
Mediocre Musings

@tentori21 / tentori21.tumblr.com

She/Her |  ENFP  | Dump Blog | Major dork  | SLBP  |  WoW  | HotS  | Sailor Moon |  Gundam  |  Random History nuggets  |  See Tentoriwrites for original stuff var sc_project=11460210; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="20ba09cd"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");



Quite possibly the most astonishing thing my Grandfather ever said to me in the last years of his life was "Don't listen to me, I know I'm a bigot."

This was after going on a 5 or so minute rant about Black Lives Matter and the riots. He knew what he was saying was biased so I asked him why he would say he's a bigot.

"I know I don't know everything about what they got going on. But seeing them rioting like this makes me so angry."

"Are you sure they're the ones rioting?"

"What do you mean?"

"You almost fought in World War 2. Do you remember Kristallnacht?"

And you could see the wheels turning. But he didn't saying anything for a few minutes.

"Those crooked politicians in Washington would do something like that..."

"Or crooked cops who want to keep their jobs and keep being crooked."


They know their thought process is wrong and not all of them are so stubborn to not realize it or try to change it. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.


Yara Eid, a Palestinian woman speaks out and calls out journalists for misleading language.

You can't minimise a 75 year long illegal occupation and systematic ethnic cleaning of an entire race, down to the last 2 weeks.


Just to reiterate, she's not just any "Palestinian Girl," the anchor specifically introduces her as "Palestinian journalist and human rights advocate Yara Eid." The anchor knew exactly who she was talking to and why, and I'm thrilled this journalist got her well-deserved air time.


I have been saying this for quite some time. You can be critical of the Israeli government and not be anti-Semitic. The Israeli government doesn't even represent everyone living in Israel if the recent protests are any indication. It most certainly doesn't represent every Jewish person living in the world, as evidenced by those calling for a cease-fire and aid. Scholars have been calling what has been happening in Gaza and the West Bank soft genocide for decades. And Hamas has only exacerbated the situation. They do not care about the Palestinians, they are using them as fodder in a Holy War. They do not represent the Palestinians any more than the Israeli government represents Jews living outside Israel. Make no mistake about what is happening in Gaza right now. Innocent Palestinians are dying because two factions hate each other and are using the Palestinians and each other to further their own agendas. And the West has let it happen by pushing this mythology that Israel's government is sacrosanct and can do no wrong. And the myth that being critical of said government in anti-Semitic. For. DECADES.

Romeo + Juliet (1996) Trivia: Shakespeare described Tybalt swordsmanship as “showy”. To transform this into flamboyant gunplay, John Leguizamo worked with choreographer John ‘Cha Cha’ O'Connell to create a flamenco-inspired style.

This is the new gender John Leguizamo invented that one time in case anyone was curious


John Leguizamo is one of the most underrated actors. I have loved him in everything he’s done (yes even Super Mario Brothers).


XP/98 remix

ok what the fuck

It sounds like some digital boss theme


I had to draw this.


This is AMAZING. lol

Ah the nostalgia. If Windows 98 was a boss, it would glitch out and start falling apart and freezing reality around you and malfunctioning. That thing was seriously unstable. XP was the first decent operating system Microsoft made. 


reblog if your name isn't Amanda.

2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!

We’ll find you Amanda.


this has almost 11 million notes what is this


I’ve never seen this post once in 10 years on this site


I’ve never even heard of this before tho??? Wtf??????????

oh my god, I didn’t think there were any surviving versions of this post left

For those who weren’t around in the Deep Lore times, this is one of the relics of the editable post era. This post has THE SINGLE HIGHEST NOTES of ANY post on this site, bar none, but with more than a dozen variations. Every single post you’ve ever seen with more than 3 million notes has been a different version of this one.

This is the “Dean’s Gym Shorts” post. This is the Flubber post. This is the original “Reblog if you support gay people” post. it was ALL of them. before half the site got nuked, it had even more notes than it has now - at one point, well over 15 million, and that was years ago.

This, with no exaggeration, is the ONE TRUE heritage post

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