
4. If the car pulls up to you run in the opposite direction.

5. Walk with your keys in your hands and keep a key between each finger

6. If they put you in the trunk kick out the headlights

7. If you get lost find a woman with a child. Never ask a man for help (this one was drilled)

That scream fire piece of advice is literally life saving

8. Watch your shadows and reflections, especially if someone is walking behind you. A split second notice is better than none and will help you.

Yes this last one really saves lives y'all I do it all the time


girls have to learn to view the world like international intelligence agents just to be safe walking down the street. smh.


Adam & Eve

That very faint “Why’re you still eating the apple?” 💀

“It’s the first thing on the syllabus” 🙃

if you have not watched this you need to because this is the explanation for all the fuckery going on today 100% And it is funny funny funny

Still funny lol



six months early for 2019 just to be sure

every time I see this I will reblog. even when im old and 50. even in my death bed. ALWAYS YALL


Ok real talk, does anyone else miss Harry’s cheeky smile as much as I do??!!

I mean just look







Ok I’ll stop, you’re welcome


Close up of Harry performing ‘Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around’ with Stevie Nicks at the Gucci Cruise 2020 show After Party - May 28 (via fernandocarrillo)


Thank you for being my hero’s on screen..

Thank you for being my hero’s off screen:

Thank you to this fandom for making it such a beautiful place to be❤️


saw this on ig, and my heart is melting-

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* baby harry vs popstar harry ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

i absolutely love this lil cheeky fucker so much


Regret of a Father ( Part 2 ) - Harry Styles

Hey guys, Part 2 to Tears of a Mother is here. It’s all in Harry’s P.O.V. This starts from where Y/N walked ( Ran ) out. I really hope you Enjoy, Thank you so much for Reading <3 Warnings: Angst, some language and injuries, but nothing graphic. [ Y/N = Your Name, Y/L/N = Your last name ] Also, I named Y/N’s mom Sarah, just so I could have a name for her or you can just add your own mom’s name in.


Harry’s P.O.V

“Fine, I’ll leave and you can be the perfect parent, that everyone already thinks you are! You can do it all on your own, or until you find someone to take my place in the boys lives. If you haven’t already found someone” Y/N sobbed as she rushed downstairs, “What just happened? What had I just done?” I thought to myself before following her down the steps. “Wait” I yelled trying to catch up, but she was too fast for me. She ended up outside before I could reach her, but I wasn’t far behind. “Hey, I was bringing them in… What’s wrong?” I heard Gemma ask Y/N, but she didn’t respond before getting in her car. I finally reached the passenger side to the vehicle, trying to open the door, but Y/N had already locked it. “Y/N!” I shouted trying to get her attention, but she never looked at me. She just switched the car into reverse and exited the driveway.

“Harry, what did you do?” Gemma yelled at me, I sighed deeply while rubbing my forehead. “Why do you think I did anything?” I asked, “How was I supposed to know she was going to overreact and run away”. “Harry, are you an idiot! You clearly did something, she was upset, not overreacting. She was running away from you… So, what did you do?” Gemma asked again more calmly as she placed Ethan on the ground. “I just told her the truth about her life, It’s not my fault she took it so hard” I stated nonchalantly, Gemma stared at me shocked. “Told her she was a bad mum and maybe she should leave, because the boys hated her. But, I didn’t think she’d take me seriously, I was angry and she knows how I get when I’m mad” I then stated with another sigh, “I can’t believe you Harry, how dare you say those things to the woman you claim to love. She thinks so highly of you, of course she was going to take whatever you say seriously, you ass” Gemma spat walking towards the house. I let out a groan as I took Ethan’s hand, “You’d better fix this, because you might have just lost her forever” Gemma then stated with a sigh. I nodded, because I knew I had fucked up, I was just to stubborn to admit it. “I’ll let her cool off, then I’ll track her down and talk everything out. Gem, I honestly didn’t mean anything I said” I stated, causing her to nod “You need to explain that to her, not me… Come on boys, let’s get inside, it’s almost bed time”. She walked Mason inside as I picked up a sleepy Ethan, I glanced down the road where Y/N had driven. Regret now filling my mind, “Cookie Dad” Ethan muttered. I smiled slightly, looking down at my boy “You want a cookie this late?”. Ethan nodded “Want one of Mummy’s cookies”, I sighed deeply as I walked into the house, hoping Y/N had made her famous cookies that the boys ( And I ) Loved. “Why did I have to say suck horrible things? She deserved so much better than me” I continued to think and I knew those thoughts weren’t going to stop anytime soon. 

