
🐞Ladybugs and Black Cats 🐾

@ladybugs-and-black-cats / ladybugs-and-black-cats.tumblr.com

Ladybugs and Black Cats
Hi! I'm a kid masquerading as an adult and this is where I can talk all things Miraculous! Cat Noir is, purrhaps, my favorite character of all time! Did I mention I'm super bad at introductions? I suppose this will do for now, right?
Yep…it’s a neurodivergent thing for me and that is why the admins of the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server hate me. Instead of working with me on this (which has literally been a struggle for me since freaking childhood), they permanently banned me because building community does NOT matter to them.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have been participating in online communities since I was a teenager (20+ years) and Miraculous Fanworks is the only one to ever ban me for things that happened related to my neurodivergence. That is NOT to say I’ve never slipped up on any other community, but those communities never banned anyone for issues related to neurodivergence. Conversations were exchanged privately and the problems were resolved within minutes. DO. BETTER. MIRACULOUS FANWORKS. DO BETTER.

Summer Break Reminders

Can you believe it!? Summer break is finally here for those of us in the northern hemisphere! With so much extra free time, remember to stay hydrated, relax…and find a community that will accept the amazing differences that make you, well…you!

Word of advice to my fellow neurodivergent Miraculous fans, that community is NOT Miraculous Fanworks. They will NOT accept your differences. They will vilify you. Please, I implore you, to find a safe, inclusive, caring, and supportive community…because YOU are amazing and deserve a community that thinks so too!

Understanding Neurodivergence

Found this reel on Instagram and just had to share. For me, personally, number 3 is HUGE! This is what happened to create the fallout with my friend. I could not adequately explain it back then…why just the smallest jolt or change in routine would set me off, but this reel describes it perfectly. That is exactly how I feel. I am so afraid constantly that I am bothering people and that they’re just too nice to tell me. I ask frequently to make sure the answer hasn’t changed. I push people away because I’m afraid that if I don’t, they will and losing friends HURTS. It’s not meant to guiltrip. I’m not trying to be manipulative. I just want to understand what others are thinking and make sure that everything is still cool between us.

Number 2 is pretty big too. That is exactly what I tried to tell the biased and unsupportive admin on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server. My mind processes things differently. It takes time and it’s a learning PROCESS. A “once-and-done” appeal process is not helpful for people like me. It is uncaring and leaves us feeling even more hurt.

It’s hard being neurodivergent. It is exhausting and mentally taxing to try to understand others. I, personally, overthink everything all the time. This is why it hurts so much when communities—like Miraculous Fanworks—which are meant to be safe spaces are, instead, biased and unsupportive.

An Observation

I’ve been marathoning the song “Knowing What I Know Now” (from “Wish”) and it’s got me thinking about the similarities between Magnifico and my former friend.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I’d be making comparisons between these two, but it’s true. My friend, like Magnifico, started out with good intentions. He was noble and pure-hearted.

However, like Magnifico, my former friend let power go to his head and influence him. At the time when we first started talking, I was wary of pursuing a friendship because he was a mod on the Miraculous Fanworks server (yes, their bias of neurodivergent people is important to this story). The leadership team there has hated me since the day I’d joined because, as a neurodivergent person, I didn’t fit in with the type of person that their “head admin” wanted in their community.

At first, my friend did not let it get to him, but the leadership’s bias slowly seeped in and poisoned his heart, turning him against me and he began to see me in the exact same way they did: as a terrible person. He was consumed by the power they’d given him and at one point even told me that “If [he] gets kicked off of the mod team, it would be [my] fault because we talk too much.” What kind of friend would say that to someone else!? Better question, what kind of leadership would allow their volunteers to feel this way and lead them to say something so hurtful!?

My former friend knew how the leadership in that server felt about me. He knew that I was terrified of making that one mistake since Miraculous Fanworks clearly expects everyone to be inhumanly perfect. Well, my former friend (who was apparently promoted to their admin team in gratitude of finally getting rid of the terrible person who is me…) used all of that to advance his own power.

