
Long Dark Passage

@scrawlsonblankpaper / scrawlsonblankpaper.tumblr.com

This blog is a mess of art, fandom, and references I'll never look at again                 Almost All Reblogs

I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.


Rewatched The Good Place for the first time since s4 dropped and. Oh my god. The Good Place said "people are a result of their environment but we always have a moral responsibility to be better" and The Good Place said "every day the world gets a little more complicated and it gets a little harder to be good" and The Good Place said "even in the face of total nihilism, when nothing you do will matter, you still have to at least try. Because trying is better than the alternative" and The Good Place said "if you have bills to pay and shit to deal with you don't have time or energy to become a better person" and then The Good Place really said "people get better when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't " and THEN The Good Place really said "no one is irredeemable. Everyone can try to be better today than they were yesterday" AND THEN! The Good Place said "Heaven is just enough time with the people that you love" OH MY FUCKING GOD.


Server at work was down for 2 hours so I rigged & animated this little medieval bat friend. I couldn't do any fun texture work this time around but


there’s something that’s incredible about the intersectionality and flexibility of werewolves as metaphor.

anger issues? werewolf. intrusive thoughts? werewolf. unresolved trauma? werewolf. rejection by society? werewolf. autism? werewolf. transgenderism? werewolf. queer expression of any sort? werewolf. plurality? werewolf. dissociation? werewolf. repression of any sort? werewolf. abuse cycles? werewolf. emotion so strong it physically changes you? werewolf!!!

really doing it all


rewatching elementary now with the knowledge Jonny Lee Miller had started with his own sobriety and recovery whilst filming is honestly transcendent. He is so GOOD. he is gut-wrenching. The scene where Sherlock explains his sobriety feels like a leaking faucet that requires constant maintenance and offers only not to drip in return - jlm does this thing with his voice where he's on the verge of tears but bored all at once. He's wrecked by a feeling he's utterly sick to death of having. It's such a compassionate performance. On another level it is truly crazy to me that we have so many Sherlock Holmes adaptations so eager to make Sherlock an addict, but Elementary is far and away the only adaptation that does that and takes the addiction seriously. Perhaps in part because of JLM's real life recovery, but we'll never know. On a rewatch, it's a lot :')


I want black children to be seen as children and not treated like adults. I don’t want black boys to be targeted as black men or black girls to be written off as “acting too grown.”

I want them to pursue their interests and dreams and not have anyone stand in their way. I want them to grow up and only know racism as a thing of the past, something that’s never happened to them.

I want them to be loved, and safe, and supported and respected.

I want a better world for our black children.


we’ve made autism into a small insignificant personality trait/identity like being queer and that’s actually so fucking wrong and insulting

37.9% of autistics have an intellectual disability

1/3rd of autistics are completely nonspeaking

most autistics will not be able to hold a job, go to college, or live on their own

autism rarely travels alone and has many medical comorbidities like epilepsy, mitochondrial disorders, and genetic disorders (which are the most common comorbidities - these aren’t rare complications.)

we can have discussions about autism and ableism and how society sees us without spreading misinformation.

autism is a lifelong, often debilitating neurodevelopmental and genetic disorder that affects how one communicates and interacts with the world. it is not “just being socially awkward” or feeling nervous in social situations. it is a neurological disability. start treating it like one.

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