

@godlycirce / godlycirce.tumblr.com

she/her | currently reading: the diary of anaïs non

I lied I don’t like sex. Put your clothes back on. Let’s discuss Dostoevsky.


There is still hope. Say it out loud. Palestine will be free. The Palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. We will love and be loved. Do not fall into the trap of despair.

I'm not saying this just for morale. I'm saying this as a reminder that the colonialist regime relies on your despair, uses it to further their propaganda. Once you lose hope, and tell everyone you lose hope, you are aiding the Zionist Entity.

Make it a point that you BELIEVE that Palestine will be free even in the face of genocide. Hope can halt genocide. Do not aid our oppressors.


when susan sontag wrote “I must change my life so that I can live it, not wait for it”

btw I have neither changed nor lived my life and am still waiting for it. hope this helps


Maybe a controversial opinion but music was so much better when people who couldn’t sing would just own it and their unique style would become something iconic about their band and even though they may not be a technically good singer, they were still wonderful to listen to because of their character or presence or display of emotion...instead of the overprocessed, over-autotuned voices that sound exactly the same as every other singer of the same vocal range used on every radio song today


let me be very clear that if you voted for donald trump or support him in any capacity you are not welcome here. my blog is not the place for you and i do not want you interacting with me. 


thinking about the quote “life is short. art is long” and how tragic it is that art lasts forever, but we don’t; how there will always be more books unread than read, more music unheard than heard, more paintings unseen than seen, and when i die, there will be countless more that i will never even have the opportunity to love and cry over and feel, because it certainly seems that there is more worth feeling in the world than time to feel it.


you know what, i know too much about america. social media is so american-centric i could probably tell you more about there than my home country. i would like to forget some information about america please. i would like for someone to say “I am from Oregon” and for me to reply “haha is that some kind of herb?”. please erase america from my knowledge. thank you


places I’d like to be

  • the moon, with a view of earth and the stars
  • a forest with fairies and cute creatures
  • a kingdom under the ocean
  • a city with old buildings and pretty cafés
  • on a cloud where I can watch sunsets
  • inside a soft & fragrant rosebud
  • in a small cottage surrounded by flowers
  • on a grassy hill with baby cows and poppies

my mom says she’s not a hugger. but when i put my arms around her on a gloomy day or after bad news she’s the last to let go. my dad says he doesn’t want gifts on his birthday, but i see the way his face light up when i get him a card with a nice message and a box full of chocolate anyway. he’s just a kid inside, still. it makes him giddy. my brother never says i love you. but when i tell him “i just need to finish the dishes before i vacuum!” he wordlessly goes to vacuum the entire house before i can, and if he sees me struggle with a wrapper or a jar or a bottle he mutters ‘c’mere’ and opens it for me without even sparing me a glance. the thing is, people love you quietly, and you love them quietly, and the air is buzzing with tiny but grand gestures & once you look for them, you find them everywhere. i think that’s really beautiful.


I've got a problem. I'm immediately attracted to guys who are crying and look vulnerable. I mean, sure plenty of other people are to right?? Right?? Like when a boy is crying and looks lost and helpless, don't you want to take care of him?

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