That is why I keep up my Neurodivergence Advocacy Project. How many others have faced similar circumstances because of the bias of their leadership? Bias that leads to a leadership who does not validate information and, instead, delivers consequences for circumstances in which only half of the details are known to them and thus paints an incorrect portrayal of what actually happened. I continue the Neurodivergence Advocacy Project to urge Miraculous Fanworks to do better. Despite their bias and mistreatment of neurodivergent people, I still believe they have potential, but they first need to want to change and want to improve. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen and experienced when I tried to share with them the full story of what happened, it does not seem like that will happen anytime soon…sadly.

For those hating about my Neurodivergence Advocacy Project (NAP): There are plenty of other Tumblr accounts out there for the Miraculous fandom. Going into my DMs and trying to invalidate my experience and what the @miraculousfanworks Discord server did to me will not change anything. It happened and now I will continue to spread the word. No one else should ever be hurt by the bias of their admins.


when you find out your first love was also your first friend :’D

but you dont tell her because what fun is that??

This is how I want the reveal to begin! There’s just something special about the idea of Adrien knowing. Maybe it’s because so many secrets have been kept from him recently and he should be allowed to have some of his own!



So, I happened to take a look at my horoscope this morning. No, I don’t tend to believe these silly things, but this one seemed like one worthy of sharing.
Got me thinking about my NAP (neurodivergence advocacy project). Feels like an affirmative sign. No need to worry, my neurodivergent friends. I will continue to spread the word that @miraculousfanworks (the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server) is still not a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive community for neurodivergent people.

Making The Hard Choices

If anyone knows me, then you know I was, at one time, a huge supporter of Miraculous Fanworks. I spoke highly of the server and put the join link into my stories. I brought a few people to the server community.

Honestly, it pains me to stand against the server that used to be a place that I loved, but when the choice is posed I will always stand with my fellow neurodivergent friends. I will not allow this server and its leadership to hurt anyone else from the neurodivergent community, if I can help it. We, the neurodivergent people, already face so much because of the things that make us different. It is absolutely not okay for server leadership to bring their bias into play and further divide us.

Throughout my neurodivergence advocacy project, my efforts have mostly been met with support and affirmation. We in the neurodivergent community know of the hurtful ways that Miraculous Fanworks leaders run their server. However, I have also had people try to tell me that this is not happening. While I appreciate that some find this server to be their safe space, that does not invalidate what the server admin have done to me and others. It happened. I continues to happen. Those who identify as a part of the neurodivergent community have a right to know and I will gladly step up to make sure that others like me find a community who truly cares for them and won’t treat them terribly because of their beautiful differences.

“If it’s not us, then who and when? If we don’t fight, [they] know [they] win…”



So…I watched Wish on Saturday. It was so good and I connected with it so much, as one person who is taking it upon herself to lead the advocacy for my fellow neurodivergent friends against the bias they have received by the Miraculous Fanworks admin team. A couple of the songs from the movie have really inspired me in my neurodivergence advocacy project:

“This Wish” — I definitely could have used this song as I was getting this project started. It was intimidating, as I am one person and the Discord server in question is large. This song, though, reminds me why I am doing this. I want to see something better for us—neurodivergent people.

“Knowing What I Know Now” — I freaking love this song! This is now my battle cry! Just like in the movie, the number of us against the leaders of the server is few, but our voices matter. It might only be a murmur now, but it will grow. A spark will become a flame. “If it’s not us, then who and when? If we don’t fight, [they] know [they] win. Not allowed…knowing what I know now!”

Supportive Fan Community?

Oh, hi! Neurodivergent friends, may I recommend joining us over in the Miraculous Writers Circle? This server is literally everything I could have ever wanted in a fandom community! A neurodivergent-safe space where we can just talk Miraculous, fan creations, and so much more…without the toxicity and bias towards our differences…which sadly exists in other larger servers within this fandom.

I’ve been a part of MWC for almost a year and joining has only added to my experience as a fan and creator within this fandom. Hope to see you there! 💚
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