
Lover Of All Things


| Lady | Christian | Violinist | Pansexual, Panromantic | ENFP | 17 | Eastern Seaboard of the USA | Fat |

So I came up with this great idea for a fake beard using fiber mascara and I realized there were no tutorials out there for this already. So I made one myself. It works really well and is very realistic!!

  • here are some links to some fiber mascaras as well as the type I used (I’m sure you guys can find one at a cheaper price though)
  • here is the absolute best crossplay makeup tutorial I highly recommend it

I’m so sorry for my handwriting I did my best I swear

Useful for trans men, nonbinary people, agender people, AND COSPLAYERS

When u wanna be a drag king, but are also trans masc. like??? How tho

I know many wonderful trans masc drag kings and trans men who are drag kings. You do you 👍


So I came up with this great idea for a fake beard using fiber mascara and I realized there were no tutorials out there for this already. So I made one myself. It works really well and is very realistic!!

  • here are some links to some fiber mascaras as well as the type I used (I’m sure you guys can find one at a cheaper price though)
  • here is the absolute best crossplay makeup tutorial I highly recommend it

I’m so sorry for my handwriting I did my best I swear

Useful for trans men, nonbinary people, agender people, AND COSPLAYERS

When u wanna be a drag king, but are also trans masc. like??? How tho

I know many wonderful trans masc drag kings and trans men who are drag kings. You do you 👍


First Time Walking-Stick/Cane Users Tips

I’ve seen a post about first time wheelchair users guide. Since I’ve been using a walking stick for a while now, I thought I’d make one specifically for these types of aids. These will be in no particular order– they’re just things you probably don’t know about using a walking stick.

- if you’ve hurt you left leg/ect., hold the stick in your right hand (if possible) and if you’ve hurt your right leg/ect., hold the stick in your left hand. Trust me, your shoulders and back will thank you

- the pad of your hand will hurt– it just will. You’ll get used to it and your hand will develop more protection there eventually. To start out, look into a pair of fingerless gloves. 

- a fold up/collapsable stick is good for beginners because you can take them on public transport/cars without too much hassle (they also fit nicely into desks and under chairs).

- When you’re using your stick, you only have one free hand. This may seem obvious, but it really impacts your every day life. Practice for a while around the house, so you get the feeling down.

-there are a lot of different types of walking sticks: fold up, one leg, two legs, three legs, etc. 

(these are only a few of the many designs)

-if possible, go to a shop that specifies in walking sticks. ask to try a few out, they will also help make sure that you’re using on that’s the right height for you.

- a height adjustable walking stick is a miracle, especially if you want to wear high heels to an event.

- you don’t need a prescription to get a stick in most regions (but in some cases they may help get a discount)

- getting a stick that is the right height for you if very important (even with an adjustable one). Too short, and you’ll hurt your shoulder. Too tall, and you can’t put weight on it properly. The correct height is when the highest part of the handle reaches your wrist when the stick is standing straight up, as shown in this image.


- if you’re young (under the age of 60) people will stare, often they wont mean to– it is annoying but you’ll get used to it. 

- again, if you’re young, people will ask why you’re using the stick, all. the. time. Even strangers will sometimes ask. You can use a really simple answer like “medical condition” and if they pry further, you can say “That’s all I’m comfortable saying”. If they don’t know you, or don’t know you well, they really have no business asking.

-Children will ask, a lot. Please be gentle with them, especially if they’re really little. I know it’s annoying but you can give children reallllllllly simple answers like “I just need it to help me walk” and most of the time they’ll be perfectly content with that and won’t ask more.

- don’t be afraid to use more advanced mobility aids if needed on bad days, or when readily available (eg. at a supermarket, when they have motorized wheelchairs for customers)

- You don’t have to use your stick every day for you to have a disability or for you to own a stick. Even if you need it once a week, once a month, you can still own one. You’re not less worthy or a mobility aid than those who need one everyday. 

