

@nodoyodobenkyou / nodoyodobenkyou.tumblr.com

My name is Noelle, but you can call me Nodo. I've been teaching myself Japanese for a while, but I need people to practice with! That's where you all come in :) if you want to contact me you can reach me: email: youfoundmee6@gmail.com if you want to support me and help this blog to update more regularly : paypal.me/nodoyodoyo

My favorite phrase in Japanese.

いちごいちえ : one moment, one meeting, or this time only, once in a lifetime

It’s the idea that every encounter is different and every minute is different so you should cherish every one.


日本語 - Food and Cooking Vocab


  • 料理人・りょうりにん –> chef
  • 八百屋・やおや –> greengrocer
  • 野菜・やさい –> vegetable
  • 豆・まめ –> bean
  • じゃがいも –> potato
  • 醤油・しょうゆ –> soy sauce
  • 味噌汁・みそしる –> miso soup
  • にんじん –> carrot
  • 豆腐・とうふ –> tofu
  • 大豆・だいず –> soy bean
  • 豆乳・とうにゅう –> soy milk
  • 玉ねぎ・たまねぎ –> onion
  • 材料・ざいりょう –> ingredients
  • にんにく –> garlic
  • 鍋・なべ –> pot
  • 蓋・ふた –> lid
  • 薬缶・やかん –> kettle
  • きのこ –> mushroom
  • 流し・ながし –> sink
  • きゅうり –> cucumber


  • 新鮮・しんせん –> fresh
  • 細かい・こまかい –> fine (e.g. chopped finely)
  • 生・なま –> raw; uncooked 


  • 混ぜる・まぜる –> to mix; to blend; to stir
  • 刻む・きざむ –> to chop; to mince
  • 温める・あたためる –> to heat up 
  • 沸かす・わかす –> to boil (water)
  • 茹でる・ゆでる –> to boil (something in water) 
  • 腐る・くさる –> to rot; to go bad; to spoil
  • 片付く・かたづく –> to tidy up; to put in order
  • 注ぐ・そそぐ –> to pour
  • 焼く・やく –> to bake; to fry; to roast; etc. 

I made a quiz for these words, because I was having trouble memorizing a few. I added everything before the ‘verbs’ portion. Feel free to test yourselves here 


寺・神社/Buddhist Temple & Shinto Shrine

  • 寺・てら・Buddhist temple
  • 神社・じんじゃ・Shinto shrine
  • 四国・しこく・ Shikoku
  • 尋ねる・たずねる ・ v1, vt, to visit
  • 旅・たび・travel; trip
  • 遍路・へんろ・ pilgrimage
  • お坊さん・おぼうさん・Buddhist priest
  • 修行・しゅぎょう・Buddhist ascetic practices
  • 修行する・しゅぎょうする・suru-verb, to train
  • 世紀・せいき・century
  • 距離・きょり・distance
  • 約・やく・adv, approximately; about
  • 自然・しぜん・nature
  • 景色・けしき・n, adj-no, scenery; landscape
  • 小屋・こや・ hut
  • 旅人・たびびと・ traveller

this animation is so gorgeous!


Learn Japanese Vocabulary! How to say bad smell and good smell in Japanese?   良い香り、良い匂い👃✨(ii kaori, ii nioi) 臭い🥾😭(Kusai)  🎥https://youtu.be/yj-YhA_MGkg  ——————————————————  Do you need help to learn Japanese? Come to our online Japanese school Kakehashi Japan.com 🌸 Learn Japanese from Professional Japanese Teachers Online using Skype. Custom lessons available! JLPT Prep, Japanese Conversation, Business Japanese, Reading/Writing, and much more! \(◕ω◕)/☆ kakehashijapan.com  If you want to study Japanese phrases, get our Japanese phrase book here : https://www.punipunijapan.com/phrasebook/  #learnjapaneselanguage #studyingjapanese #Japanesevocabulary #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japanesebeginner #Japaneseword #Japanese #Japan #Japanesephrase #learningjapanese #japanesewords #Japaneselearner #japanese #Japan #japaneselanguage #japaneselessons #japaneselesson #learnjapanese #japaneseteacher #Japaneseculture #japaneseclass #japanesegrammar #japaneaephrase #japanesephrases #JLPT #japaneselanguage #learningjapanese #japanesegrammar #japaneseclass #learningjapaneaelanguage #japan #japanesefood #日本語勉強 #日本語 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8BxL5xnyw_/?igshid=thi2fkmiwvmd


