Series Notes:

  • Luigi will still capture ghosts if they are causing trouble and can’t be reasoned with, but he tries to find more peaceful solutions whenever possible. As he’ll often tell people, he’s more of a mediator than a ghost hunter nowadays.
  • Luigi’s newfound courage isn't universal. He’s still afraid of things like monsters, awkward social situations, door to door salesmen, etc. so that much hasn’t changed. Luigi will always be our lovable chicken of a dork.
  • These chapters don’t necessarily have to be read in order (exceptions will be noted in advance).



Chapter 5 - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone! 

Chapter 7 - Fool Me Once, Fool Me Thrice





Luigi: Liaison of Ghosts Chapter 5.5 - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!

MP - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.1 -5.2 - 5.3 - 5.4 - (5.5) - 5.6 - 6 - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 - 7.5

Part 5 of 10

[Prefer to read on ao3? Click here]

In which Gooigi envies dinosaurs, snarks a child, and gets reprimanded by a ghost. Following that, Luigi and Dane check to see what's behind door #1 (and #2, and #3, and #4, and #5, and—)


  • "Sign language."
  • 'Thoughts.'
  • "Gooigi speaking out loud."
  • "B̵a̧c͜k̷ward̷ ̢sp͡e͡e͢c̀h̵."



Gooigi really doesn’t like the second floor of this house.

For one, it feels awful. The unsuspecting ectomorph nearly lost form from the sharp change in energy after he stepped through that portal at the top of the stairs. For another, the hallway enchantment shtick was really getting old. He had given up on trying to find a pattern after he passed that meadow painting for the umpteenth time. Gooigi doesn’t know how a painting of a landscape could give off a smug aura, but it does and it’s mocking him and he doesn’t like it.

Also, the second floor’s carpet and drape scheme is ugly.

But the worst thing? The worst thing is the doors. They are all closed, and Gooigi and shut doors don’t get along.

The ectomorph didn’t accompany Luigi to the pool area because he knew he’d be useless there. He figured exploring the rest of the house would be a better use of his time. He could find the last kid, nab the remaining ghosts, and meet up with his partner after they’d dealt with their own watery specter. Divide and conquer, and all that.

He might as well have waited in the mud room for all the good he’s doing.

Gooigi stops in front of a door to his left and glares holes in the mullion. What is he supposed to do? Knock and hope a ghost lets him in? Maybe if he’s lucky, the missing kid will answer. Wouldn’t that be nice?

The ectomorph briefly considers using the Suction Shot to tear the door down, but decides to hold off on the idea. Luigi probably wouldn’t be very happy if he went around destroying their clients’ property if it was avoidable. The ectomorph leans in, pressing their body to the door and listening for any signs of (after) life on the other side. Nothing. For kicks, he gives knocking a try and listens again. Still nothing.

Gooigi takes a step back and looks at the doorknob. Deep down, he knows it’s futile, but he can’t resist the urge to try opening the door anyway. The knob twists imperceptibly in his grasp. For a moment, Gooigi thinks he may actually succeed.

That hope slips through his fingers along with the doorknob.


Luigi: Liaison of Ghosts Chapter 5.4 - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!

MP - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.1 -5.2 - 5.3 - (5.4) - 5.5 - 5.6 - 6 - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 - 7.5

Part 4 of 10

[Prefer to read on ao3? Click here]

In which the final kid is found and Luigi deals with ghostly back-talk (and not in the way you think).


When Luigi re-enters the house, he immediately notices that the atmosphere feels, for lack of a better word, lighter. The oppressive energy from before has almost completely dissipated, like a heavy fog burning away in the morning sun. It’s incredible how much a difference it makes now that the home has four less entities darkening its halls. The improvement is welcoming, but Luigi doesn’t allow it to lower his guard.

Pepper once again leads the charge, snout to the ground as he tracks Gooigi’s scent. They trek silently through the halls, Luigi staying extra vigilant as the Polterpup focuses on their task. Soon, the duo find themselves at the bottom of a narrow staircase.

So, they’re on the second story, are they? It makes sense, now that Luigi thinks about it. Koojo had implied the summoning had taken place in a room upstairs.

Pepper abruptly leaps up onto the fourth step. They pause and turn around, looking at the plumber expectantly. Luigi holsters the Poltergust’s wand and silently ascends after them. He can’t help but wonder if the stairs have been tampered with—another haunting classic among ghosts and spirits. The thought has Luigi suddenly gripping the railing like a lifeline, memories of steps folding unnaturally like blinds in a window drifting to the forefront of his mind. He rather not have friction burns added to the growing list of tonight’s endured abuse.