-Use backpacks, the ones with 2 well-padded straps that go over your shoulders evenly. Use them as much as you can. Bags that you hold in one hand or have one strap make you unbalanced or take up your only free hand. 

- If you want to, decorate your stick, go all out. 

Even if you don’t need/use a walking stick, please reblog this to let those who do, know this information. 


big noses and (naturally) thick eyebrows are some of the most beautifully striking features a person can have and they’re basically a Look that you get to wear all the time and anyone who makes you think they’re a liability rather than the asset they are is ridiculous and wrong and i will personally fight them for you


I made icons in response to tumblr’s censorship of the lgbt+ community because apparently our existence is “sensitive content.”

- feel free to use them for whatever you wish!

- also send an ask if you want me to make an edit with another flag in it because I’ll do it woo


Things I never knew about depression until I finally had a doctor explain the disease to me

Depression can manifest as irrational anger.

My complete and total inability to keep anything clean or tidy for any amount of time is a symptom of my depression. I may never be able to do this. It’s important that I remember that and forgive myself when I clean something out (like my car) and it ends up trashed within a week.

Depression IS A DISABILITY. Requiring accommodations is okay.

Medications don’t make you better, they don’t cure your depression. They serve as an aid. Their purpose is to help you get to everyone else’s minimal level of functioning.

Depression can cycle through periods of inactivity. This doesn’t mean it’s gone away.

The reason I don’t feel like other people understand me is because … well … other people DON’T understand me. They can’t. They don’t have my disability.

Paranoia is par for the course.

Depression can and will interfere with your physical mobility. Forgive yourself when you can’t physically do something.

It’s entirely possible that I may never be able to live by myself. I can’t take care of myself. I need help to do it. And that’s okay.


As someone who suffers from depression and who experiences all these things as well I think this is important and needs to be reblogged. Depression is a very difficult thing, not only for people who suffer from it, but for everyone who knows a depressed person. My family doesn’t know how to deal with it, my friends try their very best to support me and I have tried to pretend I was fine until I was in ninth grade.


Everything makes so much more sense

Depression is a disease of the brain. The brain is an organ. When organs are not functioning properly, you are advised to see a doctor and get help. So why is it so hard to understand that the brain can suffer as well, and that we need help for it?

The brain controls the body. A sick brain means a sick body.

…. Shit.


Don’t disregard it as just sadness.  Depression is life threatening.




The next few days I’m going to share drawings about how self care is often really really dull and unenjoyable. And not the “tumblr” kind of self care which is often lovely but not always real. Sometimes you just need to have clean clothes in your draws. Even though these things often build up in your mind the actual doing is often not as bad (unless obviously you are low on spoons 🥄, which is another discussion really as picking up your clothes off the floor may use energy you need to say, feed yourself. ) What are your boring things you do which are self care? #boringselfcare

Follow me on my Instagram: @makedaisychains


If you don’t like the way a corporation or business runs or acts then the answer isn’t government regulation, the answer is not supporting that business or corporation and forcing them to change through the voice of your money.


Reasons LGBT cafes should exist

  • Non-sexualized spaces
  • Inclusive so u don’t have to out urself
  • No alcohol so younger ppl have full access
  • I fukkin love chai lattes
  • No pressure to find hook-ups, lookin at you my aro/ace pals
  • No need to socialize u can literally sit at a table and be gay all by ur self

Please make these a thing

Adding to the list that autistic LGBT people would appreciate having this kind of space because clubs are such a sensory nightmare.


Great point!

Not to mention genderfluid/trans people could give their chosen names to the person behind the counter and not get ugly looks

also queer folk are at a higher chance of submitting to alcoholism due to our main hubs being in bars to having a place to meet that is alcohol free not only opens it up to non-drinkers and younger folk but could help those trying to stay sober while also staying in the community.

I would really really love this because clubs or similar environments give me panic attacks but cafes are relaxing for the most part

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