
trans your gender

@ultimatedirk / ultimatedirk.tumblr.com

RIZ / MAVERICK | 23 | he/him femme lesbian | mixed SEAsian fanartist | read pinned + DO NOT REPOST ( based in Hà Nội )
my art tag is #fanart LOL

zionists are not welcomed here, get fucked!

RIZ/MAVERICK | 23 | he/him femme lesbian | mixed SEAsian artist (viet/kore/german) ✈

currently living in hanoi, vietnam

current interests:  top gun, jake gyllenhaal movies, tron, planet of the apes, linked universe, trolls >i dont condone nor want pro/comship interacting with my content (e.g: linkcest + batcest etc) >don’t tag my art as racebend (i also often make fun of roosmav from TG and satine / bo katan from star wars , if that bothers you it's best not to follow me )

Anonymous asked:

joined the lmk fandom recently and ended up seeing your old art and i was like dang riz over here too huh

LMAOOOO it's always really funny when this happens, i've had multiple inbox asks where people say something similar to you. "omg i was here for (fandom) but you also do (fandom)?!!??!!"

it's really endearing, im glad people don't mind that i've got my toe dipped pretty much everywhere hehe


Pete laughs, light and free. "What are you guys doing?" 

"Can't you tell?" Nick asks, mustache rubbing against Pete's sweaty skin.

Carole presses wet kisses to his other cheek. "You were such a good boy for us. Let us love you, okay?"

Pete smiles and sinks deeper into their warmth, letting himself drift away.

(unrelated but check out this goosemavcarole fic that's so hot and heartwarming at the same time. go give the author some love!!! >> Neglected by proprioception)


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله يعطيكمم العافية أستاذ الشاب حسين انا عبدالله محمد من غزة متزوج وأب لـثلاثة أطفال وبالتأكيد حضرتك بتعرف الأوضاع الحالية، انا حاولت وبحاول بكل جهدي اطلع من غزة بشتغل وبحاول في موقع Gofundme وتقريباً انقطعت السبل معي في وفي أصحاب خير اعطوني حسابك وحكولي ممكن تساعدني كلي أمل بالله اولا ومن ثم في حضرتك برسلك حسابي ورابط باي بال اذا ممكن تساعدني https://gofund.me/03bd44b1 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JM4BATJ3VCFME


Hey guys, I had a conversation with Abdallah here, and he gave me all the information I needed to verify this fundraiser as completely legitimate.

Please do not hesitate to donate to this fundraiser!!!



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