2 am, I received a call from Y/N’s mum. I hadn’t been asleep because I was hoping she’d come back and we could talk everything out, like we had done with fights in the past. But, this fight was worse than any we had had before. “Hello?” I asked as I answered, “Harry…” Sarah sighed sadly. I kept quiet, waiting for her to start yelling at me for breaking her daughters heart because I was a dumbass. “Harry, I think somethings happened to Y/N. I’m getting on a plane now” she exclaimed quietly, I furrowed my brows in confusion “What do you mean?”. “She called me, extremely upset. She was crying so hard, I couldn’t get her to calm down. I heard… I heard a crash and Y/N screaming before the line cut off. It was horrible to hear. Please, find out where she is for me” Sarah stated, I could tell that she was choked up. My Y/N, somewhere out there hurt and I wasn’t there with her, what kind of boyfriend am I? “She left hours ago, if she was hurt in anyway, why hasn’t the hospital called? I’m her emergency contact” I stated confused, “I know that and I don’t know why they haven’t called you, or at least me. I just have this motherly feeling that somethings wrong. Please, can you check around for her?” she begged. I let out an exhausted sigh “Yeah, I’ll find her and I’ll text you her location”. “Thank you Harry, I have to go. I’ll see you in a few hours. please, Tell her I love her” Sarah stated as she hung up without receiving an answer from me. Now, I was panicked. What if something terrible happened and if was all my fault, what if I never saw her again, I wasn’t ready to raise the boys on my own, not without Y/N. I spent the next  hour calling three different hospitals, until I found her. They wouldn’t give me any information about her over the phone, so I had to go to her. I shook Gem awake in the guest room, “What!” she moaned, rolling over to see my tear stained faced. “Harry, what’s wrong?” she asked quietly, “Y/N’s been in a car accident. I have to go to the hospital, I have to be there for her. Can you stay here with the boys” I asked wiping my face. She sat up quick, pulling me into a hug “Yeah, don’t worry about it. Harry, please don’t blame yourself” , I shrugged “How else am I supposed to feel, I made her upset. I made her want to get away from me, so it is my fucking fault”. I pulled away from the hug and walked down the hall to the bedroom, changing my clothes. Something caught me eye though, it was Y/N’s  engagement ring. Sitting neatly on the side table next to her side of the bed. “When did she take this off?”, “Had I really been ignoring that long, that I didn’t realize she wasn’t wearing it anymore” I asked myself, I then sighed deeply before Gemma waled into the room. “Harry…” she started, “Gem, I have to go” I stated walking past her. “Alright, just be careful. Please” she stated  from the top of the stairs. I nodded, sending her a small smile “I’ll let you know what’s going on when I find out”. Then I threw my coat on, along with my shoes. I sent Gemma one last look, before walking out of the house and towards my car. I’m coming Y/N.

