
ill be the ovi to your sid

@tahaiga / tahaiga.tumblr.com

hes also a mapole lefa and gODD at HOCKEY

when I was a kid you had to do the charlie the unicorn voice whether you liked it or not. you had to say candy mountain charlieeee in the voice. not like these days


English is great because I can say a single three letter word and people will assume I mean:

  1. a temporary teacher
  2. someone who likes to be dominated
  3. a sandwich
  4. an underwater vessel
  5. or any combination of the things above

”there is girl autism and there is boy autism” is a piss poor way of reading “autistic girls may internalize their autistic traits differently as kids” and “we perceive the same traits differently when they’re on girls.”

*boy goes into the doctor being very quiet, only talks about a few subjects, fidgits around, isn’t good at understanding people* good lord, this young man needs help! here’s a diagnosis, terrible therapy, and we think we’re helping you. but hey at least you have a diagnosis and your condition is recognized.

*girl goes into the doctor being very quiet, only talks about a few subjects, fidgits around, isn’t good at understanding people* she’s just Quirky and Shy :) we’re gonna leave her alone for years and hope she figures it out by herself.

this post is going around againand i’d appreciate it if this version was the one rebloged


yes. also why boys will be diagnosed anti social personality disorder and girls will receive a borderline personality disorder diagnosis, despite displaying the same symptoms.

And bipoc will more likely get diagnosed with "oppositional defiant disorder," despite also displaying the same symptoms


A family of cheetahs sleep with the forest guard every night. When the Forest Dept. heard about it, they decided to check the veracity of the claim by installing a CCTV camera. This is what the camera recorded! Just amazing.

Kitties will be kitties 🐈‍⬛


If you guys dont understand WHY this is so important - corpse flowers bloom every 7-10 years. Once. For one day. And then their bloom dies and they go back to doing their plant thing. These plants are extremely rare, and endangered, obviously their method of mystical breeding is not efficient in times of humans causing mass destruction.

So for them to bloom at the same time BY CHANCE and pollinate each other, the Japanese botanical garden they are in now has 700 chances to make more and assist in saving the species.


the first indication this is fake is the commentary included in the quadrilogy boxset is just the commentary he did for the 20th anniversary in 1999, the second is there is zero evidence for this outside this website and this specific reblog, however im insufferable and must know the truth so im currently watching the ridley scott “quadrilogy boxset” commentary right now . see u in 2 hours maybe

about 10 min in now and third indication is altho ridley scott is known for his surly quotes and attitude now- he, like william friedkin, behaves “professionally” and more impersonal for director commentaries, as if he’s lecturing a class (after all the commentaries i’ve listened to, i cant recall any director disparaging someone or straight bitching, even francis coppola was nice about paramount vultures lurking over the godfather set)

not looking good for the existence of the #bushcut peace be with this person im not sure if theyre joking or not

things that are actually true

  • ridley scott was concerned people would wonder why Ripley went back for the cat, but “no one seemed to question it”
  • scott played “the planets” orchestra for sigourney weaver to run around to while parker and lambert were being killed
  • there are curbs around the holes to the lower deck of the ship because they were “too poor” to actually build a lower deck for the set, sigourney weaver just crouches behind the curb to give the impression in certain shots she was climbing out of the floor 
  • the explosion of the nostromo isn’t cgi, but paintings/artwork on stills
  • ripley singing “you are my lucky star” was sigourney weaver’s idea 
  • sometimes when ridley scott says “sigourney” it sounds like “sigooney” 

things that arent

  • bush cut

having a snuggable animal in your home is like a constant minigame of ancestral persistence hunting, every morning this beast is getting yoinked from various parts of the house to indulge our daily ritual of bringing him back to bed for cuddling purposes. im like the doom guy in hell meme but instead of ronald reagan im looking for my cat

is this anything


With the hbomberguy plagiarism video on fire right now I want to share my favorite example of egregious plagiarism.

I’m a marine biologist. Currently getting my PhD. I’ve done a lot of scholarly writing. Many classes I took as an undergraduate had big writing components. I took limnology at one point as an elective. This course had one such big writing assignment.

The professor told us a story. He said he once got a student paper that absolutely blew him away. It was way beyond what he’d expected from the class. This was before we had online tools to check for plagiarism. The paper impressed him so much that he brought it home to show it to his wife. She began reading it and then set it down, looked at him, and said, “Dan, you wrote this.”

This student was dumb enough to not only copy a published paper verbatim, but to copy a paper published by the professor of the class.



usually seeds in the tomato family have little tiny hairs on them you can see under a microscope and sometimes they’re even big enough to see with the naked eye but today at work we got tomato seeds in that were LUSCIOUS. hair so dense it looked like fur. hair so immense it muffled the sounds of the seeds when they hit each other and the metal pan they were in. On God you could have shampooed and conditioned them like a little white show dog. the person planting it brought it to me because they thought there was something wrong with the sample and I was like no those are jyst nature’s toupees

wooly caterpillar moments in the tomato seed factory

for those wondering about the variety name to know what on EARTH the grown plants look like: these were sent by a company doing breeding and the variety name was an in-house barcode. i also have questions


thinking abt how fucked up steam engine boiler explosions can look. theyre just pipes under there

gives me the idea of a ghost/monster engine that looks normal, albeit a bit battered, only to swing their smokebox door open and a myriad of pipes come bursting out like fucked up tentacles

I didn’t know a train could be an eldritch horror, but here we are.

The Call of C'thchoochoo.


Does anybody wanna come over and parallel play? Does anybody wanna sit in the same couch and watch TV? Does anybody wanna go for a little walk in the park? Does anyone wanna sit on my bed while I putz around trying to clean my room? For the love of fucking God doesn't anyone wanna share space with me for a bit


can we clip our carabiners together so I don't get lost


no, but we can clip our carabiners together so that you don't get lost alone

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