

@inkedace / inkedace.tumblr.com

ind. priv. fandomless oc penned by sky

colorful headcanons.

( send me a copic color for a headcanon )
frost blue: does your muse enjoy the snow and cold? or are they the type to enjoy summer more?
peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
lapis lazuli: does your muse prefer the idea of exploring the depths of the oceans, or the boundless expanses of space more?
reddish brass: how likely is your muse to step up and take the role of a leader? are they willing to take the challenge, or are they more apt to being a follower?
burnt umber: how stable is your muse, mentally and/or emotionally?
champagne: does your muse drink (alcohol)? are they a heavy drinker, if so?
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
malachite: has your muse ever done anything that they winded up feeling incredibly guilty for in the end?
olive: is your muse prone to feeling envious of others? if yes, what is it that they typically feel envious over?
vermillion: is your muse courageous, or would they consider themselves to be more of a coward?
coral: what is your muse's romantic and sexual orientations?
bougainvillaea: would your muse consider themselves as blunt, or do they beat around the bush instead?
currant: what's something that absolutely disgusts your muse (can be a person, place, thing, ect)?
crimson: how passionate is your muse about the things they love most?
raspberry: what food and/or drink can your muse not get enough of? do they indulge in it often, or is it something reserved for special occasions?
baby blossoms: does your muse have a favorite scent? what is it, and why?
mallow: what sorts of things might remind your muse of those close to them? any scents, objects, sounds?
aubergine: does your muse prefer the day, or are they more of a night-owl?
acacia: how much does it take for your muse to hate someone?
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
honey: when your muse loves someone (whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial love), how do they show it?
chartreuse: if you had to describe your muse with a color, what color would it be and why?
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don't deserve it?
new leaf: what message would your muse send to their past self, if any?
moss: how easily does your muse adapt to any new situations they're thrust into?
silk: does your muse care about appearances much? do they spend a lot of time on their own appearance, or do they just go with the flow each day?
sanguine: does your muse typically have an optimistic, pessimistic, or some middle ground outlook on life?
atoll: if your muse could go anywhere, without any restrictions whatsoever, where would they go? why would they go there?
cool grey: if your muse could ensure one thing for certain in their future to come, what would it be?
black: does your muse have a 'bucket list?' list some things your muse wants to accomplish before they die.

Cyrus’s Father’s name; Kristopher Francis Ashwood

Cyrus’s Mother’s name; Louise Bradette Ashwood (Maiden; Maysworth) Went by ‘Adette’ when younger

Cyrus’s Sister’s middle name has been updated from Victoria to Rose due to character conflicts. 


The Maysworths (his mother’s family) are old money. Trading in Europe before the colonies and likely from slavery after. She grew up in the American south with a traditionally privileged southern bell lifestyle. 

Cyrus’s father is a self made business man. He’s got a mind for gambling, manipulation and a swift silver tongue that led to crooked business practices. Namely, fraud and theft.  Louise & Kristopher were married early in his scam days, when he had just enough money to impress her parents and whisk her off to the west coast with the promise of a sound future. The Maysworth’s shunned and disowned Louise when suspicion of Kristopher’s business arose and she would not leave him.

Most of Cyrus’ childhood was spent in a disgustingly large mansion with cooks, nannies and little family time. As the years went by the interest the IRA took in his father’s company grew. He was responsible for bad safety regulations that led to an overpass collapsing and multiple deaths. After, he was arrested for grand larceny, fraud and tax evasion. Before the trial completed he was murdered by an unknown assailant. All assets, accounts and properties were ceased. 

Louise fell into a state of catatonic depression and left Cyrus to care for the family. The only money they had left to their name was a life insurance policy for $250million that wouldn’t be accessible until Cyrus turned 18. 

You want to taste him, but instead you bite the inside of your cheek. You wonder if he’d taste like wanting him tastes like: blood and silence. Don’t you want to know? Daily prayers: God grant me the serenity to not destroy myself with want for this boy. God grant me the serenity to destroy everything but him. You know God has nothing to do with this, don’t you? You touch the place in your wrist where the thought of him kick-drums through your veins. You drown your blood in alcohol to dampen the pounding. It doesn’t work very well, does it? Touching him feel like a leap off a building, like a sinking ship. Touching him feels like kerosene-soaked organs and the match in his skin. Why does it hurt so much?  When he’s close, passenger seat close or under the sheets close, your knuckles are perpetually drawn white, your neck pulled taut. When he’s close, there is nothing but controlling yourself. Aren’t you tired of not giving your body what it  wants? He speaks, sticky sweet. Maybe he tastes how he sounds: honeyed and warm. Don’t you want to know? The best you’ve ever felt was flying, 100 mph in a  sunset car. Maybe he tastes even better. Don’t you want to know? Tell your secret. You want to know, you want to know. Tell yourself your secret: I want to know.

questions for RL, excelsors (via excelsors)


(via sansloii)


PTSD Things You Don’t See In Quirky Posts About PTSD

  • is this really my personality or a result of years of trauma/abuse?
  • trusting people????????in MY brain???? not as likely as u think
  • Achievement Unlocked: Repressed Memory Finally Resurfaces After 10+ Years
  • Numb? Numb.
  • hyper vigilance
  • Healthy Coping Mechanisms? never heard of those
  • time to cry out of nowhere just do it just cry
  • AN G E R 
  • [ redacted ]
  • Self Destructive Mode ON
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