
Bone Apple Tea

@appleandsinnamon / appleandsinnamon.tumblr.com


First of all, boycott eurovision. However, I AM loving all the various stories of pro-palestinian rebellion that are coming out surrounding eurovision.

Apparently security surrounding the event is through the roof, and the Eurovision team literally frisk searched all the contestants to make sure they didn't smuggle any palestinian scarves or flags in, but despite this:

It's great, I love it. They can try all they like to block every mention of Palestine, but they haven't been succeeding and they'll continue to fail.

Fuck Israel, fuck Eurovision, and Free Palestine. 🇵🇸


Don't forget the Belgian broadcaster union


there's something about characters with doppelgangers and mirror selves and masks and personas that's like catnip to me. something about how it tells you so much about them while telling you nothing at all.

would he fucking say that? i don't know! but neither does he :)


Listen if the study of ancient humans doesn’t make you at least a little bit emotional idk what to say.

I started crying today at the museum because they had reconstructed the shoes of Otzi the iceman.

Either he or someone he knew who cared about him made these shoes out of grass and bear skin and twine and he was wearing them when he died over five thousand years ago.

And a Czech researcher and his students did reconstructions of these shoes and wore them to the same place where he died to test them out and they were like yep! These shoes are really cozy and comfy and didn’t give us blisters while hiking!

Is that not just the coolest shit ever????

(Quietly, with love) We will remember your bread, we will remember your dog, we will remember your shoes

(Quietly, with anger) We will remember your copper


As important as explicit gay rep is, nothing will ever be funnier to me than an entire fandom collectively deciding a relationship between two characters is gay without even a shred of subtext

This post is about Tom Nook and Redd’s divorce


Reading comments saying how in Deep Space Nine whenever the crew faces a moral dilemma, they often just turn to Garak, and it made me want to make this


the genius of megamind (beyond the obvious genius ofc) is that it's superman parody actually presents a genuinely unsettling depiction of the "hero" that I like wayyy better than "what if superman was evil" or "what if superman was wrong"... it's "what if superman didn't care"

I wouldn’t say he “didn’t care” more like he was burnt out

He played the role since he was a child and now is in his what 30s? 40s?

He knew there was never any real danger with Megamind in charge so decided to pursue something that’s a passion and doesn’t come naturally easy to him

but it was still a dick move

One of the things that always jumped out to me about this reveal is that it implies that Metro Man was also the very first person to recognize that MegaMind wasn’t really evil. He knew his nemesis wouldn’t actually hurt anyone if he won, he knew that this universally reviled pariah never really had any more choice than he did.

The rest of Metro City treats MegaMind like a real, sincere, serious threat once he’s unopposed, and it takes them a while to learn otherwise. But Metro Man? He’s not surprised to see him and Roxanne working together, he doesn’t act like there’s any kind of threat beyond his cover being blown. He wastes no time in coming clean once the cat’s out of the bag. He’s been working with this guy all his life. Besides his own mental health, I get the impression that he also recognized that this would be good for MegaMind too.

I just really love how in a superhero pastiche that asks “Is the villain really so bad, and the hero really so good?” the answer is “no, but that’s okay”. It’s okay that Metro Man isn’t a paragon. It’s okay that he has to take care of himself. It’s okay for him to step down and live his own life. It wouldn’t be okay for him to leave people in danger, but it’s pretty clear he knew he wasn’t doing that.

And it carries to the end. MegaMind becomes the city’s new protector, but it’s clear that he’s still got some issues to work through, and he’s getting help working through them. He’s got a support network, he’s willing to put in the effort, but he’s not the shining paragon Metro Man was believed to be. And he doesn’t NEED to be that paragon. He’s still good. He’s still protecting people. And he’s not alone in it.

God, there’s just so many shitty “Superheroes would have character flaws too, and that’s why they’d actually suck” deconstructions floating around, it’s nice to see a story that acknowledges that no one can live up to that kind of role, but that’s okay!

megamind once again proving to be the best modern superhero movie


New Christian heresy idea: Jesus was supposed to be the Messiah, but he fucked up and got executed. Everything since then has been cope.

Anonymous asked:

what nickname do you use most often for your pet?

a diminutive/cuter version of their name (Bear->Bear-Bear/Bearie)

their name but shortened (Newton->Newt)

a silly variation on their name (Aggie->Agapanthus/Aggiesaurus)

their name with a title/honorific (Madam Kosa the Stickchomper)

something unrelated to their actual name

something else

i call my pet their name

don’t have a pet/see results

all of the parenthetical examples are real nicknames that have been used for dogs that i know, for the record


You Might Not Be Normal About Trans Men If...

  • You think we all pass 100% of the time with no issues or effort
  • You don't think feminine trans men are "real" trans men
  • You assume we're all transitioning to escape misogyny
  • You think we aren't oppressed by society
  • You think our problems are inherently transmisogynistic
  • You think it's okay to reduce us to our genitals for any reason
  • You think masculine trans men being themselves are inherently toxic
  • You think us demanding to be seen and heard and have space within our own community is us being "MRAs" and "transmisogynists"
  • You think transandrophobia (the idea that trans men experience oppression based on their specific intersection of transness and gender) doesn't exist or inherently is transmisogynistic
  • You're only okay with trans men if they don't go on T and/or get surgery
  • You actively try to discourage trans men from going on T and/or getting surgery
  • You think the previous two points don't include bottom surgery
  • You think all trans men are bottoms
  • You think gay trans men are fetishizing gay cis men
  • You think all transmasc artists are inherently cringe/bad at what they do
  • You think transmascs only exist to uplift transfems
  • You think anyone presenting as masculine is inherently dangerous
  • You think that only men/masculine presenting people can be dangerous
  • You think that women/feminine presenting people are always safe
  • You don't think trans men are in danger when forced to use the women's restroom
  • You think that any oppression/discrimination transmascs face is "run of the mill transphobia" or "run of the mill misogyny"
  • You think anything I've said on this post means that transmisogyny isn't real or matters less
  • You're about to leave a comment on this post accusing me of being a transmisogynist or wanting attention or wanting to be oppressed
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