
Sugar Free Hot Cocoa Recipe

I love Caribou hot chocolate, but I’ve been trying to cut down on my sugar intake lately, so I wanted to find a sugar-free substitute.  (Also to save $$.)   After some experimentation, I’ve come up with what I think is a pretty darn amazing substitute.

This recipe will make one serving.


  • 1 cup whole milk (you can’t use 2% or less as the chocolate won’t stay dissolved without the milk fat to bond to)
  • 1/2 heaping tsp stevia powder (I’m using Sweet Leaf stevia, which is an 8:1 ratio--whatever you use it needs to be the equivalent of 4 tsp of sugar)
  • 0.3 oz unsweetened chocolate (if you want dark chocolate flavored cocoa instead of milk chocolate, you can go to 0.5 oz)
  • Optional: 1/8 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Chop the chocolate up very fine with a knife, until it’s close to powder.
  2. Pour the milk and stevia into a pot and whisk together.
  3. Get the milk started over medium heat.
  4. When the milk is warm to the touch, pour in the chopped chocolate.
  5. Whisk constantly until the cocoa is the temperature you want.  DO NOT allow to boil or it will be ruined.
  6. If desired, add the vanilla when taking off the heat.

Drink right away.  Some of the chocolate will want to condense out, but just stir it a little as you go.

Enjoy but please don’t re-post as your own.  Thanks!


My first successful draw with Procreate (after many failures, I set a realistic goal), and also a very silly joke from Twitter…. 


crowley: i am playing this angel crush SO COOL. if you can even call it a crush. pffffffft.

literally crowley’s interior decorating:

I don’t know what’s worse – Crowley knowing this is porn and putting it on prominent display anyway or Crowley not knowing why he likes a statue of an angel and a demon naked wrestling so much, just knowing he wants to see it all the time.

These are both hilarious, for different reasons.


Crowley collects specific objects that have meaning. SOMEONE ELSE obsessively collects images of angels.

My brain just spit out so many “Aziraphale bought the ‘wrestling’ statue” headcanons I can’t even decide where to start.

Wow yes!

And did Aziraphale just buy it because it was an angel and a demon oblivious to anything else? Did he get the evil is winning meaning and thought that was amusing because haha that’d never happen? Did it remind him of the ancient Olympics? Did he try out wrestling then? Or did he immediately grasp the whole an angel and a demon naked wrestling oh! makes me think of Crowley and me naked wrestling that’s a bit intimate… And give it to Crowley as a deliberate hint?

And how long did Crowley spend staring at the statue blushing furiously running all of those options through his mind trying to figure it out?

Ok let’s do the list.

  1. Aziraphale buys this nice statue of an angel and demon, possibly during the Big Fight (these sorts of antiquities were very popular in the Victorian Era). Some time in the 1960s Crowley finally spots it and loudly informs Aziraphale that he DOES NOT THINK THEY’RE FIGHTING. Aziraphale is embarrassed, Crowley promises to get rid of it so that no one else will ever see it and to be fair no one does until the night of the failed apocalypse when Aziraphale goes to his place.
  2. Aziraphale buys it for himself, then one day notices that, wait NOPE. He casually asks Crowley if he wants the statue because “I just don’t really fancy it anymore.” And Mr. Clever-Demon-Doesn’t-Know-Why-You-Need-Two-Unicorns gladly accepted it, and still hasn’t worked out why Aziraphale suddenly got uncomfortable.
  3. Aziraphale bought it as a gift for Crowley with no idea how it might be misconstrued. Crowley has been trying to work out if the Angel was propositioning him or what ever since.
  4. Aziraphale bought it as a gift for Crowley knowing exactly what it looked like but thinking that might be what Crowley is into? Sexy double entendres are demonic, right? Crowley thinks it was an honest mistake and refuses to bring it up because he doesn’t want to embarrass Aziraphale.
  5. Aziraphale bought it as part of an escalating series of suggestive gifts between them that have long since left subtlety in the dust, but each isn’t 100% sure the other gets it because like…he didn’t say anything?
  6. Crowley bought it as a gift for Aziraphale but is still waiting for the right occasion. Every once in a while he thinks “maybe this is a bad idea?” But overall he thinks it’s gonna be great.
  7. One of them accidentally manifested it in a moment of distracted thinking and now it just sits there, the elephant in the room. Even five years after the Apocalypse, they still refuse to mention it.
  8. Adam created it. I don’t know how this makes sense, but he ships it pretty hard and he is a reality warper.

Right that’s what I’ve got for now.

They are all hilarious. If (5) I want to see the other gifts!!! I think (7) is my favourite. Especially if Aziraphale accidentally manifested it in Crowley’s flat. Awkward!!! And Crowley still wouldn’t know what it meant – is he afraid evil might win? Afraid I could beat him? Missing his wrestling days? Does he want to get naked with me? Oh what could it mean?


Another headcanon: Crowley bought this for himself. While everything else he keeps is for sentimental reasons or for the Aesthetic™, he got this at the end of the nineteenth century after their holy water fight and before his 80 years sulk nap.

He got it because he could picture Aziraphale, who kept insisting they weren’t even friends and had nothing in common, and moreover that Good would always “triumph” over Evil, walking into Crowley’s house one day and seeing the statue and getting miffed at the angel being overpowered.

It did not even cross Crowley’s mind that it could be seen as anything less than appropriate, hey, he was there in Greece and Rome and people wrestled naked all the time, what’s the big deal?