日本語 - Food and Cooking Vocab


  • 料理人・りょうりにん –> chef
  • 八百屋・やおや –> greengrocer
  • 野菜・やさい –> vegetable
  • 豆・まめ –> bean
  • じゃがいも –> potato
  • 醤油・しょうゆ –> soy sauce
  • 味噌汁・みそしる –> miso soup
  • にんじん –> carrot
  • 豆腐・とうふ –> tofu
  • 大豆・だいず –> soy bean
  • 豆乳・とうにゅう –> soy milk
  • 玉ねぎ・たまねぎ –> onion
  • 材料・ざいりょう –> ingredients
  • にんにく –> garlic
  • 鍋・なべ –> pot
  • 蓋・ふた –> lid
  • 薬缶・やかん –> kettle
  • きのこ –> mushroom
  • 流し・ながし –> sink
  • きゅうり –> cucumber


  • 新鮮・しんせん –> fresh
  • 細かい・こまかい –> fine (e.g. chopped finely)
  • 生・なま –> raw; uncooked 


  • 混ぜる・まぜる –> to mix; to blend; to stir
  • 刻む・きざむ –> to chop; to mince
  • 温める・あたためる –> to heat up 
  • 沸かす・わかす –> to boil (water)
  • 茹でる・ゆでる –> to boil (something in water) 
  • 腐る・くさる –> to rot; to go bad; to spoil
  • 片付く・かたづく –> to tidy up; to put in order
  • 注ぐ・そそぐ –> to pour
  • 焼く・やく –> to bake; to fry; to roast; etc. 
{Fields of study vocabulary list}

Pharmacy やくがく 薬学

Medicine いがく 医学

Physics ぶつりがく 物理学

Chemistry かがく 化学

Biology せいぶつがく 生物学

Maths すうがく 数学

Law ほうがく 法学

Geography ちりがく 地理学

Philosophy てつがく 哲学

Psychology しんりがく 心理学

Sociology さゃかいがく 社会学

Literature ぶんがく 文学

Astronomy てんもんがく 天文学

Engineering こうがく 工学

Architecture けんちくがく 建築学

Economics けいざいがく 経済学


Japanese Grammar: “Too~to~” – て-form + できない (。-∀-)  ★怖くて振り向けない。  (Kowakute furimukenai)  I’m too scared to look back.  ★怖くて (kowakute) is the te-form of the adjective 怖い (kowai) which means “scary” or “scared”  ★振り向けない (furimukenai) is the negative potential form of the verb 振り向く (furimuku) which means “to look back“  ……………………………………………………………………  Additional Examples:  疲れて歩けない。(tsukarete arukenai) = too tired to walk  暑くて眠れない。(atsukute nemurenai) = too hot to sleep  See more examples and learn more at my blog : https://www.punipunijapan.com/japanese-grammar-te-form-plus-dekinai/  YouTube ‼️🎥 https://youtu.be/xjKkDICrzY4  ——————————————————  Do you need help to learn Japanese? Come to our online Japanese school Kakehashi Japan.com 🌸 Learn Japanese from Professional Japanese Teachers Online using Skype. Custom lessons available! JLPT Prep, Japanese Conversation, Business Japanese, Reading/Writing, and much more! \(◕ω◕)/☆ kakehashijapan.com  If you want to talk with PuniPuniJapan, join our Japanese conversation club from here : https://www.patreon.com/punipunijapan  #learnjapaneselanguage #studyingjapanese #Japanesevocabulary #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japanesebeginner #Japaneseword #Japanese #Japan #Japanesephrase #learningjapanese #japanesewords #Japaneselearner #japanese #Japan #japaneselanguage #japaneselessons #japaneselesson #learnjapanese #japaneseteacher #Japaneseculture #japaneseclass #japanesegrammar #japaneaephrase #japanesephrases #Japaneseculture #culturejapan #japaneselanguage #learningjapanese #japaneselearning #japanesegrammar #japaneseclass #japanesegrammer https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ku51YH4Zb/?igshid=1j3xn44oik2ar




