memento vindictae.

@attendreesperer /


          There The Count goes, stepping out of Chaldea’s cafeteria with a nice cup of coffee in hand-- wait why is everything behind him on fire? Why is the cafeteria burning? Is that screaming in the background? Are people on fire back there, too? Yes to the latter two questions, who knows to the former two, who knows. The Count, however, seems unconcerned about anything save his coffee, which he peacefully sips as he walks away from the mayhem....


the count slides da vinci a few rare prisms that may or may not have come from burning certain saints. "Best of birthday wishes to you, I suppose."


“I’m counting on Ritsuka to have approved these.” Poking fun of him, Leonardo already knew where the rare prisms had come from. After all, anything like that could not be done without her watchful eye on the presence. Yet she accepted the prisms and the birthday wishes while handing out a certain craft essence in return.

Things were frantic in Chaldea’s halls; they were getting ready for the arrival of the new director and his associates. Many Masters and Servants had left, but a few remained, Emma herself included. She was to remain at Chaldea until her vocal cords recovered, which had been harmed in the explosion that started Ritsuka’s career. Emma wasn’t envious of the Master, it sounds like they had been through a lot and Emma wasn’t sure if she could handle that strain. She had to ask them about their adventures.
Emma wandered around, before settling on a couch in front of one of the windows. Now that humanity had been saved, the skies were clear and blue, with some clouds in the air. Emma was swaying her head to a song she had trapped in her mind when she heard footsteps.
The girl turned, spotting the Avenger. It seemed he had not left Chaldea yet, which was sort of a relief. Emma felt safer with the Servants around, even if they weren’t really needed anymore.
“Avenger!” Emma waved, a smile on her face. Her voice was hoarse, but usable. “Look at the sky! It’s such a pretty blue…”

          The Count had felt the temptation to depart as other servants had. Humanity had been saved from arguably the greatest evils it ever faced (Goetia, an Elder God, the events of Shinjuku), and one could say the world was now more or less ‘safe’. The Count, however, knew that his work was far from over. For starters, evil still persisted among humanity, deep within the souls of the selfish and wicked, and that alone prevented The Count from departing-- until evil was fully eradicated from existence every shape or form, The Count wouldn’t be going anywhere. There was a more pressing matter that kept The Count around Chaldea, however; a feeling in his soul, that out there somewhere, skulking about in the shadows, was yet another threat that would push humanity to the brink. The Count couldn’t put his finger on exactly what that threat was, who’s face it bore, or when it would show itself, but he could feel the trouble approaching, and his intuition was almost never wrong.


          It was the aforementioned presentiment and more that were at the forefront of  when he heard a somewhat familiar voice address him, “You are still here, are you?” says The Count, sounding mildly surprised, after he cast his gaze in Emma’s direction. “The sky is, interesting, I suppose.” Not the most enthusiastic response ever made, but The Count does go on to admit, “If anything, it appears far more serene than it has in quite some time-- it should always look this way. Should.”  However, The Count, walking up to one of the windows, looking out into that beautiful blue sky, finishes with something rather gloomy, cryptic. “Take care to enjoy this sky and the peace it spawned from while they both last;  neither will remain unsullied for long.”

“Good morning Avenger,” She greets from her place in front of the stove. Like clock-work the Alter-Ego was busy preparing morning meals for the staff. “Did you come by for something to eat?”

          “I did not.” replies The Count, bluntly, stepping into Alter-ego’s dwelling. His eyes trained on the other servant, The Count quickly adds, “If you are making extra, I shall not turn down a meal, but I have come here on more important business-- you, I, and...” The Count pauses, “another, have been selected to participate in Master Ritsuka’s upcoming assignment. It is imperative I speak with you on the matter.”



Hands propped on her chin, Yonah tries not to kick her feet at the table she sat. This was a fine thing she’d gotten herself into ( &. entirely on accident this time! ). What was her dad going to think if he got back home only to find her missing? Surely he’d be panicked, terrified for his daughters safety! But as it stood, The Count wasn’t allowing her to leave right now. 
Instead, when he returned, he came baring a gift. The box within her hands wasn’t exactly foreign, but she’d never held one before. Her health usually took priority &. so, Yonah’s primary entertainment was reading. She’d never played games like these before! 
I can really have this? Yonah inquires, her gaze drawing up from the box toward him. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game before. She begins to carefully peel away the tab holding the counsel within it. 
Yonah listens to him breath out a sigh &. wonders if he’d light a cigarette soon. He seemed to do that a lot, the smell of smoke wafting off him that she could quickly recognize. Yonah didn’t mind it; not as much as she probably should have. Her mind was currently on unveiling this little device, something of which she had never held before. Even so, his question did not go unmissed.
I’m okay…I think. Yonah allows a brief pause as she gathers her thoughts. Did he speak in regards to her mental health or her physical? It could have been both, but given her condition at the time, she imagined it was due to her illness. Stress can sometimes do…that, so it’s probably why I’m home most of the time. Dad thinks it’s better, at least. I think it’s boring. ❞ &. thus this is why she left when she could, with or without her fathers permission. Usually nothing happened, but this time something huge had &. now she was stuck in between a rock &. a hard place. But I should probably go home soon…If dad comes back, he’ll be so mad &. worried. I don’t have to stay long, right? It’s safe enough now…

          The Count replies, "Correct, Yonah, that device is yours to keep and do with as you please. You may unfortunately be confined here for some time, and that device should make your time here less grating on your nerves and mine." The Count truly took a shot in the dark when he bought Yonah the game console, and if he had known she was more inclined to reading, he would have pointed her to his collection of books right off the bat, but lucky for her, he would mention those books anyway, saying, "There is a personal library I keep down the hall. I suggest you conduct all of your 'gaming' activities within said library , for it is quiet, and is the most peaceful area of my dwelling-- I believe you will feel most comfortable there. In fact, I may have it converted into a temporary bedroom for you."

