
SIDETRACKED: An Infinity Train Zine

@theinfinitytrainzine / theinfinitytrainzine.tumblr.com

CURRENT PHASE: Pre-Orders Closed!
mobile links:

📣 Hello Passengers! 🚂

We would like to thank everybody who supported  "Sidetracked: An Infinity Train Fanzine"! We are very excited to share the amazing work of our contributors and hope you all like what we made!

As for shipping dates, we are aiming for October, updates will come as production progresses! Thank you again!



The Mod Team of the Sidetracked Zine would like to come forward to address the situation with our project.

First, we deeply apologize for the lack of updates. It was not out of negligence for the project, but the team attempting to resolve the issues internally, not wanting to give promises we weren't sure of.

What had happened was that the team had trusted an outside party to handle the manufacturing and shipping of the zine. The publisher had worked on and shipped zine projects in the past, and so at the time we had let them handle the storefront. The merchandise had been ordered, but partway through production, the third party had cut all contact with us, and we hadn't been able to get ahold of any updates, receipts, or merchandise since. We take responsibility for putting our faith in someone we didn't know completely, and with deep regret we must say that after several attempts to communicate and get ahold of the situation over the past few months, our team had been left in the dark with nothing.

We are deeply sorry for the entire situation, especially to our customers who put their trust in our team to carry the project out. To those who have ordered physical copies of the Zine, you may contact us at sidetrackedinfinitytrainzine@gmail.com with a receipt for a digital copy compensation. The Team is currently still attempting to get hold of the merchandise to compensate as well, but at the moment it is not possible for us without any contact with the shop owner over funds and receipts. The mod team itself was never given acess to the shop or funds. We received proof of purchase for the merchandise but no proof of donations.

Shortly before cutting contact with us, our publisher gave us the information of a friend of theirs who claimed to be able to help fulfill orders. this person has also ceased communications with the mod team, though further attempts are still being made, it has been months since they had given any response.

Thank you for your patience and we cannot apologize enough for how the project had turned out.


Update Regarding Shipping

Hello Passengers! First of all I wanna thank all of you for your patience with us, and second we have an important update regarding shipping.

Due to both international shipping delays as well as unexpected personal issues with a member of our team, we've had to push back our estimated delivery for all physical orders.

Merchandise has arrived and we are currently in the process of transferring shipping responsibilities to another mod. We will do our best to get product photos up as soon as we can.

More updates to follow as we work through this situation, thanks for your understanding!


Hello, passengers! We are currently still waiting for proofs to arrive, we plan on making a proper update as soon as they come in. Thank you so much for your patience!

Anonymous asked:

Different anon here; I tried ordering the solo zine last week, but the 'add to cart' button was greyed out and unclickable. (I just checked again on a different computer and it's still like that.) Is there a glitch on the site?

Be sure that you actually selected an option when trying to buy the zine! When you click it, the button becomes black. Hope this helps!

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for this vine and the donations! I also wanted to say, I noticed that only the bundle is available for purchase at the moment, as I was hoping to buy copies of the zine book as gifts. May I please ask if this is due to the other products being out of stock? Thank you for your time!

Hi! Single purchases of the zine by itself are available as well. 

They’re under “Sidetracked: An Infinity Train Fanzine (PRE-ORDER)”, select the “Physical” option under the options bar and you can select the number of books you’d like to pre-order under “QTY”! Thank you so much for your interest!


Hello passengers! You heard right, we're giving away an ultimate bundle to one lucky winner to help support #FinishInfinityTrain on twitter!

This giveaway is in collaboration with the one Owen Dennis is running, if you’d like to participate simply post in the #FinishInfinityTrain tag on twitter! 

He’s giving away many different prizes as well, check them out at his post here!

Interested in anything shown above? Find all this and more at our website: https://store.joinmobiusstrip.club/

Proceeds from this zine will be donated to the Marsha P. Johnson institute, information on what they do can be found here: https://marshap.org


It’s finally here!

The pre-order period for Sidetracked: An Infinity Train Zine has begun! Pre-orders will be open from April 17th - May 8th. All proceeds will be donated to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute. A link to our store: https://store.joinmobiusstrip.club/


These three individual stickers will be included with every bundle/ultimate bundle purchase.

 Remember, you only have until May 8th to put in a pre-order!

Anonymous asked:

How much will the PDF cost? And with the discount?

The pdf by itself will cost $10, if you purchase a physical zine by itself the pdf will be $5 instead, and if you buy a bundle the pdf will be free with your purchase.

Anonymous asked:

Do we get a free pdf with every physical book purchase?

Hello! Those who purchase any of the bundles will get a pdf of the zine for free. If you purchase a physical zine by itself, however, you will be given a discount code for a pdf version of the zine as well.

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