


DP x DC Prompt #16

When Hal had asked him which town he protected, Danny was more than happy to tell him, "Amity Park!" When Hal asked Danny where it was, Danny hadn't thought the response, "At this moment? Or where it was last week?" would've caused such chaos in the meeting.

Danny knew not everyone's town traveled across the country, but he didn't think it was odd enough to warrant this kind of reaction.


"You are, concerningly light." Red Robin stated to the civilian currently laying in his arms. "Psst," Danny waved off his concern with ease. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?" The vigilante questioned. "Because I'm very sure someone your size shouldn't be so easy to carry."

Danny snorted. "And how would you know-" He then paused, looked over Red Robin and sniffed. "Nevermind, that was a dumb question don't answer that."

That time it was Red Robin's turn to snort.


“I’m human!” Batman protests when one of the JL members looks at him in shock after he survives a mission that technically should've been able to kill Superman.

“I’m human!” Nightwing argues to his fellow Young Justice members after completely a quadruple backflip twirl and knocked out three guards when not even Kori can do that. 

“I’m human!” Red Hood complains to one of his generals after they accuse him of being a ghost and/or zombie. (in all fairness to them he did die)

“I’m human!” Red Robin mutters to the Teen Titans after pulling four all nighters and surviving off of only three packets of sugar and eighty cups of coffee for seven weeks. 

“I’m human!” Robin insists to his Mother during one of their monthly visits, despite the fact that he arrived with several stab wounds and what is probably a concussion that should have landed him in the hospital but he still walks straight. 

“I’m human!” Orphan signs to the concerned police officer after he just watched her rip a mans shin out with only her fingernails. (he is fine. Orphan doesn't kill)

“I’m human!” Spoiler dismisses the other heroes(vigilantes) looks, seconds after having beat up eight goons with nothing more than a textbook, while telling each one a joke and hitting them in the face if they didn't laugh, laughing at each one she told, and having just landed a triple backflip onto a trashcan.

“I’m human!” Barbara assures her father at their weekly coffee meeting, although she did roll up with Scarecrow fear toxin wafting from her hair, Gothams harbor water covering her wheels. 

No, Batfamily, you are not human. Not anymore. That is a technically and you should not die on that hill. (you will not, despite the fact that a real human would) You were born human, and even that isn't scientifically provable.

"I'm a meta." Duke admits, the only reasonable one in the batfamily willing to admit he's different, although no less crazy.


Fun fact about me

I had HORRIBLE handwriting my entire childhood. Consistently got failing grades on homework and tests because no one could read my writing.

And then I hit middle school. I saw the "popular girls" getting praised for their stupid cutesy heart over the I writing. I saw people I could run mental circles around without breaking a sweat getting good grades, because the teacher could read their writing easier.

So I started copying it.

And wouldn't you know, my grades improved!

But of course, if you know me, you already know....there's no WAY I was gonna stop there. Oh no.

As a ADHD/Autistic, I did what any self respecting nerd introvert would do- I hit the library. And I researched. The evolution of the written language, the evolution of alphabets and writing styles from Ancient Greece all the way through the Spencerian movement.

And I fell into calligraphy. I hyperfocused.

And over the course of a year, developed my own cursive hand (going from never writing in cursive) that was a loose blend of Palmer, Spencerian, Chaucurian and 16th century Italian italics, with a lot of acender and defender flourishes.

I handed in homework in 15th century German High Gothic blackletter.

I did reports in 17th century italics.

And my teachers went from hating me for my horrible, illegible handwriting, to loving the sudden shift to legible bubble letters, to hating me again because they couldn't read my writing again, but for a different reason.

Only now, they didn't really have a good reason to be mad, because if they admitted to not being able to read Chaucerian font, they'd be admitting that they couldn't comprehend someone performing at a level of education and familiarity with the written language far above their own skill set (yes I had one teacher actually admit that to me in 8th grade. I genuinely respected her for it and picked a font that was easier to read than blackletter for her class).

And so began my descent into the rabbit hole of medieval illumination and calligraphy.

And so now, 25 years later, I do stuff like this:

(The bottom image has my celtic art business logo for Art of the Ancients; im on Instagram, but haven't updated in a long while because I've been busy with other projects and there wasn't a heck of a lot of interest. I still do commissions though)

Bob Ross once said, "A talent is just a skill you're willing to practice." I heard that, ran with it, and never looked back.

That’s so fucking dope


Little Timmy has a new neighbor! She seems nice, but she keeps interrupting him from going out so he can do his Night Photography.

Her name is Jasmine Fenton, and she's always there. Asking him how he feels, asking if he needs anything, offering to help him with his homework; always. There.

Eventually, he sees her as his weird Aunt. Even his parents are so used to her that they'll leave him with her when they go off on their trips. She's weird, but she cares, and he can count on her at any time for any reason.

Time passes, Robin dies, and Batman starts throwing himself in impossible fights and going overboard on petty thieves.

He doesn't realize she's tailing him until he goes down to talk to Batman, in the middle of almost killing a food thief, and Batman, caught up in the haze of the moment, rounds on Tim with his fist raised.

Before Tim can even think to blink, Batman is thrown into a nearby dumpster so hard the dumpster straight up deforms and bends inward.