I read “Urashima Taro” this week. There is a vocab list from the story below. Here is a link to the online story. I read the story in a book and the online version is longer than the one I read. If you want to read the book I read, you can buy it here. 

Anyway, onto the list! 

  1. 海辺(うみべ)→ Seaside
  2. 漁師(りょうし)→ Fisherman
  3. 養う(やしなう)→ Nourish/Feed/Support someone’s life
  4. 途中(とちゅう)→ On the way
  5. (はま)→ Beach
  6. 集まる(あつまる)→ To Gather/Get together
  7. 騒ぐ(さわぐ)→ To make a noise/ Be rowdy
  8. のぞいてみる →  Take a look/Look into 
  9. (かめ)→ Turtle
  10. 捕まえる(つかまえる)→To catch/To arrest
  11. (ぼう)→ Stick/Rod
  12. つっついて → To poke
  13. 喜ぶ(よろこぶ)→ Rejoice
  14. 甲羅(こうら)→ Shell
  15. (そこ)→ Bottom
  16. 振り返る(ふりかえる)→ To turn around
  17. お礼(れい)→ To give thanks
  18. 案内(あんない)→ To guide 
  19. あたり → Vicinity/Nearby
  20. 潜って(もぐって)→ To dive
  21. (きゅう)→ Suddenly
  22. 珊瑚礁(さんごしょう)→ Coral reef
  23. 立派(りっぱ)→ Splendid 
  24. 決して(けっして)→ Never
  25. 当然(とうぜん)→ Natural/Justified/Understandably
  26. 着く(つく)→ To arrive 
  27. 向かう(むかう)→ To head towards 

Okay, there were a lot of words in this list! But that’s alright. If we pace ourselves and work hard we can master all of these words too! 


What do you want to study?

I’m away from my personal computer right now and, as such, I do not have access to my Japanese keyboard- So this whole post will be in English. 

But I wanted to ask you guys; What sort of things did you want to study? I see us all as study buddies, and I have neglected to ask what grammar rules, or types of vocab lists you all would like to work on together, I am sorry that I didn’t ask sooner! 

So, what do you want to see some posts on? Maybe another look at the Te-form, and how to make it? I’m learning about -Kute right now in my personal studies, so there will be a post on that soon-ish. 

Anything you all want to learn about I’m willing to start researching so that you can have some people to study with on the subject you’re focusing on, or struggling with. 

Leave a comment, or shoot me a message with your ideas! I’m sure we can learn some new things together!


What do you want to study?

I’m away from my personal computer right now and, as such, I do not have access to my Japanese keyboard- So this whole post will be in English. 

But I wanted to ask you guys; What sort of things did you want to study? I see us all as study buddies, and I have neglected to ask what grammar rules, or types of vocab lists you all would like to work on together, I am sorry that I didn’t ask sooner! 

So, what do you want to see some posts on? Maybe another look at the Te-form, and how to make it? I’m learning about -Kute right now in my personal studies, so there will be a post on that soon-ish. 

Anything you all want to learn about I’m willing to start researching so that you can have some people to study with on the subject you’re focusing on, or struggling with. 

Leave a comment, or shoot me a message with your ideas! I’m sure we can learn some new things together!


