


welcome ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


Abstract: You've always felt it in your guts that something is off about the campus heartthrob, Park Sunghoon. Being more of a rational person however, you tried to bury such gut instincts, chalking the dislike towards his wealth and pretty privilege instead. Not that your feelings matter though, you two are two world's apart, which means you two are bound to never get any closer. That is, until an ill-timed encounter with him at a party seemingly have led your worlds to collide because since then, he grew into a looming presence in your daily life. He was always around and always watching. The more you tried to avoid him, the closer he got and eventually you were forced to spend more time with him than you ever wished to. The more time you spent with him though the more you discovered that he was far from the arrogant airhead you pictured him to be, he was in fact, smarter and more diligent compared to the average Joe. In other words, your negative impression of him all these while had never been more wrong. Or so you thought. Because of the rare times your gut instincts turn out to be correct, it was actually for this one too -- but by the time you realize it, you already had your guards down.
Genre: vampire!sunghoon | horror | thriller | fantasy |||| wc: ~21.1k
Warnings: blood; slight suggestiveness; mentions of crimes (missing persons, murder, serial killings); manipulation.
Taglist: @axartia

“He’s staring at you again,” Sunoo, your bestfriend, whispered, “Park Sunghoon, I mean.”

You followed Sunoo’s gaze and indeed staring back at you from across the lecture theatre was the campus heartthrob, Park Sunghoon, with gaze unflinching even after you had caught him staring. What a psychopath, you thought to yourself when suddenly, as if reading your thoughts, one corner of his mouth lifted forming a coy smirk, catching you off guard and forcing you to break the eye contact. 

This was in fact not the first time that he had seemingly engaged you in some sort of silent unprovoked and unsolicited rounds of staring contest. It was the third time for this week alone. So far however, you hadn’t been winning — not especially when his stare had always have this sort of unexplainable intensity that pierces right into you, in spite of the distance, as if threatening to bore holes into the back of your mind. Perhaps that is what people were talking about when they harp about just how ‘magnetic’ or ‘hypnotising’ his gaze are. Though to you they felt rather unnerving and invasive. Like that of an old painting whose eyes seem to follow you wherever you move in the room.

“it’s all in your head Sunoo,” you replied dismissively, shifting your attention back to the board where the professor had just written down some important takeaways from last week's reading on Hobbes' Leviathan.  

“You wish it was. Pretty boy is still staring by the way,” Sunoo clicked his tongue, “at this point, either you had crossed him or he’s got a crush on you.”

“That’s a whole load of rubbish,” you elbowed Sunoo, trying to get him to shut up so you can continue concentrating in class and stop hearing anything about Sunghoon especially when you already get an earful on the daily from his horde of fangirls who are always singing praises about his looks, his stature, his manner and his wealth. Unlike the rest of the campus though, you have never had a good impression of Sunghoon. Born with both good looks and wealth, no example best display wealth and pretty privilege better in campus than him and his pretty friends who struts around in campus clad in all designers with special parking spaces reserved for their Teslas, Benz and Beemers while also having a whole room in campus dedicated for their hangouts like some sort of a secret student society.

Now and then though, in between the blind praises, you can hear wicked rumours spoken in whispers about these boys: their underground and political connections; all the drugs and booze; nepotism; and the list goes on. It’s unsurprising just how rumour-abound these boys are though. Afterall, not much is known about their families except that they are rich and powerful that no one in their right mind would dare to cross them. Legends are abound of what befell those who did cross them or their family, none of which end well: they either fall to the bottom rung of society or disappear off the face of the earth. 

“And he is still staring, go figure,” Sunoo scoffed, leaning back on his seat with arms crossed, looking offended as if he had been the one getting the stare down,  “You sure you haven’t done anything y/n?”

“Dude, what could I possibly have done when all I do is stay cooped up in the library or at home?” you retorted as a matter-of-factly. That was however a lie — though only partially. Truth to be told, you had a vague assumption as to why Sunghoon has been shooting daggers through his eyes at you. You believed it could be traced back to a party hosted two weeks ago by Jay Park, one of those influential one in Sunghoon’s circle, which Sunoo had dragged you into.