Above Tim is Jazz, and her eyes are glowing a vibrant, radioactive green.

"Timmy, sweetie, go wait for me at the Churro stand across the street. The adults need to talk."


Bruh I didn't have my own room until I was like 12. And it was half the size of the one pictured lol

That doesn't look like all that bad of a bedroom? Sure it might get a little crazy with 3 kids in 1 bedroom but it really is not that bad.


People have successfully raised children through poverty, war, and plagues but Lord forbid siblings share a room. The upper classes can't help but voice their distain for the lower class.


Defund and abolish is making more and more sense. End qualified immunity for police, too.

How many more are buried there?!!!

This is hitting me more than most posts I see about police violence. Probably because they didn't tell her. Like I don't know the details but I imagine she filed a missing person report. With the police. And they know where he is. He's dead and they know and they know where they buried him without ever telling his mom and why? Cause they don't want anyone to know a cop ran him over? This is insane. It's fucking ghoulish. Abolish the police right now


Concept art Danny making the hardest decision at the end of Forgiveness vs Revenge arc versus Danny making the hardest decision in the beginning of Hope vs Hatred arc.


Once there was a farmer who was very protective of his three daughters. 

One day, the three daughters told the farmer that they were all going on a date. So, the farmer, being the protective father he was, grabbed his shotgun and walked outside. Suddenly, a car pulled in, and a man stepped out it. He went up to the farmer and said:

“Hello, my name is Freddy, I am here for Betty. We’re going for spaghetti. Is she ready?”

The farmer called for Betty, the first daughter, and she came. The man and Betty then got into the car and drove off. About 30 seconds later, the second car pulled in. Another man stepped out of it and went up to the farmer.

“Hello, my name is Joe. I am here for Flo. Is she good to go?”

The farmer called for Flo, the second daughter, and the man lead her into the car and then went inside the car as well. They drove off.

Another 30 seconds passed, and the third and final car pulled in. A man stepped out it and approached the farmer.

“Hello, my name is Chuck, I am here for-“ The farmer shot him.


a fact about me is that i was an early bloomer who hit puberty in elementary school and was immediately, obnoxiously horny in ways that were uncomfortable for everyone because no one is prepared for an elementary schooler with b cups and a deep fascination with movies where people get tied up. another fact is that because i was considered smart for my age in the ways that mattered, i just accepted all this as a single package, the many ways that i was not really a child the way other children were children but was instead a miniature adult. i was technically a child, but not really, as far as i was concerned. it also did not occur to me until around high school that i was fat, because i instead considered myself to be sturdy, to be buff, to be built like a tank.

so somewhere around middle school i am noticing the ways in which i am Not Like Other Girls, the ways in which i am not what society says a girl is and the ways that things marketed to girls do not appeal to me. i don't know how other girls dealt with this, but i very rationally decided that i was only technically a girl, in the way that i was only technically a child. so i looked at the things that did appeal to me, and that i did enjoy, and reverse engineered my demographic to decide that on a practical and functional level i was a middle-aged man. i had also gotten really hornily into wolverine because of the first x-men movie, and ended up reading a lot of comics, so as you can imagine the comic book version of wolverine who is short and built like a tank and older than he looks despite being for all intents and purposes a middle aged man really had some appeal to me.

there are idiots who say shit about how tomboys would be considered trans these days or whatever, but i can assure you that was not what was happening here. by middle school i already had to special order bras and i was fine with that because of the many weird fetishes i was developing, none of which can be blamed on the internet because i hadn't found that shit yet and also to this day you would have a hard time finding anything similar to the things i wrote in my secret notebook and immediately destroyed. the fact that i was technically a girl was vital to all this. media where there was a big reveal that some cool dude had been a hot chick the whole time was my shit. weird feral beast people who turned out to be hot women once they took a bath? fuck yes. i would never have cut my hair because that would have ruined my chances to take off a helmet and reveal that i had girl hair. at no point did i think i was anything but a girl, it was just that i was functionally a middle-aged man, who was a girl.

what this means is that i still liked all the things i already liked, such as leather jackets and comic books and anime and old stand-up comedy, but i also did extensive research on the other things i felt i should like according to the demographic i had assigned myself. i watched vh1's 'i love the 70s' with the air of someone trying to hide their amnesia, even though my parents were children in the 70s. i got into the beatles. i tried to get into cars for a while before accepting that i only liked the vintage car aesthetic and couldn't be fucked to know actual car facts. i wore nothing but cargo shorts and aloha shirts for a while, which didn't really stand out that much because it was middle school. i bought a fedora and became a libertarian atheist. i made plans to buy a motorcycle (i could not ride a bike).

i gave up on it after a while because quite frankly my titty situation meant there was never really going to be a big reveal that i'd been a girl the whole time. it was pretty obvious even with the cargo shorts. also the older of a teen i was, the more likely it felt that i could maybe get laid, except i could tell that was never going to happen as long as i kept wearing cargo shorts. it took longer to give up the fedora because it was leather and i wore it with my leather jacket and fingerless gloves, which i convinced myself worked a lot better after i'd gone full high school goth. i lived in the desert so you can imagine how well that worked out for me, smell-wise.

anyway that's how my female socialization went, i don't think it was particularly successful tbqh

cis, but for fetish reasons

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