

@toastsamurai / toastsamurai.tumblr.com

a half-dORC, She/ They // INSTAGRAM: Toastsamurai • STEAM: Toastsamurai (pixlexia) • SHITPOST TUMBLR: pixlexia

Unnnnf kaladin and Syl for @ternaryflower53 !!

The latest secret sazed gift in the history of secret sazed but better late than never and damn I appreciate your patience!!

Tfw you get someone you know but are too stupid to know because different screen names and a total of two baincells to rub together

Anyway here is a scene I thought was neat and I hope you like it and thanks again for being a bro I appreciate you

Okay one of my friends pointed out he's holding her left hand and I'm so sorry. My intent was not to draw kaladin/Syl in this way. if it offends you please flip the canvas so it's SFW


Unnnnf kaladin and Syl for @ternaryflower53 !!

The latest secret sazed gift in the history of secret sazed but better late than never and damn I appreciate your patience!!

Tfw you get someone you know but are too stupid to know because different screen names and a total of two baincells to rub together

Anyway here is a scene I thought was neat and I hope you like it and thanks again for being a bro I appreciate you

Anonymous asked:

I know it's been a few years since you posted them, but your portraits of Wit are literally my favorite. Most artists either make him look like a warrior and miss all of his sharp, angular features, or depict him as some sort of evil child. I think you got a really good balance on his features!

Whaaa dude I appreciate it! It's really cool when your headcannon of a character lines up with someone else's haha! :)

Been honestly wanting to draw more Wit/Hoid , so maybe I'll do another one soon because you've given me strength!! Plus he is just so much fun!

I've been a bit burnt out on cosmere art because I find it's a lot of pressure and you start drawing based on what you think others want to see vs what you want to draw so I was taking a bit of a break, but I have been getting back into a swing!

So thank you very much for the kind words, my dude! ♥️✨

Anonymous asked:

Hey! I love ur art! Thanks for convincing me that the Cosmere should be an Anime

agrjabanGQHA bruh I want studio Mir to animate the cosmere so bad ; A ; cartoon tv show adaptation when???

But thanks so much I'm so glad you like my work! TAT


Hey everyone as a side note-- I’m old and idk how to use tumblr, so whenever I reply to things it will be as @pixlexia since I can’t figure out how to not reply from that account ☜(ˆ▿ˆc) SO if u see that it me


Bruh hello, it’s me ya boi emerging from the grave. THis is my (as usual;) extremely late Secret Sazed Gift for  greyhavenart! I don’t think they are on Tumblr, but you can check out their Instagram HERE! I was very excited to get Greyhaven since they drew me SUCH a beautiful Dalinar one year, I wanted to try and return the favour with ANOTHER Dalinar for therm! For some reason I couldn’t get Dalinar opening the perpendicularity out of my head so I went and did that as my piece for them! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE, MY DUDE! I’m sorry this took so long to get to you the holidays were bonkers!


happy secret sazed, @toastsamurai! have a drabble :D


There's so much metal.

That's the only impression Kelsier has about wherever he's ended up.

It's almost blinding, the sheer volume of blue that appears when he burns steel. He can see metal in the lampposts, the not-carriages that move through the streets. It's in the buildings, for crying out loud, a clearly visible skeleton holding up terrifyingly tall towers.

He's unsure where he's ended up. This isn't the Cognitive Realm, certainly, but it's unlike any other world he's heard of. He'll have to do some digging to find allies.

Well. At least he'll have no shortage of weapons here.


I have finally gotten around to appreciating this!!! Been crazy busy but this very cool secret Sazed concept from a lovely internet pal just made my day <3 I feel so honoured to know such creative and cool humans T ^ T

Absolutely love it, my dude. Thank you so much for making this for me and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!


Secret Sazed gift for @jazzy-kandra ! It’s always fun to get a familiar face as your match!! Late in the usual fashion this year. I have no idea wtf Leras or Ati look like but for some reason insisted on trying to draw them for some weird god trio thing in the BG. I hope I didn’t get it too inaccurate ; u ; But anyway Happy Holidays to you! Hope this brightens your day a bit!  (( Also If you happen to like this you can view it on my RedBubble here ))

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