Long story short, in an attempt to escape the rowdy crowd, you wandered around their bachelor pad in search of quieter corners only to stumble upon Sunghoon making out with the Cheer Captain in one of the empty living rooms upstairs. You remember scoffing at the sight, suddenly reminded of all the A’s Sunghoon has gotten for all his Economic modules despite his absences in classes. Well, that’s a no brainer since he’s dating the Faculty Head’s daughter, you thought to yourself, still grimacing at the sight of her straddling his lap with her head thrown back as he feverishly buried his head on the crook of her neck. 

Sunoo would have loved a shot of this for his gossip column, you thought to yourself when suddenly you feel something shifting in the atmosphere. The next thing you knew, Sunghoon had lifted his head up, his eyes meeting yours immediately and directly in such a chilling precision as if he knew exactly that you had been standing right there and watching. In that instance, you swore, you felt the temperature in the room drop while the lighting around the hall grew dimmer. You remember swallowing thickly and backing up slowly, feeling small under the weight of his intense gaze and what seemed like an inhuman glint in his eyes which had sent shivers down your spine. You took off not long after, out of the hallway, out of the loft, not even bothering to tell Sunoo that you were leaving early.

That was when it all started, you reckoned. Because since then, you turned from seemingly being invisible to him to being in his radar.  Whenever your eyes accidentally landed on him in campus, you’d find that he was already staring but unlike any normal person who would have immediately stared away, he would maintain the eye contact as if wanting you to know that he had been meaning to stare. His lips would then often twist into a wry smile as if taunting you. It was as confusing as it was annoying because with all the stare down, it was almost as if you had witnessed him murdering the girl rather than making out with her. 

“I have a really bad feeling about this though,” Sunoo grumbled, interrupting your train of thoughts.

You scoffed, “I’ve told you a million times before that his vibes are always off — not that you’ve ever believed me anyway.”

Whatever, it will pass, you reassure yourself. 

Except it didn’t and nothing could have prepared you for just how badly things would unravel with Sunghoon.


this was just amazing to read omg. couldn't get out of bed till I finished it. truly a masterpiece!


*Enhypen stargazing*

Heeseung: Do you guys ever... wonder about things?

The other members, in unison: No.


Always Been You M.List

❥ pairing: lee heeseung x female reader ❥ genre: mini-series, fluff, romance, angst, strangers (kinda) to lovers, social elite!au, gossip girl!au, ceo!heeseung, assistant!reader, antagonist!jongseong ❥ rating: pg-13 ❥ warnings: will be included in each individual part ❥ status: ongoing ❥ update: tuesdays @ 8 pm GMT+1 word count: will add once completed ❥ synopsis: Five years ago, Y/N’s life changed overnight. To avoid gossip and to see her life destroyed, she left the big city, hoping that she’d be forgotten in time. Five years later, she’s back to start over and take ownership of her life, hoping that no one remembers her after all of this time. Except, Heeseung has never forgotten about her despite their brief and short encounter. When he finds out that she is back in the city, he wonders whether or not the two of them will cross paths again. And they do. But not in the way Heeseung expected. ❥ lia's note: I am so excited for you to read this mini-series. I had a lot of fun writing and, if there's enough interest, I have other stories planned for the other members within this universe. Some of them are referenced in this mini-series, others aren't fleshed out yet.

❥ Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist to be notified whenever a new chapter is posted!

● Chapter List ●

[Part Seven]

● Extras ●

[Spotify Playlist] ● [Click! You're On It Universe]

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The representation given to the characters is not related to the people mentioned and should be taken as a work of fiction. This does not reflect my opinion nor the actions of the individuals in real life.

©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work is strictly prohibited. Moodboard images from Pinterest. I do not own the rights to any of them, credit goes to rightful owners. If any of the images featured is yours, please reach out to me so I can properly credit or remove them.