Vocab List


The article was about virus prevention, so most of this vocab has to do with sickness 

ウイルス - Virus 

 (はい)- Lung

原因 (げんいん)- Cause

せき -cough

くしゃみ -Sneeze

流し (ながし)ー Sink

ながら -While

秒  (びょう)-Second (time)

せっけん   ーSoap

ばい菌 (ばいきん)  -Germs

消毒   (しょうどく)ー Disinfection

くっつく    - Stick(to)

捨てて(すてて)ー Throw away

塞ぎます (ふさぎます)   -Obstruct/Cover 

具合 (ぐあい)   - Condition

このほか   - In addition/ Other than that 

複雑  (ふくざつ) -  Complicated 

Alright! Now try to make some sentences using the words, or jot them down in your journal over and over. Just be sure to practice! 

Edit: Someone pointed out that I accidentally posted the wrong kanji for ‘complicated’. I fixed it here, my apologies for the mistake!


Do you have the link to the article?



病気・びょうき・illness 風・かぜ・common cold 体が弱い・からだがよわい・poor health; weak constitution 頭が痛い・あたまがいたい・headache 眠りにくい・ねむりにくい・眠る+にくい・hard to sleep

For @idaslangblr, who asked for it, and anyone else who also wanted to read the article, here’s a link! 




I read “Urashima Taro” this week. There is a vocab list from the story below. Here is a link to the online story. I read the story in a book and the online version is longer than the one I read. If you want to read the book I read, you can buy it here. 

Anyway, onto the list! 

  1. 海辺(うみべ)→ Seaside
  2. 漁師(りょうし)→ Fisherman
  3. 養う(やしなう)→ Nourish/Feed/Support someone’s life
  4. 途中(とちゅう)→ On the way
  5. (はま)→ Beach
  6. 集まる(あつまる)→ To Gather/Get together
  7. 騒ぐ(さわぐ)→ To make a noise/ Be rowdy
  8. のぞいてみる →  Take a look/Look into 
  9. (かめ)→ Turtle
  10. 捕まえる(つかまえる)→To catch/To arrest
  11. (ぼう)→ Stick/Rod
  12. つっついて → To poke
  13. 喜ぶ(よろこぶ)→ Rejoice
  14. 甲羅(こうら)→ Shell
  15. (そこ)→ Bottom
  16. 振り返る(ふりかえる)→ To turn around
  17. お礼(れい)→ To give thanks
  18. 案内(あんない)→ To guide 
  19. あたり → Vicinity/Nearby
  20. 潜って(もぐって)→ To dive
  21. (きゅう)→ Suddenly
  22. 珊瑚礁(さんごしょう)→ Coral reef
  23. 立派(りっぱ)→ Splendid 
  24. 決して(けっして)→ Never
  25. 当然(とうぜん)→ Natural/Justified/Understandably
  26. 着く(つく)→ To arrive 
  27. 向かう(むかう)→ To head towards 

Okay, there were a lot of words in this list! But that’s alright. If we pace ourselves and work hard we can master all of these words too! 




I read “Urashima Taro” this week. There is a vocab list from the story below. Here is a link to the online story. I read the story in a book and the online version is longer than the one I read. If you want to read the book I read, you can buy it here. 

Anyway, onto the list! 

