snoopy atreides

@jessicatredes /

maddie | 26 | usa 🀠✨😎

more stuff about becoming a god being inherently dehumanizing pls

too much focus on Ascension or becoming Greater not enough focus on what is Lost of you

you're not a person anymore, just a personification. you're a concept, an abstraction. all neatly defined boundaries and borders, none of the vagueries or blurring of lines or grey areas that come from being mortal.

you can never change, now. never grow or evolve, you are this, forever, stagnant. and the thing you've been made to embody might not even be your best trait.


"you've been preparing me my whole life, reverend mother" is literally haunting me like imagine knowing your entire life that your two options after your father's inevitable usurpation are sadomasochist knife cannibal or genocidal dictator who's in love with someone else. and you don't even have a choice in which one you will end up with as they fight to the death before your eyes. and you still find the time to serve cunt in all that


I need to (remembers to not make casual suicide jokes in order to encourage a more outwardly positive mindset and healthy conversational environment in my day to day life) kill myself

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