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@boolpropold / boolpropold.tumblr.com

20. she/her. usa. ts2 until I get a better computer. I like making friends, so feel free to send me an ask (preferred) or a message! cc finds: boolpropcc
Ingrid: Oh Heavens, when did it get so late? We’ve sat and talked here for hours.
Jonathan: Time gets away from you when you’re enjoying yourself.
Ingrid: I hate to have to leave, but my days start early. I hope we can talk again soon, though. You’re good company.
Jonathan: Of course! Do I have your blessing to call or stop by some time?
Ingrid: Haha, yes, of course. I suppose I’ll see you then? Goodnight Jonathan.
Source: boolprop
???: I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Jonathan. Pleased to meet you.
Ingrid: Pleased to meet you as well, Jonathan. I’m Ingrid.
Jonathan: Ingrid? That’s an interesting name. Are you from the surrounding area?
Ingrid: Oh no, I’m from a place called Aurora Skies. You probably haven’t heard of it.
Jonathan: I haven’t, but I would love to hear about.
Ingrid: Haha, alright, well, first of all, we have the most beautiful night skies....
Source: boolprop
???: Um, excuse me.
Ingrid: Oh, um, yes?
???: Sorry to disturb you. I was just wondering if you could give me directions--I’m a bit lost, you see.
Ingrid: I wish I could help, but I only recently moved in. I barely know where I’m at myself. There are some locals over by the pond that I’m sure could help you.
???: Oh no, that’s fine. I would much rather talk to you--it’s rare to see a new face around these parts.
Ingrid: O-oh, well, I would be alright with that. Should we go have a seat?
Source: boolprop
Ingrid: Well, that was a pleasant first day in the neighborhood. Everyone seems kind, and the garden is off to a good start. Hopefully I can set up a comfortable life here.
Ingrid: It’s also nice that Guillard has as much freedom here as he did back home. I wonder where he’s gotten off to....
Source: boolprop
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