Enchanted Forests

❥ pairing: lee heeseung x female reader ❥ genre: one-shot, fluff, angst, romance, fantasy!au, royalty!au, historical!au ❥ warnings: mentions of food, kissing, let me know if I am missing something ❥ word count: 12.2k ❥ Part of my Halloweek 2021 celebration ❥ summary: Lee Heeseung is no longer a prince, he is now a King. And he wishes to keep his promise to you. He wishes to make you his Queen. ❥ A/N: Hello, how are you today? This one-shot is one of those that I had one of the greatest of times writing. If there is enough interest, I might write more within this universe, because I see so much potential in it. As always, happy reading!

✨ a moment of relief + yeonjun (txt) ✨
(comfort, fluffy?, slight angst because it just happened 🙂)
i’m begging you to listen to Baekhyun’s - “My love” while reading….😭
trigger warning: sadness 
requested: yes
(gif not mine, please support op)

Yeonjun never liked waking up. 

He would much rather sleep in, maybe way into the day, maybe never getting out of the bed. Heck, call him sad, call him whatever, but most mornings he just couldn’t be bothered to start the day. 

He maybe, just maybe wasn’t depressed, but he was tired. Just too tired.

But life always made sure to get him on his feet every morning, way too early for his liking. Just like today, at 7am sharp, with a throbbing headache, an aching feeling in his chest and mind heavy with thoughts that could only be described as that, heavy. But work couldn’t wait and his wallet shouldn’t suffer because of him. That much he owned himself. He just had to try harder.

So yes, that was Yeonjun’s life. And judging by the blinds that were hanging on for dear life in your room, barely working like they were supposed too, it certainly was far from perfect. 

But that was okay, he supposed. The sunlight blinding him could be a good thing, he could see it like a fantastic thing, because if anything, it got him out of bed a lot quicker. He could pretend like he wasn’t forced to escape.

Yeonjun ignored the burn on his face, he ignored the ultimate disapproval of his being for moving, he ignored himself and got up. It was far from pleasant but he could manage. It was cold despite the sun shining and he wondered if the sky was making fun of him. All this effort and once again he had hit a wall, blindly following something he thought was hope. 

But it was still cold, too cold in just his wrinkly white t-shirt and grey bottoms that were suddenly too thin for his liking. Don’t get him wrong, it was perfect for sleeping, because he had an excuse to snuggle into you and pull you flush against his body. But you weren’t glued to him every second of the day and he absolutely couldn’t use you as his personal heater. No.

Splashing himself with hot water did barely anything to warm him so he decided to move quickly because he suffered enough. Walking into the living room felt like coming home from a very exhausting day. And that feeling alone spoke volumes, because he did not have an exhausting day. In fact, his day started just minutes ago. Those few minutes weren’t the most joyful ones but they could’ve been worse. 

They had been worse. For both of you.

The sight of you making coffee made his heart swell with love. The gesture was trivial but for him it meant everything. Someone he loved was going beyond their way, making sure he is taken cared off before a hectic day. Two blue cups were placed beside your hand on the counter, waiting to be filled with the bitter liquid. Yeonjun felt sorry. Mornings were heavy for both of you and there was a time when he was the one waking up first, making breakfast, waking you up after it’s done…What changed? What happened and why did it left him with agonizing mornings? He couldn’t do anything.

You heard his steps halt all of a sudden, quickly turning your head to the side. Yeonjun looked lost, he was lost in thought and when you softly called his name it took a long second for him to register your voice.

“You’re awake?”

You called out softly and his eyes widened like he was startled, before visibly relaxing, nodding his head while making his way towards you. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist, so tight to erase every bit of gap between your bodies. You felt his warm breath ghosting over your neck, making it’s way up to your cheek. A gentle kiss on your cheek made you instantly melt against  him, caressing his arms around you to ease him. 

“Coffee’s almost done.”