          The Count, stepping toward his main hallway, shakes his head in disagreement to Yonah's thoughts about home and her father, before making a gesture for her to follow, "The moment it becomes safe for you to return home, I shall immediately escort you there, but that moment has not yet arrived. Your home is far from 'safe enough' with Assassin and god knows who else out there hunting you." Assassin was the main concern obviously, seeing as they had openly displayed the desire to kill Yonah not long ago, but The Count couldn't rule out the chance that others were out to kill her, too-- Rider, Caster, and Lancer had all been observed attacking or outright killing innocent humans after all. Who's to say they hadn't taken notice of Yonah after that scuffle with Assassin and now saw the predicament she posed to the Grail War?

          "Your father, as angry and worried for you as he may end up in lieu of your sudden absence, will have no choice but to deal with those feelings in the meantime. If your father were aware of the situation you have found yourself in, however, I believe wholeheartedly that he would understand the measures I have taken to prolong your life. " The Count, breathing a deep sigh of annoyance (at the current situation), continues, "Then again, if your father were truly aware of what had transpired, he too would be in grave danger-- any outside party who bares witness to the happenings surrounding a Holy Grail conflict must be exterminated, it is the rules."

          There The Count then goes, indeed producing, lighting, and then smoking a cigarette like Yonah thought as he started to walk down the main hallway, a small trail of smoke hovering in his wake. "Fortunately for you, I believe that rule is complete idiocy." To an extent The Count did, anyway. If Yonah had been an adult, The Count would have likely left her to die, but she was just a child, an innocent soul among innocent souls-- she didn't deserve to die just because she had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and if The Count had anything to say about it, he would ensure she kept breathing until the Grail War ended. Plus... perhaps the kid had rubbed off on The Count somewhat, too, despite how acted.


          Wait, was Yonah following him? The Count pauses, cigarette in his lips, a glare being directed in Yonah's direction as he turned around, "Are you coming, Yonah? The library, it is this way,” The Count, in an especially demanding tone, ends with,  “follow me."

          there  was  a  part  of  her  that  had  expected  her  servant  to  look  down  on  her  .  why  wouldn’t  he  ?  not  only  was  she  a  subpar  master  with  barely  any  notable  qualities  ,  but  she  wasn’t  even  human  to  begin  with  .  their  chances  of  winning  the  grail  war  had  been  slim  to  none  ,  but  against  all  odds  ,c they’d  made  it  this  far  ——  it  wouldn’t  be  a  stretch  for  her  to  say  that  they  are  comrades  in  arms  at  this  point  .
          regardless  ,  the  words  come  as  a  slight  shock  to  her  (  she  was  never  one  to  receive  such  encouragement  ,  especially  in  a  situation  such  as  this  one  )  .  she  doesn’t  know  how  to  exactly  put  it  to  words  ,  but  she’s  glad  .  knowing  that  she’s  not  walking  this  path  alone  &  having  someone  by  her  side  is  a  simple  yet  reassuring  thing  ——  she’s  grateful  .    ❛  …  i  see  you’re  as  dramatic  as  always  ,  avenger  .  ❜    her  sentiments  come  in  the  form  of  a  small  chuckle  .  to  her  ,  there’s  not  anything  she  could  say  that  could  even  be  close  to  repaying  those  words  .  it’s  something  that  she  believes  could  be  achieved  by  her  actions  instead  .  to  be  more  specific  ,  by  winning  this  war  . 
          ❛  wait  &  hope  …  ❜    no  matter  what  ,  just don’t  ever  give  up  .  a  simple  phrase  ,  but  she  finds  herself  quite  liking  it  ,  even  though  she’s  never  heard  of  it  before  .  a  pause  ,  before  she’s  looking  at  the  servant  with  a  curious  tilt  of  her  head  .    ❛  is  that  a  phrase  that  carries  great  meaning  to  you  ?  something  to  do  with  your  true  name  ,  maybe  ?  ❜

          “Dramatic, am I?” The Count rolls his eyes at the notion HE was DRAMATIC, even if Hakuno was right, “Heh, what nonsense.” The Count doesn’t show it much but he is relieved that Hakuno seems uplifted by his words, by his promise. The Count didn’t expect this to be the complete end of Hakuno’s woes or her doubts, as the road ahead was sure to have more than a few hurdles left to overcome, but in his eyes, Hakuno’s personal Chateau d'If had been weathered for today, and another day she drew breath was a victory as far as he was concerned.

          “You do not engage in much reading, do you master?” replies The Count, that unmistakable laughter of his ringing out once more, as he then goes on to declare, “It is indeed a phrase that carries great meaning to me! Great!” Wait & Hope, it was a phrase The Count would never forget, a phrase that held more meaning to him than Hakuno might ever know.  That phrase could, however, indeed help Hakuno discover his true name, which he quickly goes on to confirm, “Mayhaps it is a phrase that could indeed reveal to you my true identity as well, if you know where to search.”


           The Count, a smirk on his face, decides that, since the subject of his identity had been brought up, and since Hakuno was now somewhat pointed in the right direction, that he could afford her another clue, “I shall say this; the next time you find yourself with access to a library or any large collection of texts, search for an author by the name of Alexandre Dumas, mayhaps you will find some of their stories intriguing.”

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