Except, of course, Aziraphale never comes to his house for the next century and a half. The statues stays there and Crowley likes looking at it when he gets frustrated with Aziraphale over whatever, repeats Aziraphale’s holier-than-thou spiels to the marble angel in a mocking voice.

Until the day of the Apocalypse, when he offers Aziraphale to stay at his place, if he’d like and does not think about the statue at all.

And Aziraphale walks into his apartment, notices the gloomy decor and the empty walls, coos at the beautiful plants, looks over, and 


…and that’s when Crowley suddenly realises he bought a statue with a naked angel and a naked demon “““wrestling”””.

(He is so flustered, trying to downplay it and saying there’s nothing untoward going on, that he doesn’t realise that he looked at that statue for years and years and years without ever thinking anything obscene, and it took Aziraphale one single look to come to the right wrong conclusion.)


One of the weird things about having gone to an ultra-conservative Catholic school is that sometimes I remember weird local memes that very few people outside that environment would get, like the time a guy at our lunch table started shaking some vegetables over us and chanting, “Asparagus me hyssopo” and we all laughed about it for months.


Won’t that only solve 75% of your problems?

The book solves half of your problems, not all of them

Say you have 8 problems. You read the book, and you have 4 problems. You read the book again gets rid of HALF, of those 4 problems. So you’re left with two. Out of the 8 problems, 6 were resolved and 6/8 is 75%.

Finally Tumblr can do math

So, what you’re saying, is that if I buy infinite books, I will solve all of my problems, because the sum as n approaches infinity starting at 1 of (½)^n equals 1, which would be 100% of my problems.

No, you will only ever be able to become infinitely close to solving all of your problems, like this:

Please stop explaining math to me im gay

that’s why radioactive material is such a bitch! it only ever deteriorates relative to its mass so it will never completely vanish

This post is pushing me to the limit

the pun “this post is pushing me to the limit” truly went underrated af

Of course *technically* that’s not true about the radioactive material because atoms aren’t actually infinitely divisible.  Half an atom of plutonium is no longer any atoms of plutonium because once you break it down, it stops being plutonium altogether.


in grade 12 we were reading romeo and juliet and we were at the romantic-ass balcony scene and this hot girl in the class volunteered to read juliet’s parts and i put up my hand to volunteer for another part and the teacher goes ‘oh do you want to be the nurse, amanda?’ and i was like ‘no i wanna be romeo’ and the hot girl swiveled around in her seat to give me a Look™

she and i later ended up making out at a bunch of parties in university lmfao

in retrospect this moment was absolutely pivotal to my butch awakening but it was also just a lesbian power move

I too got a girlfriend over this play. In grade 10, I was reading the balcony scene to study with two other people (one guy and one beautiful girl) and I insisted point blank I had to read as romeo, because he had the most lines and I’m a dramatic little shit.

So the other two in my group are used to my antics by now. We’re all friends, so the pair of them decide that the one guy in our group gets to be the nurse. Now, my Juliet and I have been friends for a couple months by this point, so I decide to be a little more dramatic.

We put Juliet on a spinny chair, and pump it up as tall as it goes, and my baby, closeted lesbian ass crouches on the floor, ready to be as melodramatic as possible. Like, I’m about to do a rendition that makes William himself walk into the class and tell me to take it back a notch or twelve.

And then I look up.

And holy shit.

There she is, Juliet, haloed in the worst fluorescent light known to mortals across the globe. Light just streaming down around her, that weird off-green colour that it always is. And she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. My little gay soul is barely holding on as the words barely leave my lips, breathlessly. “But soft… what light from yonder window breaks?”

And Juliet was the sun. Romeo was not exaggerating that line at all.

Juliet and I have also been together for more than 4 years now. She’s every bit as spectacular as she was when I was a lovestruck teenage Romeo, kneeling on the yellowed linoleum floor of second block english.


the Battle of Thaylen City is so wild? The Assassin in White drops out of the sky and is like, “I’m here to help.” “Go get that ruby,” says Dalinar, who is busy having a mental breakdown. Szeth dashes off on this assigned miniquest and is joined without question by a 12-year-old he’s never met, who casually zooms around like she’s wearing socks on polished hardwood. Jasnah is turning people to fire while chatting with her mother, Odium can possess humans now? or something? and Adolin is halfway through befriending his sword back to life, while Shallan creates an army out of her multiple personality disorder. What a day.

Renarin is fighting a Thunderclast while getting repeeatedly crushed and popping back up like nothing happened and Kaladin is facing a super-powered version of the very man that ruined his whole life, simultaneously keeping the Fused off of Dalinar and having his own mental breakdown about the fourth ideal.


two heralds like, are there. rysn temporarily saves the aforementioned ruby while her pet energy sucker helps kill some singers. the alethi army gets to finally beat up sadaes soldiers. teft is a radiant now. adolin literally looks at jasnah while she’s busy turning things to sand and killing people and goes, ‘oh, nvm, she’s good.’ dalinar ascends. he combines the fucking realms. like 24 hours later they crown the first female ruler of alethkar. rip the poor lady who has to write THAT chapter of a history book

correction, Szeth was joined without question by a random 12-year-old he met ONCE on the street in a completely different country. Imagine a kid you had a conversation with on the bus during a spring break trip to like LA or wherever just kinda shows up and says “alright what’s the move boss”


It was a wild ride and I loved every minute of it


cleaned up an old bnha comic in my drafts… tsuchako at the beach!

I love Kirishima being like “What manly passion” because I feel like that’s both 100% on brand for him and completely missing the point.

Also Bakugo’s annoyance.

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