
Boe 🐀


they/them || rat enthusiast || wolfstar || inbox is open! feel free to ask questions, send prompts, etc. || peryite on AO3 || 18+ only pls

Forgetting about all the rest of it and just thinking about………….. Him 🥰


The euphoria of receiving a legit new follower during the Great Tumblr Pornbot Siege of 2022/2023


I stand over the newcomer with a spear to their throat, voice gruff and weathered from the siege.

“I cut down my foes.”

They take off their hood and then I see… an anime face.

“And do you cut down friends?”


Things to say about your writing instead of “this is so bad”

  • My writing doesn’t have to be perfect all the time
  • The dialogue in this scene feels stale (or another adjective), but I can revise that later
  • The descriptions lack specificity (or another issue), but I can revise that later
  • The [another specific craft element] isn’t working the way I’d hoped, but I can revise that later
  • I don’t feel like I can objectively judge my work at this current moment
  • I’m not happy with my writing right now, but that doesn’t mean I’ll feel this way forever
  • I’ll reread this writing at a later time and move on for now
  • This scene isn’t turning out how I’d pictured in my head, but I can accept that for now and tweak it later
  • I trust myself to edit this in the future
  • I’m afraid people are going to judge my work, but I’ll accept that I can’t control the reactions of other people—my reaction matters most
  • This scene/subplot/character/etc is overwhelming me.
  • I’ll take my time through this scene/chapter/subplot as more time may allow me to immerse more in the draft.
  • I’ll write this scene/chapter/subplot as quickly as I can—I would like to get through this part ASAP.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes in my writing.
  • I’m not feeling very confident in my craft right now, but I know this will pass
  • This scene might be bad, and that’s okay. Sometimes I write gems, and sometimes my writing needs a bit more work (that’s normal)
  • This scene relies on [certain skill] that I’m still honing. I understand to get better at something, I have to practice and practicing requires mistakes.
  • I’m not excited about this scene right now
  • I had high expectations for this scene, and unfortunately, I don’t feel like I’m hitting them. However, it’s okay for expectations to change.
  • I’m disappointed with how my writing is turning out. That’s normal, even though it sucks.
  • I’m going to remind myself what I DO like about my writing because this feels bad, though I know this feeling won’t last forever.

Sometimes writers need to say “my writing is so bad,” and that’s fine too! Sometimes though, it’s good to note what is specifically wrong in case you need an extra boost forward! <3


can’t believe i’ve seen enough posts on my timeline today to have to make my biannual reminder that

commercially printing fanfiction (through sites like lulu) is illegal

and that

doing so puts the fanfiction authors/readers at risk

because one of the main reasons fanfiction is legal in the first place is that it’s not produced for a profit and therefore not competing with the original source material in the market.

reblogging this to highlight the below bit again because apparently biannual reminders aren’t enough!

…one of the main reasons fanfiction is legal in the first place is that it’s not produced for a profit…”

If you need further proof of this, there’s plenty of research to be found with a quick google search on the matter, but suffice it to say that the monetization of fanfiction puts all fanfiction authors at risk.

For all of the Neil Gaimans in the world who support their fans writing it, there are still plenty of creators who aren’t afraid of suing fanfiction authors for their writings or making their lives difficult because of their disdain for it.

The value in fanfiction has never been in financial gain—it’s in the progressive nature of it! the representation! the nuance of emotions! the study of human nature! the way it brings together communities of people who might have never interacted otherwise!

There are plenty of reasons fanfiction is inherently valuable to people that have nothing to do with money, so please don’t bring financial compensation for writing fics/professional book binding (*ATYD, I’m looking at you*) into the equation when they only serve to put the entire community at risk.

It's been zero days since the last 'commercially selling fanfiction is a good idea, actually' nonsense has been on my timeline.


I was asked if there were other things like Six Sentence Sunday, and I thought that a full week of fanfic events might be fun. I also thought it would be great to include readers in a way that would allow them to be participants, too!

Feel free to use these images as banners if you decide to participate in any of these days. Learn more about them under the cut.

Note: many of these would apply to other types of fanworks, too!


the fact that we need 8 hours of sleep is ridiculous we should only need 4 and the other 4 should be used to be cozy in your bed and rub your legs together like a cricket and listen to music and think about your little scenarios


Hi! So I recently discovered removing the word 'that' from 90% of my writing actually made it more fluid and hardly impacted the readability. Tiny achievement but very proud of myself as a novice writer ^.^ I was wondering if (other than the up/down one) there were any other tiny tricks for removing superfluous words? Thanks!


Great question! Honestly, there are hundreds, but here are a few to get you started.

Words You Can (Usually) Safely Cut from Your Writing

  • That
  • Then
  • Start
  • Begin
  • Suddenly
  • Down
  • Up
  • Kind of
  • Really
  • Just
  • Basically

In general, look out for adverbs (actually, really), “hedging” words (kind of, sometimes), and ambiguous words (nothing, everything, someone). Some can be cut; others will need to be revised or swapped out. “That” is a classic offender. “Then” can usually be changed to “and.” It’s only necessary to qualify that an action was “started” if the action gets interrupted, otherwise it can be cut. (”She started to cry” becomes “She cried”).

I have a detailed, exhaustive list of words like this (with explanations!) in my book The Complete Guide to Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, which will be done soon :)

Nice to hear from you & hope this helps!


Adding some more:


  • she gave a yelp of surprise
  • she yelped in surprise


  • he felt an overwhelming feeling of euphoria*
  • he was overwhelmed by euphoria / euphoria overwhelmed him

sound (of)

  • they could hear the sound of footsteps
  • they could hear footsteps

over (to)

  • I walked over to the bed
  • I walked to the bed


  • it looked like they were out of milk
  • they were out of milk

DO NOT just delete these words en masse from your draft. Sometimes they really do need to be there. Beginning writers or writers who undervalue quality tend to overuse these words, and it makes the reading stuffy and hard to get through.

The goal is to improve reading comprehension for the reader and sound like you’re great at this writing thing. Train your eye for useless stuffing words and you’ll eventually be able to pick apart your drafts without the help of lists like this.

*Toned down rewrite of an actual sentence I read with my own two eyes.


Kitten ill be completely honest daddy is a fucking mess right now


This Ao3 anti discourse actually gets really funny when you realize that they are clearly the ones going out of their way to read fucked up shit in the first place. Like one does not accidentally stumble on an original work from an orphaned account clearly tagged for underage noncon incest slavery. It just does not happen. It's like the Salem witch trials at this point. You may well have seen Temperance at the devil's sabbath but what the fuck were you doing there?

Congratulations on making this even funnier


sometimes i really love my fics. i wrote that because i wanted to read it. i love it. nobody visits my fics more than me. they remind me that i’m a hard worker, that i created something. it’s mine and i cherish it and love it because it’s exactly what i wanted so i made it.

and other days i’m crippled by self criticism and hate everything and can’t bear to look at my own work because i know it’ll never compare to the greats

but i live for the days i love my work. because it’s mine, and i made it. i didn’t wait for somebody else to make what i dream about. i went and did it myself.

so don’t feel like your work is awful

it’s the stuff you dreamed about. it’s the stuff you decided to make a reality. it’s not about quality, or poetry, or how perfectly your sculpt your words or keep it so deeply in character; because it’s what you dreamed and it’s what you wanted to see, so you made it.

keep writing; it’s yours, and you made it. and if you want to continue to sharpen and improve yourself? then do it. it’s all yours and you can make it whatever you want.

keep writing.

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