Yeonjun mumbled a quiet ‘thank you against your cheek, followed with a dozen pecks that made you giggle, turning your head around to look at him. He was tired, almost black under his eyes, making you worried, wanting to take it all away. Just like he did for you, making it all better so you can, now, have better mornings, feeling okay, feeling happier than before. You felt him cup your cheek, leaning into his touch that was always needed and never enough. He sensed the change on your face, you were unsettled and you were about to blame yourself. But it wasn’t your fault, you were doing more than enough for him. And he was honestly feeling better, strong enough to go to work and go through his day. Knowing it was like this once for you felt bittersweet, it left a scar on his heart but above everything made him feel so proud of you. Every time he looked at you he wanted to grab your cheeks and scream how you’re doing so well and kiss you until you believe him. He just needed you there with him, that way the world looked beautiful and he felt lighter. 

Yeonjun looked at you like you were holding him together, like he adored your whole being, which he did, so much. He smiled and leaned in, brushing your lips together, like he was gonna kiss you chastely, too soft. But this moment was heavy, calling for reassurance, for big acts of love, for relief. He kissed you deep, eyes closed tight, griping your skin like he needed to prove something. You let out a soft sigh, kissing back, moving your lips against him, deepening the kiss, letting him taste you. 

Pulling away, he pecked your lips one last time, his hand moving to your waist again to let you finish making your coffee. He reached up with one hand for your container with sugar, placing two small spoons of it in your cup. He was still so close to you, lips just above your ear. As you were poring the hot liquid into your cups you felt a couple of small kisses on your temple, nuzzling on your skin.

“I’m okay, i promise.” whispered in your ear made you close your eyes, taking a moment to just exist there with him, as he was holding you tight. 

Yeonjun never liked waking up. But every day the sun rose. Every day there was a beginning, the tough part and the night that brings relief. And for you two, it was sad, but it was being strong together and it was enough.



A/N: this is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes only.


how i’m feeling [c.y.j]  pt.1

word count: ~ 13k

description:college au, y/n x baseball player yeonjun, best friend soobin

warnings: cussing, making out, slight angst at the end

☃ ☃


Six Twenty-Four - Chapter One

SUMMARY | A winter night filled with living like you never have before, and a relationship seemingly written in the stars. This was not what you expected the second you laid eyes on Choi Yeonjun.

PAIRING | Yeonjun X Reader

CATEGORY | soulmate au, idol au, angst, fluff, sadness, heartbreak, etc.



SONG REC | The Scientist - Coldplay (Live Version)

Chapter One / Chapter Two

6:24 A.M.: You don’t know if it’s the three - no, four - drinks still flowing throughout your bloodstream, or the hand grasping yours that’s making your head feel dizzy, but either way, the flickering lights of New York have never looked so hazy.

It had been hours, at least six, since the blue haired boy had stumbled upon you in the first club you had been to tonight, but his energy was still at one hundred, and completely incessant. You wonder if he was always like this.

The introduction, first of all, wasn’t anything all that magical. Not to you anyway. It wasn’t love at first sight or knowing your soulmate was right there in front of you; it was gazes catching at the bar. Nothing like what novels go on and on about by any means, but it was something. Something you had never felt before. It was enough for you two to leave together, hand in hand, and roam the streets. 

You don’t know when it was established that you two would make it your mission to have the absolute night of your lives - or if it was even declared at any point at all - but for the time being, it seemed to be the only end in sight. Ending how you two began: Messy, clashing, but at the same time, absolutely alive. 

Chance and curiosity, joining for one night only. Joining for a night that would never be forgotten again.


I just read this and cried. This is just so, so beautiful.


Bad Habits - Bang Chan

umm hi! sooo,,, this is my first time posting here and I don’t really know how to introduce myself hehe.- but well I think i’ll just let you read and if you like pls comment :D

(Sorry if there’s mistakes, english is not my first language.- hope u enjoy!)

TW!: mentions of smoking.

Genre: Angst and some fluff - I guess(?

Word Count: 1.9k 


Here is Chan writing Stray Kids because I find it really satisfying lol

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