

@bonbonbunny / bonbonbunny.tumblr.com

New Horizons Dream Address: DA-9683-9970-7360 Let me know if you enjoyed it~
Hello! ヽ(*・ω・)人(・ω・*)ノ
My name is Bridget and I like cute thingspretty things, and awesome things!!

Brain Age: Concentration Training contains a mode called "Blob Blast", which features a touchscreen-based version of Wario's Woods gameplay (with Toad being replaced by the player's stylus dragging objects around).

The music for this mode is actually a slowed-down, relaxed version of the "Round Game" music from the NES version of Wario's Woods, which would be unrecognizable to players who are familiar with Wario's Woods but have only played the SNES version.

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