
stan girl groups

@girlsbias / girlsbias.tumblr.com

eun, 24. this used to be a gay meme blog but it's kinda a kpop blog now.

Which Locked Tomb book you like best actually says a lot about you. (you can trust me, I’m an expert in pseudoscience)

If you like Gideon the Ninth most:

  • You read to have a good time/for humor
  • You like to watch the gay men women fight
  • You’re a sucker for a tragedy
  • One of your favorite character archetypes is the humble hero
  • You either correctly understand that Gideon Nav is the best character or relate too much to her to believe that
  • You came for the gothic vibes or necromancy vibes and stayed for the gays

If you like Harrow the Ninth most:

  • You read to feel a little clever
  • There’s a 90% chance your IQ is higher than mine
  • You’re known to like characters who could be considered frustrating, or even unbearable (@ mercymorn and ianthe)
  • You like puzzles and you will stick out large periods of confusion for the joy of solving.
  • You probably annotate your books (if you don’t it’s because you believe writing in books is sacrilegious)
  • You’re a sucker for a dramatic reveal

If you like Nona the Ninth most:

  • You read to feel loved
  • You’re a slut for the found family trope
  • You don’t necessarily like to solve puzzles, but you love the feeling of it all coming together
  • Thank God someone [God] is finally talking about Earth and this society’s relationship to it because you like ur fantasy a tiny bit grounded in reality
  • You believe in the power of radical kindness
  • You enjoy an element of whimsy to your grim imperialist capitalist dystopia (you would also prefer if it was interspersed with cow facts)

Edits (that no one asked for)

You don’t like Harrow because you’re autistic, we’re all autistic (well, actually, I’m adhd but that’s beside the point). TLT is strictly for the neurodivergents and gays
The harrow fans have asserted that many of them are dumb and proud. I’m sorry for assuming otherwise. Love that for you guys
Other valid reasons for liking Harrow best include: an enjoyment of body horror, a love of overly convoluted plots made with your frienemy to save the dead girl and the entombed girl you love

it's about how Caitlyn has always craved recognition not for her name but for who she was and her actual abilities and was never taken seriously and then Vi came around to her and not only trusted her but entrusted her with the fate of her people, Vi who never trusted anyone who wasn't her own gave Cait her entire faith. it's about how Vi was all walled up, shielding herself with her built-in rage and her bravado, and then Cait treats her as someone worth protecting, worth fighting and defending every step of the way. it's the way they're the sniper and the brawler, opposites and complementary, uniquely suited for each other, covering each other's blindspots, inspiring each other and making each other better people. I am going insane


red (taylor’s version) dropped and i just felt the urge to log into tumblr again..

Anonymous asked:

Hey, i'm using your page theme tickle me pink and noticed you don't have rules on editing it or anything, so before i got going I wanted to know how far I can edit it / if i can use it as a base code / ect?

hey !! i rarely check tumblr anymore so idk how long this has been here but you can do whatever u want w/ it, please just keep the credit visible on the page 


things u youngins will never understand

  • peter pan at disney land discourse
  • mishapocalypse 
  • “reblog if you support gay marriage xDDDD” followed by 500 glee, spn, doctor who gifs and comments like “then john and sherlock could get married” and “if you don’t reblog this i’m unfollowing you”
  • y’all know about superwholock but you don’t know about superwholock there were petitions to each studio to get them to do a mashup urls like “johnlock-in-the-tardis-with-castiel-221b” shitty “edits” which were just stolen gifs mashed together with different dialogue over them
  • that one time someone reblogged a gif of the london eye from the sherlock opening and said “i don’t know why but this feels like home” and ended up deleting their blog bc there were so many comments the blockquotes ran off the screen of people calling them stupid and a shitton of spn gifs as always
  • gif memes aka “the x gif in your folder is your reaction when dean and cas kiss”
  • that fucking theme garden theme with the scrolls and banners. you know the one.
  • once-ler and subsequently shipping him with himself
  • rise of the guardians
  • “ew all these hannibal fans trying to get in on superwholock get away” 
  • the supreme hatred of all female characters
  • everyone shipping lestrade and mycroft bc idk they’re white men i guess
  • merlin
  • tom hiddleston and benedict cumberbatch were the sexiest men alive
  • “reblog ALL the memes” type posts you know the ones
  • gif wars
  • mutant and proud
  • the social network
  • inception
  • ask blogs
  • always reblog david karp 
  • gpoy
  • 5ever
  • what is air?!
  • when you had to go to another page to reblog things
  • scrolling all the way back to the top to reblog a post
  • missing e.
  • “can you make that last ask rebloggable?”
  • 2012 doomsday
  • +bonus of the above: posts like “it’ll be okay dean and sam are out there saving the world right now xD”

Reading this post of like a living nightmare.


no matter whether it's canon, fanon or whatever rarepair thing you choose, mlm ships do get more attention than wlw ones and you all should finally face that

The male characters are typically written better and give us more to work with

it’s the misogyny 💖 also fandom spaces looooove to project entire complex personalities on 2 white twinks while glossing over poc and women entirely, i promise if you can write essays on a 2 second scene between white men you can hold the same energy for wlw and poc


Hello, I am a black asian bisexual woman and I have recently been exploited at my new job as a waitress where they refused to pay me for 7 continuous hours of work without a break in humid weather, and I no longer have a source of income. I have also recently been a victim of fraud; I was sent a fake check and my bank account was closed with all of my money in it.

My bills are due soon and i really need help in order to make ends meet.

If anyone would consider donating i would greatly appreciate it.

Cashapp: $Pepperm1ntTears


Hello I truly hate having to do this but I have no choice 😔 since my family are all poor immigrants I was asked to pay advanced rent for the next 6 monthson the 1st of July and I'm gonna be around £800 short 😐 I'm actively looking for a job which is difficult as I can only work nights bc I'm looking after a 5 year old! I'm waiting for a bunch of places to get back to me but I don't know what I can do for now

I'm really desperate at this point lol if you want I can possibly do art comissions ! I can do tarot readings ! I can do editing / writing comissions depending on what it is literally anything at this point just DM me

My PayPal is here

I really really appreciate any help ❣️

I have 3 days left 😐 please share & donate what u can if u can

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