  1. 海辺(うみべ)→ Seaside
  2. 漁師(りょうし)→ Fisherman
  3. 養う(やしなう)→ Nourish/Feed/Support someone's life
  4. 途中(とちゅう)→ On the way
  5. (はま)→ Beach
  6. 集まる(あつまる)→ To Gather/Get together
  7. 騒ぐ(さわぐ)→ To make a noise/ Be rowdy
  8. のぞいてみる →  Take a look/Look into 
  9. (かめ)→ Turtle
  10. 捕まえる(つかまえる)→To catch/To arrest
  11. (ぼう)→ Stick/Rod
  12. つっついて → To poke
  13. 喜ぶ(よろこぶ)→ Rejoice
  14. 甲羅(こうら)→ Shell
  15. (そこ)→ Bottom
  16. 振り返る(ふりかえる)→ To turn around
  17. お礼(れい)→ To give thanks
  18. 案内(あんない)→ To guide 
  19. あたり → Vicinity/Nearby
  20. 潜って(もぐって)→ To dive
  21. (きゅう)→ Suddenly
  22. 珊瑚礁(さんごしょう)→ Coral reef
  23. 立派(りっぱ)→ Splendid 
  24. 決して(けっして)→ Never
  25. 当然(とうぜん)→ Natural/Justified/Understandably
  26. 着く(つく)→ To arrive 
  27. 向かう(むかう)→ To head towards 

Okay, there were a lot of words in this list! But that’s alright. If we pace ourselves and work hard we can master all of these words too! 


Welcome vocabulary list

いらっしゃいませ (irasshaimase) - Welcome used in shops 

歓迎: かんげい (kangei) - Welcome/ reception 

 迎え: むかえ (mukae) - meeting/ greeting/welcome 

有難い: ありがたい (arigatai) - grateful/ thankful/welcome/appreciated/ evoking gratitude 

接待: せったい (settai) - reception/ welcome/ serving (food) /wining and dining/ business entertainment/ corporate entertainment/ entertaining politicians 

優待: ゆうたい (yuutai) - preferential treatment/hospitality/warm reception/ welcome 

耳より: みみより (mimiyori) - welcome (news)/ inviting/encouragingtempting/ hopeful

奉迎: ほうげい (hougei) - welcome

接遇: せつぐう (setsuguu) - reception, welcome

迎い: むかい (mukai) - meeting, greeting, welcome

どういたしまして (douitashimashite) - you are welcome, don’t mention it, not at all, my pleasure

お帰りなさい: おかえりなさい (okaerinasai) - Welcome home 

もてなす (motenasu) - to entertain/ to make welcome 

優遇: ゆうぐう (yuuguu) - favorable treatment/favourable treatment/ hospitality/warm reception/good treatment/ hearty welcome 

ようこそ (youkoso) - welcome!/nice to meet you! 

厚遇: こうぐう (kouguu) - cordial welcome/ hearty welcome/kind treatment/ hospitality 

歓待: かんたい (kantai) - warm welcome/friendly reception/ hospitality/ entertainment 

歓送迎会: かんそうげいかい (kansougeikai) - party to welcome (e.g. new employees) and send off (e.g. retiring employees)

新歓コンパ: しんかんコンパ (shinkankonpa) - welcome party for new students, club members, etc.

下にも置かない: したにもおかない (shitanimookanai) - giving a royal welcome/extending every courtesy


Japanese Counters

Counting in Japanese may seem difficult when you first try to tackle it. That’s because of all of the different counters used. Instead of thinking of them as a new speaking rule, try to think of them in the same way as they are used in English. For example; 12 PIECES of paper 6 SLICES of pizza 4 BOWLS of soup and so on Here are the counters you’ll need to know

 人(にん/ nin) > People 

  一人 (ほとり/ hitori) > one person 

 二人 (ふたり/ futari) > two people 

 三人 (さんにん/ sannin) > three people 

 四人 (よんにん/ yonnin) > four people 

 五人 (ごにん/ gonin) > five people 

冊 (さつ/ satsu) > Bound Objects  

一冊 (いっさつ/ issatsu) > one bound object 

二冊(にさつ/ nisatsu) > two bound objects 

三冊(さんさつ/ sansatsu) > three bound obj. 

四冊(よんさつ/ yonsatsu) > four bound obj. 

五冊(ごさつ/gosatsu) > five bound obj. 

台 (だい/ dai) > Mechanical Items 

一台(いちだい/ ichidai) >one mechanical obj. 

二台(にだい/nidai)> two mechanical obj. 

