
Just a buncha muses

@muse-hub / muse-hub.tumblr.com

Independent multimuse roleplay blog Muses page is under renovation (Icon by peridotitenerd and banner by Shiloh Falken on facebook) run by a 28 year old lesbian.

She-ra mixed with the last of us….. Huh have I not just created the greatest media of all time?


Zumbo’s Just Desserts mixed with the Pirates of the Carribean video game.


Batman Beyond and Persona 5

That would be a trip and a half


Spider-Man and Assassin’s Creed.


She-Ra and Stardew Valley


My next life as a Villainess with Fire Emblem Three Houses.

You know what ? Now I want the Hamefura cast in the FE3H universe. Separated in the three houses. Katarina, Keith and Maria would be with the Golden Deer, Giordo, Alan and Mary with the Black Eagles, Nicol and Sophia with the Blue Lions.

(I say that but I haven’t finished the game yet and only played with the Black Eagles so far so feel free to put your own ideas in there)


Elden Ring and Apothecary Diaries... thats a weird one... but I could honestly see Maomao as a Perfumer


Story Concept

A lesbian is reincarnated/isekaied into a historical harem anime/otome game and now shes desperately trying to avoid all of the men and convince everyone that the last thing she ever wants to do is marry a prince. She just wants to get through her schooling and get the hell out of dodge and live in the ass end of nowhere where she can live with her plants, her pants, and her cat.


“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

  1. She ain’t no games in real life so I take her serious all the time
  2. Anyone with a name that starts with a “Z”, ends with an “i”, and isn’t some kind of Italian pasta, IS SERIOUS
  3. I’m not climbing no mountain with a pig on my back, 🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿 Negative.

Oh my god tumblr knows holes. I fucking love you tumblr.

BTW my old tc forced me to read holes

Fucking hell why is this in a tag on my blog? I CANNOT NOT REBLOG MADAME ZERONI

yeah, nah can’t not reblog madame zeroni




I liked this post, scrolled for like another minute before I went “SHIT FUCK SHIT” and scrolled back to reblog it

I always reblog this one when I see it on my dash. When someone posts their own art, writing, or music here they are really hoping you will share it.


So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.

AI art bros are big mad about it.


A good thread on whether “queer” is a slur and if it should be used or not.

“If I am unashamed of being queer, you do not get to give that word BACK to the fuckwits who made it a slur.”


you do not get to give that word BACK to the fuckwits who made it a slur


Holy motherfucking shit. Don’t fucking come at me about Queer is a slur. I FUCKING KNOW IT IS. It was hurled at me like a fucking spear all through my youth. I know it’s a god damn slur. And it’s mine. You don’t get to take it away from me because you can’t take also away the scars it gave me while I was standing in front of my younger queer siblings in this community. 


always, always reblog this one.


If my enemy swings a sword at me and I take that sword away from them, it’s my sword now. And the person telling me I can’t use it because it belongs to my enemy and I have to give it back to them sounds quite a bit like an enemy themselves.


^^ god that analogy



This came around again, but it’s worth sharing and remembering.  You have the right to only accept certain words be used to describe you, but so does everyone else.

I have this bookmarked to through at people who DM me about using the word Queer.

The rallying cry when I was but a baby Bi was

We’re here

We’re Queer

Get Used To It!

And that has stuck with me ever since.

This. I’m here, I’m queer, and if you don’t like it, you can fuck right off ☺️


if i go to inazuma and they dont give me something like this to wear im suing the shogun


Yesterday a man came into my work, all scruffy and dirty with a big backpack on his shoulders, and as he was leaving I told him to stay dry because it’s been raining almost none stop for a few days. 

He stopped and turned around and laughed, and then he showed me his new shoes that he just bought and said “I’ve been walking the perimeter of the United States; these shoes will last me another month, rain or sunshine.”

We talked for a bit and he told me about how he’s walking around the perimeter of the entire U.S. to raise awareness and money for the homeless. He told me about some things he’s seen and the places he’s been so far. Before he left, he gave me a big smile, said “God be with you,” and walked out the door with the happiest strut I’ve ever seen. 

He started off in Virginia and made it all the way down here to Florida on foot, and he’s still got a long way to go. He was very kind and very optimistic. 

I’ve never met someone like him before, so I want to try and spread him and his effort here on tumblr. 

He isn’t very popular yet, but I really want to try to spread his word and raise awareness of the homelessness issue here in the U.S., and try to help him raise money for this cause. 

His name is Leroy Bailey and if you want to follow him around the U.S. his facebook is here

I didn’t get a photo of him so I took this one from his facebook


If you think like that, please don’t ever have children.


Listen, my parents installed a lock on my door so I could lock everyone out of my room if I wanted to at sometime around 8 years old. They had a key of course for safety but they’ve never had to use it and they’ve never used it when they didn’t have to.

I was allowed full access to any books, movies, and internet I wanted fully informed about our family beliefs and practices but I was given no supervision once I reached about 13 because my parents trusted me to stick to the rules or not as I felt and come to them if there was anything that I had questions about.

As long as I said where I was going, who I was with, and when I was going to be back and then phone if anything changed I was allowed to do pretty much as I pleased from 13 onward.

I moved back in with my parents after university and the first conversation we had was my dad telling me that if I felt like they were treating me like a child to please tell them because they had no intention of doing so.

I still live with them and I’m comfortable here as an adult. When I eventually move out again, which I feel no rush to do because I feel respected and given more than enough elbow room, I will probably talk to them often if not everyday. Because they’ve always respected my privacy and my autonomy both physically and emotionally. If you want an independent and fictional child trusting them and giving them their space will do you many more favours than not.

meanwhile, my parents…

  • password protected my computer so i had to get permission every time i wanted to use it
  • put a passcode lock on our pantry so we couldn’t eat without permission
  • regularly checked our internet browsing history
  • shut off the internet at regular intervals, including when i needed it for university homework
  • did monthly checks of our bank statements and would confiscate money if they didn’t approve of our activities

in response, i went behind their backs and opened a new bank account, got a secret job, bought my own groceries, and used the wifi from the school across the street. they didn’t succeed in disciplining me. all they did was force me to distance myself from them.

your children are not your property. they are human beings, and they deserve basic human rights.

nothing in this world teaches you to lie and sneak around like a parent who doesn’t believe you should have privacy


if i go to inazuma and they dont give me something like this to wear im suing the shogun

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