A low growl pulls Luigi from his scrutiny of the old planks. His head snaps up to find Pepper just one step shy from the landing. The spectral canine's tail is low, though not tucked, and had the spirit possessed proper ears, Luigi is certain they would be drawn back. Luigi’s brows furrow with concern and trepidation. With each ghost he captured, Pepper had slowly begun to relax until they were more like their happy, go-lucky self. To see them so suddenly back on edge does not bode well.

“Pepper?” Luigi whispers, cautiously approaching the spirit, “What’s wrong?"


LLoG Progress Update! (Complete!)

I'm pleased to announce that "Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!" is finished! It took almost five years (90% of which I didn't even look at this story), but here we are. I was starting to think this day would never come ^^'

Let's see the final results, shall we?

  • Chapter 5.4 - Complete. Word count: 8,257
  • Chapter 5.5 - Complete. Word count: 8,357
  • Chapter 5.6 - Complete. Word count: 6,048
  • Chapter 5.7 - Complete. Word count: 8,113
  • Chapter 5.8 - Complete. Word count: 8,529
  • Chapter 5.9 - Complete. Word count: 6,874
  • Chapter 5.10 - Complete. Word count: 6,775

Final Word Count: 52,953


Me: I'm going to try and trim this down a little.

Me, an absolute clown: *proceeds to add over 2,000 more words*

Jfc will I ever change? -_-

Anyway, I'm going to give things one last look over and then I'll post chapter 5.4 sometime in the next few days. A week from then, I'll post chapter 5.5 and so on. Then, once the complete story is posted, I'll post a separate work that contains an alternate, deleted, missing, and unused scene that didn't make the final cut. The tentative title for this is "How Can You Have Any Extras If You Don't Eat Yer Meat?!" (a bit of a mouthful, I know lol).

Extras Total Word Count: 2,262

Until then!

Tl;dr - The chapters are done and the first will be posted soon


LLoG Progress Update!

Oh dang, it's almost April already?! January went on seemingly forever, February passed pretty normally, and March lasted, like, a week. Time is soup.

Anyway, I'm unfortunately a little behind schedule, though not by much! I was hoping to start posting the new chapters by the end of March, but they're not quite ready yet. I still have some editing and continuity checks to do, but the good news is, everything is completely written! 🎉

...and it's even longer than I anticipated 😭 As of now, before editing is complete, the total word count for all the upcoming chapters is 50,700.


52,175 if I count the missing scene!

The last arc of what was SUPPOSED to be a short story turned into novel-length madness. Unbelievable! Why am I like this??

Here's where everything stands as of now:

  • Chapter 5.4 - Complete. Awaiting final continuity check. Word count: 8,220
  • Chapter 5.5 - Complete. Awaiting final continuity check. Word count: 7,104
  • Chapter 5.6 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 5,580
  • Chapter 5.7 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 8,097
  • Chapter 5.8 - Draft Complete. Undergoing edits. Current word count: 8,258
  • Chapter 5.9 - Draft Complete. Awaiting review. Current word count: 6,760
  • Chapter 5.10 - Draft Complete. Awaiting review. Current word count: 6,681

Some additional notes/tidbits:

  • Missing Scene - Takes place between the end of chapter 5.6 and about halfway through chapter 5.9. I couldn't figure out a way to include this that didn't feel jarring. If I like it enough, I'll post it separately from the main story. Current word count: 1,475
  • Chapter 5.7 is a flashback that was originally going to take place about halfway through chapter 5.6, but as you can see based on the word count, it got away from me. ^^' I decided to turn it into a separate chapter as a sort of "breather" between 5.6 and 5.8. I really enjoyed writing it, but there's a chance I may have to cut it from the main story if I feel it's too disrupting. If this is the case, I'll post it separately as another missing scene.
  • Chapter 5.4 is my white whale. It's undergone the most rewrites and is largely responsible for the long hiatus. I've found it's one of my least favorite chapters in this particular story and at this point I don't know if it's actually bad or if I'm just sick of looking at it 🫠
  • My disgruntled feelings for chapter 5.6 (the first half, anyway) rival that of chapter 5.4, which is unfortunate, because this chapter is supposed to be "The Big Reveal". Am I over-explaining things? Is this too vague? These are the questions I struggled with in this chapter and I don't know if I'll ever be satisfied with the results.
  • I never start a chapter knowing how long it's going to be. I just create an outline and go. As long as I check off all the major points in a satisfactory manner, I don't care if the chapter is 1,000 words or 8,000 words. That said, I try to avoid going over 10,000 words for any one chapter so as to not overwhelm readers (and myself) with a bunch of Things in a single sitting. So! When chapter 5.8 started cresting 15,000 words I was like "oh no" and immediately searched for a good spot to split it in two.

