
Im A ✨Human Disaster✨

@thetanzaniteknight / thetanzaniteknight.tumblr.com

✨very good awesome best friends✨
with @absolute-jester-boy!
These two crack me up every time! I don't know what kind of training even goes into being a news anchor but I feel like the bulk of it is nailing the 'anchor voice' 😂😂😂

Fuck. Those fuckers at the store sold me No Purpose Flour again. What the fuck do I do with this

you laugh. my flour is bereft of purpose and you mock me. hell upon you, fool


I'm in TJ Max with full skull facepaint on cause I didn't feel like taking it off and a child is following me. Not saying anything just following me

apprentice acquired

I went to dollar tree once in my Halloween costume (slutty plague doctor- and yes, I did wear the full beaked mask into the store) that I had put on in the neighboring Spirit Halloween and didn’t want to take off because it had a corset (with, i shit you not, like fifty little clasps)

But instead of this happening an old man looked at me, wheezed, and clutched his chest like he thought he was about to have a legitimate heart attack- he had to balance himself on a cash register


it makes me so sad how new mobs are being added to minecraft dungeons

like more pets and animals, but i literally dont know anyone who plays this game

look how cute they are

we need these in vanilla minecraft


Doing a single downward dog pose on my first day of yoga class and the chakral realignment VIOLENTLY purges all toxins from my body in the form of a cloud of rancid pus that explodes from my pores. Namasty.

I was just flung violently back down the depths of dimly lit memory lane to when I used to do yoga (before we knew I had EDS).

I was switching between poses and my (unbeknownst to me) subluxated tailbone popped back into place, causing a chain reaction up the rest of my spine not unlike cracking a glow stick both in sound and visual effect as my vision whited out from pain and I was forced briefly to shake hands with the universe.

The woman on the mat next to me told me that was the "toxins" leaving my body and that's the second time I was evicted from a yoga lesson for inappropriate laughter.


I truly hate the word "unalive." There are so many other euphemisms that fictional Italian mobsters worked so hard to provide you with and you just ignore them.

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