
Misfits and Malcontents

@doctorstarlock / doctorstarlock.tumblr.com

Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, baja blast to fuel my trouble.
— Age-wise, I predate Spongebob, that’s all you need to know. If you’re here for the frog asks, I tag them as #frog facts and #frog anon

The Rules:

  1. Every twenty-four hours there will be another round. After every round, the film in last place will be eliminated.
  2. If there are multiple films tying for last place, there will be a special elimination round. In these rounds, every film in last place will be eliminated, even if all the films have tied equally.
  3. When there are only two films remaining, they will face off against one another in a week-long poll to determine the victor.
  4. If you feel that no mere Star Wars film deserves to win, then please hit the "No Star Wars *Film* Is As Good As ___!" option and reply to this post with the non-film piece of Star Wars media you wish to include in the poll. The non-film piece of Star Wars media with the highest 'write-in' votes will then be added to the poll in the next round. Welcome to the poll, Andor and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
  5. This is all for fun. Don’t take it too seriously ;)

I don’t like Clones, they’re course, and rough, and irritating. Also they killed a bunch of Younglings.

…that’s my way of saying that Attack of the Clones was eliminated.

Even Obi-Wan is disappointed in you all!

Moving on, Round Seven!


Imagine my shock as a neurodivergent teen when I first realized that using large vocabulary and eloquent speech doesn't make you less likely to be misinterpreted, rather it adds an entirely new layer of misinterpretation I had never even realized existed in the form of people thinking you're being snobbish or condescending when you're just trying to be specific


Remember: behind every robot that turns evil is an engineer who specifically installed red LEDs into the eyes just for this occasion


Listen, that is a mandatory safety feature. This is like saying, "Behind every building that starts on fire, there's an architect who specifically installed a fire alarm for just this occasion." Yeah, of course.

If the eyes didn't turn red when the robots turned evil, that wouldn't stop it turning evil, it would just mean you don't have any warning!


Post canon Toph who doesn’t want to go back to her shitty parents so she just decides to stay in the Fire Nation and bum off Zuko’s hospitality.

Zuko’s like no, yeah, I totally get it, and just makes her one of his advisors. At first it’s just so she has a good excuse to stay but after the first meeting Toph storms out shouting about how EVERYONE was lying why would you even need to lie about what kind of tea you want??

Zuko: I mean they’re politicians…..but also who, and when, and in what way

They make a subtle Morse code system so Toph can warn him when someone is lying to him without tipping anyone off that she can sense lies.

Zuko gets a reputation for somehow being both extremely socially inept and yet somehow disgustingly perceptive?? You can’t get ANYTHING by him???

#my lord what EXACTLY is ms Beifongs role in these meetings #a nervous nobleman asks after the third time she interrupts them with stupid commentary #zuko with perfect deadpan: she’s my scribe

You CAN’T leave that in the tags

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