Once I arrived at the hospital, I parked quickly and dashed inside. “Who are you here to see today sir?” the lady at the front desk asked, “Y/N, Y/L/N” I said quickly. “Suite 3A, you’ll have to check in over there” the lady stated sending me a smile, one I couldn’t return. I just nodded and said thanks, before walking off. “Was that Harry Styles?” I heard the younger receptionist asked the one who had helped me, “Who?” she asked in return as I headed into the elevator and pressing button three. The nerves were finally hitting me, what if something was truly wrong with my love? How would I live with yourself after that? Once I exited the elevator, I made a right to suite A. Coming face to face with Mila, Y/N’s Best Friend. “What are you doing here?” she asked with a scowl on her face, “Sarah called me, asked me to find her daughter after hearing the crash” I stated with a nervous sigh. “I don’t know why she didn’t just call me and left you out of it” she stated harshly, I furrowed my brows “She’s my girlfriend, I shouldn’t be left out of anything!”. She chuckled slightly “Some boyfriend you are, do you even wonder why the hospital didn’t call you when she came in?”, “Of course I wondered why! Why would they call you instead of me?” I exclaimed. Mila rolled her eyes “Three months ago, Y/N decided to change her emergency contact from you, to me”, “Why the hell would she do that” I groaned. “She knew your relationship was close to over, you were ignoring her, treating her like garbage. She figured that you wouldn’t be there for her when she needed it” Mila stated honestly, I sighed deeply because I knew she was right. “I know I was distant…” I started, “Face it Harry, you’ve been a shit boyfriend” Mila interrupted. I sighed once more “But, that doesn’t mean I no longer love her! I do, I always will… I’ve just been so busy lately, writing the album, looking after the boys, meetings, studio time and talking about a tour. I didn’t mean to push her aside!”, “You should’ve included her though, especially with the boys. Harry, she loves you three so much, she’d do anything to make you happy, even if it meant she was miserable. She thinks those two little boys don’t like her, that would hurt as a mother” she stated honestly. I nodded, not knowing what to say after that. “Why did she leave last night?.. Y/N told me that she was going to give your relationship one last chance, she wanted to spend time alone with you, to figure out if you still loved her. Why did she leave?” Mila then questioned, making me sigh again “ I was exhausted, just had a bad phone call. I said somethings I didn’t mean, I regret it so much now”. She stared at me for a moment “So, your the reason my best friend is laying in that hospital bed”, I looked down at my feet as I ran my hand through my hair. “She’s in a coma Harry! She hit her head so hard on the dashboard, the doctors think she might have a major brain injury. She could end up with amnesia or worse, she might not wake up at all!” Mila shouted, making me fall to the floor with my hands covering my face. “Go home Harry” she sighed, “Please, I need to see her!” I sobbed. “You don’t deserve too! You can’t go from not caring, to suddenly giving a fuck… Besides, you have two boys that you need to take care of. Because of you, their mum might never be the same” Mila stated, before walking back into Y/N’s room and leaving e with all those regrets.

I didn’t leave the hospital though, I just couldn’t. So, I sat in the waiting room for Hours. I had started to doze, when my phone rang. “Harry… How’s Y/N? Gemma called, told me everything she knew” My mum asked in a worried tone, “I don’t know, Mila won’t let me see her… All for good reason though, it’s all my fault. I said horrible things that I didn’t mean, she left to get away fro me. If something happens to her, I don’t know how I’ll live with myself” I cried. “Don’t think like that, Y/N’s a strong woman, she’ll pull through this” my mum started, “I’m just afraid that she’ll leave me after this” I mumbled. “ Well, if she does, you’ll figure things out as Parents” Mum sighed, knowing maybe a separation was what we needed. But It only made me cry harder, because Y/N didn’t deserve to be treated the way I had been treating her. I heard someone clear their throat, making me scramble. I looked up and sighed deeply, “Mum, I have to go. Y/N’s mum just got here. Love you” I stated and after mum said her goodbyes, I hung up. “Harry Dear” Y/N’s mum smiled sadly, as she pulled me into a hug. “How are you sweetheart?” she then asked, making me bust out in tears. “I’m so sorry, this is all my fault… I’m so, so sorry” I sobbed as I shook my head, she sighed deeply hugging me tighter “Shh… None of this is your fault, it’s just one giant misunderstanding. Have you seen her?”. I shook my head “Mila wouldn’t let me, but I just can’t leave”, Y/N’s mum stood up while grabbing my arm “Come on”. I furrowed my brows in confusion “But, Mila said I couldn’t see her”, “Well I’m Y/N’s mother, I choose who gets to see my daughter and I know, Y/N would want you there” Sarah stated with a smile. I nodded following her down the hall, nervously rubbing my hands together. When I entered the room, I received a nasty look from Mila, but my focus was on the love of my life. Laying bruised and bandaged, peacefully asleep. I couldn’t stop the tears now, they were coming full force. “Come on Mila, let’s give him some time alone with her” Sarah stated sending me a small smile, Mila let out a groan “20 minutes Styles, then your gone” she spat as she followed Y/N’s mum out of the room, I let out a deeps sigh as I sat next to the bed and held Y/N’s limp hand. “Y/N, I know what I said was horrible and I never should have said it to begin with.. Please, just wake up. You can break up with me, take the boys, whatever. Just please, don’t die. Mason and Ethan need you, Y/N. I need you” I cried, whispering all my faults to her, even though I knew she wasn’t listening. The 20 minutes went fast before Mila was showing me out of the room, but I cherished the 20 minutes I did have. “Go get some rest, take care of the boys. I’ll come by later with Dinner, to visit with them” Sarah stated giving me another tight hug, I nodded. Knowing I’d have to face the boys eventually and I know they didn’t understand now, but I hoped that they would still be able to ave a relationship with her. And not hate me in the end. 

