

@thisisthemonadospower / thisisthemonadospower.tumblr.com

i love tokiya ichinose

Do you think cavemen ever got humiliated and had the kms urge? Like "Grug so embarrassed, Grug jump into tar pit" and then Glarg is like "Noooo everyone forget soon" and Grug is like "Grug going to do it for real"


rinsing the sink, running the garbage disposal, fork balanced on bowl slips off and slides into the drain, subconscious reflexes kick in as I shut disposal off just in time, staring at fork, only conscious thought in brain is pitch perfect recreation, ten years buried, like i tripped and hit play on a dusty tape recorder lying forgotten in the room, of let's do the fork in the gaaarbage disposal!! dingdingdingdidingdingding

POV it's 2013 and at least one of your friends is chronically involved in the high school theater department


people forget but you used to be able to get a little beastie crawling on your screen like this:

whaten hell happened

big big fan of reblogging this because my notes look like this

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