
Sandranessa Drex'raclir


"Intergrity over all."

The Awakening

Having reached her home in the Hinterlands, she’d walk in to find out that her daughter had not yet awoken. The other two children looked at each other as their mother walked up the stairs towards the second floor.

“Please tell me she at least got up to eat something....” A dull expression was worn as she entered her daughter’s chambers.

Andariel had been sleeping soundly, along with her pet cat. Loud snoring could be heard.

Her mother slowly approached the bed, staring with a disappointed look at her daughter which had been sleeping. The cat let out a “Meow” towards Sandra, already moving off the bed to greet her. Within a matter of moments, she reached under the blanket to grab at her feet as she began to yank at her.” IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP.”

Andariel was easily pulled off the bed however, landing on the floor with a loud thump. Clenching her fists, she looked back.” What the hell mom?!”

Her mother waggled her finger,” Get dressed. You’re coming with me to socialize. And for the love of gods clean up this room. It’s disgusting!”

Andariel grumbled lightly,” Fine...I’ll be down in a bit. And next time knock on the door!”

“And the next time I catch you doing something like this, you’re going to be shipped off to Dalaran. Wouldn’t that be something?” The mother folded her arms, staring down at her daughter. Turning on a heel, she closed the door behind her.

Andariel pretty much sat there for a minute or two, obliging to do as she said. Lesson,’ Lock the door next time’ she thought to herself.


Campaign Document

Full Name: Sandranessa Drex’raclir Age: 568 Place of Birth: Galewood, Quel’thalas Current Residence: Rivervale, Hinterlands Chair: High Magus Campaign Statement: “Magic is not only an ability, but also a responsibility. I will uphold both.”

For over five hundred years, I have studied and overseen what magic can truly do. I am most well known in the Kirin Tor for such, even being offered the position of an Arch mage. Taking into consideration, you must fully understand why magic is meant to be limited yet not fully blocked off. While doing so, I have mastered the seven schools of Magic. I am fully competent in answering questions to those who seek to learn about a certain subject. As such, I feel that I am most capable of taking the role of High Magus. Not only do I have knowledge of the arcane, over time I have learned the other aspects of magic itself. Stormwind currently has a certain lack, as I see. If I am to be elected in, I would make Stormwind the next pinnacle of knowledge. Even with the current agenda I hold, I would incorporate a whole new agenda for not only Stormwind but to the Kingdom itself. I seek to accelerate a new age to dawn. Not only would Stormwind be seen as a safe place to live as the laws of magic will be enforced, it would also be sought out by scholars all around Azeroth. To learn. To write. To advance. I will ensure you, the people, the very base of what makes up Stormwind, an era of intelligence and prosperity.



With it being the coldest time of the year, the roads lay wet with mud and puddles. Fog rolled in as rain poured down on the Quel’dorei, along with her daughter as she had met her by the gate.

“Andariel, stay close. The roads at this time and become very dangerous.” The mother looked back to her daughter, who had a dull look to her face.

“You know you can stop treating me like a child now, I’m not as helpless as you.” A sly smirk formed on the younger elf’s lips, at that both brows risen with amusement. As the two continued their ride, they had made to the Hinterlands. “Hey mom, I wanted to ask you something.” The daughter’s fluorescent eyes glowed in the dark as her mother glanced back with a gray-like hue to hers.

“What is it?” She looked back forward, raising forth the torch to see the path. Her ears flicked a bit from the wind and rain that down poured on the two.

“Why do we live so far away from the city?” Andariel looked a bit puzzled,” I just don’t get why we have to travel to the city each day, can’t you just find a way with all that magic of yours to teleport ourselves?”

Sandranessa lightly scoffed,” Don’t you think I would be doing that, if I found a way to do such?” She began to chuckle loudly, arriving at the road that led to her estate.

“Well at least the rides over...” Andariel muttered, lowering the hood from her cape.

“Yes...Let’s get inside before you catch a cold. We have a big day tomorrow and I’d hate to leave you home.” Dismounting her horse, she’d open the gate that led to the courtyard of the estate. Nodding to her guards, they’d lock the gate while the two went further inside. Upon reaching the door, she was quickly greeted by two of her other children that were much younger than Andariel. Greeting them and smiling, Andariel left to her room to prepare for the cold night. It was indeed going to be a cold night for the whole family.

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