A week had flew past before my eyes, with being busy with work, taking care of the boys and worrying about Y/N. She had improved, she started moving little by little. I was only able to see her for 20 minutes a day, even though Y/N’s mum would’ve allowed me longer, I just didn’t want to overstay my welcome, because Mila Hated me.  About 3 days ago, I received a text from Sarah, letting me know that Y/N was finally awake, things were foggy to her though, so I was told to give her a few days before coming back and it was killing me. Just as much as It was killing the boys, not to see their mum. I had realized withing the week she’s not been home, how much the boys actually talk about her. Asking My mum, Gemma and myself where their mum was. How much they missed her, why they couldn’t go see her at the hospital. They were young, they didn’t realize how serious this situation was. Mason only ever drew pictures of himself and Y/N, which again, I never noticed that before, but looking through his old drawings, that’s all he ever drew, pictures of his mother. Ethan started acting up, screaming for Y/N, telling us only she made the best cookies and read the best stories. He’d wake up at night, crying for Y/N and it was breaking my heart. They loved her and I told her they didn’t, I was so wrapped in my own life, I didn’t realize what I was doing to my family. But, if Y/N would give me another chance, I would change and make it up to her for the rest of my life. So now, the boys, Gemma and I sat in the waiting room, waiting for permission to see Y/N. “When do we get to see Mummy?” Mason questioned, not looking up from his coloring page. “Soon, we have to wait for Nan to come out to get us” I sighed running my hand through my hair and passing a snack to Ethan, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, causing me to quickly pull it out. Seeing the Y/N’s mum had sent me a text, letting me know that Y/N was out on a walk and we’d get to see her after. “Phone?” Ethan asked, holding his little hand out. I smiled slightly, turning on his favorite show and handing my phone to him. “Harry, he’s only one. Don’t get him addicted to that thing” Gemma sighed, I rolled my eyes “ He never get’s it, I need to keep him calm right now”. She nodded, as we both heard someone walking down the hall, but my mind was other places and the boys didn’t even notice. It wasn’t until I felt someone sit beside me, that I acknowledged them. And there she was, hospital gown, IV, bandages, but still beautiful. She smiled at me, but it was a different smile, not as bright as it normally is. “Hi” Y/N stated, leaving me speechless because I felt something was wrong. Her mum stood in the doorway of the waiting room, looking anxious. “Adorable boys, are they yours?” Y/N asked, still wearing that blank smile. I cleared my throat sadly “ Yeah, they’re mine… Ours actually”, she then looked at her mum, who nodded. Then she looked at the boys, who were still lost in their own worlds. Before she looked back at me confused, “I’m sorry… I don’t, I don’t remember you or them” she stated no longer smiling. And that’s when my world really came crashing down.


Taglist- @my-sweet-escape-from-the-world @adrianajdwa @fangirl-moment-x @the-kylialovesyou

Hey guys, I know that this isn’t the greatest, but I still really hope you enjoyed. I’m still coughing like crazy, but am slowly getting better. Part 3 is going to packed full of angst, I just love angst so much, but I’ll end it nicely. Thank you again for Reading, you’re all so Amazing and I can’t Thank you Enough for Everything. Lots of Love, Katie <3<3

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