
Jazz for your eyeballs.

@eyeballjazz / eyeballjazz.tumblr.com

Steinecke's art blog. Storyteller, artist, SCAD alumnus. Sometimes NSFW. Commissions open.

This is the door to Corpus Christi Church in Baltimore! It’s the same door that I put on the meeting hall in REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE! Go read it to enjoy a story about a priest and a soldier getting it on, written by a freak in Baltimore who loves architecture!


“Oh boy, Dracula Daily is today!” You say, then frown. “But gosh, I wish the story was actually about a trans monk and a big sexy vampire doing it a bunch…”

Well buddy! THE REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE is the freak shit you’re looking for! A gothic romance in a time of civil war, Verrin is our fucked in the head hero trying to save his church while also getting his guts rearranged by a mysterious ‘captain.’ Read it today or I’ll release the cement eating termites in your home!


what’s the vibe of your blog. everyone has their own. is it an art gallery exhibit serving canapés. a nightclub. a knights of the round table situation. a book discussion meeting. a lonely hearts club newspaper section. a bedroom where you and two friends are chatting. the school of athens debating matters of consequence. a garden tea party. a bacchanal. an agatha christie murder novel style tense dinner party. etc

ask game. tell me what You think my blog seems like


Here’s some sketches of Abbot Verrin, from Referendum! I haven’t drawn him much (especially for a guy I wrote 50k about) but he’s a delightful little nut. I left my travel sketchbook at home so we sketched him middle school style, and then we’ve got some initial sketches from a couple months ago. AND a shot of the real life inspiration for the Chapel itself: First & Franklin in Baltimore!


Tuesday again? I sure wish I could whoop my shit wild style tonight—

Well brother, you can!!

By reading THE REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE you can become transfixed by this medieval dark romance, where a fuck up little (trans)guy gets his shit turned OUT

How did I write it? By drinking only the finest of mineral beers and communing with the spirits about my own weird fetishes! Get your copy today by reading it on your fuckin phone, you 21st century bitch!


“Aww Christ—“ you say, forced to go to your stupid job for jerks with not a single thing to beat off to while you make money for someone else. “Whatever will I do? How can I waste time, engage with art and nut on the clock with nothing to whack it to?”

Well, buddy, have I got the goods for you:

GO READ THE REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE, an original short story by me about a fucked up little monk who fucks a vampire six ways from Sunday. Guaranteed sloppy AND well written, and FREE to read ESPECIALLY while you beat off at work!


“Aww Christ—“ you say, forced to go to your stupid job for jerks with not a single thing to beat off to while you make money for someone else. “Whatever will I do? How can I waste time, engage with art and nut on the clock with nothing to whack it to?”

Well, buddy, have I got the goods for you:

GO READ THE REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE, an original short story by me about a fucked up little monk who fucks a vampire six ways from Sunday. Guaranteed sloppy AND well written, and FREE to read ESPECIALLY while you beat off at work!


THE REFERENDUM OF THE CHAPEL AT GONE IS COMPLETE! Go read it now to find out what becomes of the world's most fucked up little Abbot and the big mysterious soldier he's been riding on!


You: Boy, now that I’ve had dinner I sure wish I had something to beat off to!



✍️ more fic writer asks!

reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
  1. the last sentence you wrote
  2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
  3. how you feel about your current WIP
  4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
  5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
  6. the word that appears the most in your current draft (wordcounter.net can tell you)
  7. your preferred writing fonts
  8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
  9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
  10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
  11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday
  12. a trope you’re really into right now
  13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
  14. where do you get your inspiration?
  15. favorite weather for writing
  16. favorite place to write
  17. talk about your writing and editing process
  18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
  19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
  20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
  21. when did you publish your most recent fic?
  22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
  23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
  24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
  25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
  26. are you able to write with other people around?
  27. your favorite part of the writing process
  28. your least favorite part of the writing process
  29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
  30. share a fic you’re especially proud of

Fanfic Ask Game

  • Put a color in my ask box, and I'll answer the corresponding question. Please ask me only one at a time. 😄
  • If you'd like me to ask you a question in return from this list, add a ✏️.

💚 Green: Do you ever feel inspired by and/or jealous of other people's writing?

♥️ Red: Do you ever feel anxious or scared while writing? If so, why?

💙 Blue: What inspires you to finish writing a fanfic, and what makes you quit writing one at any stage in the process?

💜 Purple: Name one song you're listening to while writing your next/current fanfic. How or why does it help the writing process?

🧡 Orange: When in the day do you typically write?

🩷 Pink: Do you find a certain character (or characters) easy to write? More difficult -- and if so, do you avoid writing that character (or those characters) when possible?

🖤 Black: Do you think about your story when you're not physically writing it? Does it help with plotting scenes, character arcs, etc.?

💛 Yellow: Do you ever alter, highlight, or de-emphasize certain canonical traits in a character? If so, why and describe how.

🤍 White: What's a fanfic scenario or idea you'd like someone else to write so that you can read it?

🤎 Brown: How did you decide to write (or why are you writing) a certain fanfic? (Asker, feel free to choose a specific story you're curious about. You can also let the answerer choose the story.)

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