
you and i are better than forever

@betterthanforever / betterthanforever.tumblr.com

Isaac, he/him, permenantly tired and usually grumpy, usually posting about Borderlands and Red Dead Redemption. Chronically ill and disabled. Icon by hamstr.

There was a really big cowboy-looking dude in the coffee shop, and after a while I realized he seemed to be staring at me, and I was getting uncomfortable until he suddenly startled and came over to say "I'm so sorry, ma'am, I wasn't trying to stare at you. There is a HUGE bird behind you." And lo and behold, right outside the window, there was an absolute unit of a crow.


Doing a single downward dog pose on my first day of yoga class and the chakral realignment VIOLENTLY purges all toxins from my body in the form of a cloud of rancid pus that explodes from my pores. Namasty.

I was just flung violently back down the depths of dimly lit memory lane to when I used to do yoga (before we knew I had EDS).

I was switching between poses and my (unbeknownst to me) subluxated tailbone popped back into place, causing a chain reaction up the rest of my spine not unlike cracking a glow stick both in sound and visual effect as my vision whited out from pain and I was forced briefly to shake hands with the universe.

The woman on the mat next to me told me that was the "toxins" leaving my body and that's the second time I was evicted from a yoga lesson for inappropriate laughter.

... Okay but what's the first time you were evicted from a yoga lesson for inappropriate laughter?

Yoga instructor at a new class started talking about 'Christian yoga' and avoiding demons during vulnerable poses. I was in the Crane pose at the time and laughed so hard I landed on my face.


call me crazy but maybe they should stop making documentaries about serial killers. especially when the victims’ families weren’t consulted or compensated. just a thought

moving this point from my tags, I’ve noticed a LOT of white people, specifically ww, sensationalizing the fuck out of this or talking about how their stomach didn’t turn at all while watching/they weren’t grossed out and it’s really telling. dahmer’s victims were majority Black, the youngest was a 14 year old Asian boy, and the callousness/complete lack of compassion or even common sense y’all treat this with rlly just exposes your own fucked up biases. again. like we get it, the suffering of men and boys of color is just entertainment for y’all.

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