That's all I got for now! We're almost there, folks!

Tl;dr - if I don't start posting chapters by the end of April, feel free to shame me with an "L" in my DMs lol 🙈


LLoG Chapter 5.8 (Snippet) - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!


*Minor out of context spoilers ahead!*

(For those that didn't see yesterday's post, you may want to read that first if you want a little more information.)


Professor E. Gadd is getting anxious.

Anxious, as in eager anticipation. Not anxious, as in worried, because the professor was not worried. Luigi has faced greater threats in the past—a slumber party crashed by angry ghosts is child’s play. Sure, these were stronger than your average ghosts. Yes, Vitiates are highly malevolent. And, okay, E. Gadd will admit that the children’s accounts were a touch concerning, but it was fine! Kids exaggerate when they’re scared. Luigi had just requested that he bring Gooigi as a precaution. Between the two of them, this hullabaloo will be taken care of in no time.

The professor glances at his watch—it’s a few minutes past the witching hour. What is taking the lad so long?

E. Gadd resists the urge to worriedly impatiently pace the yard. He settles on tapping his foot as a compromise. With a quiet huff, he folds his arms over his chest and casts his gaze over his anxious company. Luigi hadn’t talked to E. Gadd very long, but the old man learned enough to conclude that his Toad Assistants would be needed. Two are currently walking the perimeter of the sizeable home with a dark light and ectoplasm radar. After what appeared to be a Snifit Vitiate blasted through one of the walls and disappeared into the night, E. Gadd thought it wise to set up a patrol around the property. If the dark entity returned, or another tried to escape, there wasn’t much any of them could do about it, but at least now they wouldn’t be caught by surprise.

Two more assistants stand at the professor’s right, each shouldering a myriad of cleaning supplies. They very nearly left when they saw the damage to the outer wall, but the professor assuaged them with a promise to call in more help after Luigi finishes clearing out the house. Another Toad is currently on the phone with the owners of the property—who just so happened to be the parents of the remaining trapped youth. E. Gadd’s hearing isn’t the best these days, but even he can pick up the frantic voices on the other end of the line. Impressive, given that the Toad doesn’t have them on speaker phone.

E. Gadd silently thanks Luigi for banning him from interacting with mortal clients (even if he still disagrees with the plumber’s claim that he has “poor people skills”).


Incoming Krimbus Gift! (LLoG Edition)

Do your eyes deceive you? Nay I say! You got some LLoG writing heading your way! Before you get too excited, it isn't a complete chapter (yet!), but I thought I'd share another sneak peek before 2023 ended, seeing as the last time I posted anything was... *checks archive* Three years ago? Cripes.

Anyway, I've had a few people DM'ing me earlier this year (politely) asking if I plan to do any more writing for the LLoG AU. I told at least one of them I hoped to start writing again late summer, and I did exactly that! I've been working away at the "Hey! Creatures!" arc off and on for the past few months and have made a lot of progress.

Too much progress.

"The hell does 'too much progress' mean?" you may ask. Well. You know how "Hey! Creatures!" was only supposed to be four chapters?

It's eight chapters now.


So, those that have stuck around for the LLoG AU, waiting for one more chapter, have actually been waiting for FIVE more chapters. Needless to say, things have gotten out of hand. I'm hoping to trim things down during editing, but I'm not very optimistic ^^'

Here's what it looks like so far:

  • Chapter 5.4 - Draft Complete. Undergoing Edits.
  • Chapter 5.5 - Draft Complete. Undergoing Edits.
  • Chapter 5.6 - Draft 90% Complete.
  • Chapter 5.7 - Draft 40% Complete
  • Chapter 5.8 - Draft Complete. Awaiting Review.

Madness. Absolute madness. But, with all the re-writes this sucker has undergone, it's an improvement. My goal (my Writer's New Year's Resolution, if you will) is to be finished and ready to post by March 2024.


I have scheduled a preview of the epilogue (Chapter 5.8) to post tomorrow. Why the epilogue? It's the least susceptible to change, for one. Also, the part I'm showing is just a fun little reunion scene set immediately after Luigi completes his mission. It's told from E. Gadd's PoV, and I've found him weirdly fun to write. Story spoilers are minor at best (things that won't really have any meaning out of context), but feel free to skip it if you rather go into the final arc completely blind.


I'm posting a snippet of the "Hey! Creatures!" epilogue tomorrow. It has minor out of context spoilers. Read it or don't. Mer Krimbus.

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