
Suzuka's Pic-to-Log

@mizunosuzuka / mizunosuzuka.tumblr.com

She/Her Commission Status: OPEN

Commission Carrd!

It occured to me today that I haven't posted my new commission info on here in... well a really really long time. So! Here is my updated carrd!

Inside you can find links to all my social media that I'm active on, my terms of service, types of commissions, and a gallery of much of my work! Take a peak, and feel free to DM me if you find you're interested in commissioning me! <3 (See recent examples of my art below!)


"A girl too lovely to be really true..."

I've never drawn Brandy's Cinderella before and thought it was time to cross that off the list. I so appreciate this adaptation for having a Filipino prince, what a dream! And Brandy's so angelic and perfect in this role.


Check out more of my work on other platforms or buy prints!



  • 1. Which dragon scared your commander the most?
  • 2. Who is your commander closest to now?
  • 3. Who was your commander closest to prior?
  • 4. How does your commander remember the fallen?
  • 5. Which death caused your commander the most grief?
  • 6. If your commander could revive one person, who would it be and why?
  • 7. How does your commander feel toward their position of power?
  • 8. Does your commander fear death?
  • 9. Does your commander believe theyโ€™re on the right path?
  • 10. When alone, how does your commander handle grief?
  • 11. What is the proudest moment your commander has experienced?
  • 12. How does your commander feel about Braham?
  • 13. How does your commander feel about Caithe?
  • 14. How does your commander feel about the dragons?
  • 15. How has your commander changed overtime?
  • 16. If given the chance, would your commander give up their fame and power? If so, why?
  • 17. How many people truly know your commander?
  • 18. How does your commander handle stress?
  • 19. How does your commander unwind?
  • 20. Can anyone calm your commander down, no matter what? If yes, who and why?

I might do this just for funsies dsajghjdfshajgdsj-


I had a HC that Aurene in Tyrian form would probably take after the Commander (+Caithe for sylvari), and I took it as an excuse to test out my new tablet--

But also, expanding on the HC with more Thoughts...


old and unfinished, but imagine the possibilities if aurene had learned to shapeshift from soowon/navan

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