三台(さんだい/sandai)> three mechanical obj 

四台(よんだい/yondai)> four mechanical obj. 

五台(ごだい/godai)> five mechanical obj. 

杯 (はい/ hai) > Liquid in glasses, cups, or bowls 

一杯(いっぱい/ippai)> one cup/glass/bowl of 

二杯(にはい/nihai) > two cups/glasses/bowls 

三杯(さんはい/sanhai)> 3 cups/glasses/bowls 

枚 (まい/ mai) > Thin Flat Objects -

一枚(いちまい/ichimai)> one piece of paper 

二枚(にまい/nimai)> two pieces paper 

三枚(さんまい/sanmai)>three pieces of paper 

四枚(よんまい/yonmai)>four pieces of paper 

五枚(ごまい/gomai)>five pieces of paper 

本 (ほん/ hon) > Long Cylindrical Items 

一本(いっぽん/ippon)> one pencil** 

二本(にっぽん/nippon)>two pencils 

三本(さんぼん/sanbon)>three pencils 

四本(よんほん/yonhon)>four pencils 

五本(ごほん/gohon)> five pencils

匹 (ひき/ hiki) > Animals 

一匹 (いっぴき/ippiki) >one animal 

二匹 (にひき/nihiki) > two animals 

三匹 (さんびき/sanbiki) > three animals 

四匹 (よんひき/yonhiki) > four animals 

五匹 (ごひき/gohiki) > five animals 

 **pencil was used here just as an example of a long cylindrical object. 

~In most situations the Chinese origin numbers are used for the counters listed above, but note the words for 1 person and 2 people employ the native Japanese numbers. 

 Here are the native Japanese Numbers

 一つ > ひとつ > hitotsu > one 

二つ > ふたつ > futastu > two

三つ > みっつ > mittsu > three 

四つ > よっつ > yottsu > four 

五つ > いつつ > itsutsu > five 

六つ > むっつ > muttsu > six 

七つ > ななつ > nanatsu > seven 

八つ > やっつ > yattsu > eight 

九つ > ここのつ > kokonotsu > nine 

> とお > too > ten 

**Native numbers are used for things like round objects, furniture, mountains, starts, and other very abstract ideas 

1.) 問題が二つあります。>mondai ga futatsu arimasu> there are two problems.  

2.) ソファーを一つ買います。>Sofaa wo hitotsu kaimasu > I will buy one sofa 3.) 紙が二十三枚あります。>kami ga nijuusan-mai arimasu > There are 23 pieces of paper 

4.)犬が一匹います。> inu ga ippiki imasu > There is one dog.

Edit: I removed the link, because my video is down. 

I also want to mention that 一人 means both “one person” and also “alone”. So please don’t let that confuse you! 

Reblogging this one again to clear up some confusion. The Japanese words for “one person” and “alone” are the same. So, it reads as ‘Hitori” instead of as “ichinin”. 


Vocab List


The article was about virus prevention, so most of this vocab has to do with sickness 

ウイルス - Virus 

 (はい)- Lung

原因 (げんいん)- Cause

せき -cough

くしゃみ -Sneeze

流し (ながし)ー Sink

ながら -While

秒  (びょう)-Second (time)

せっけん   ーSoap

ばい菌 (ばいきん)  -Germs

消毒   (しょうどく)ー Disinfection

くっつく    - Stick(to)

捨てて(すてて)ー Throw away

塞ぎます (ふさぎます)   -Obstruct/Cover 

具合 (ぐあい)   - Condition

このほか   - In addition/ Other than that 

複雑  (ふくざつ) -  Complicated 

Alright! Now try to make some sentences using the words, or jot them down in your journal over and over. Just be sure to practice! 

Edit: Someone pointed out that I accidentally posted the wrong kanji for ‘complicated’. I fixed it here, my apologies for the mistake!

Please mind the edit everyone!

Happy studying!

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