


A little space for my artwork and imagination / Un pequeño espacio para mi arte e imaginación.

I’m coming back with my art... its gonna be fun and amazing for sure!


 ¡Hey Guys! Revan here and i had come with a nice contest for some incredible prizes! you see, i reached 500 likes in my facebook page and to celebrate i create this! i will translate it for you!

The way to enter this beautifull friendly contest its very easy:

1: Go to my facebook page linked here! https://www.facebook.com/Shiasnira/

2: Like it and like the post.

3: Share that post in public mode.

4: And comment it with what do you wish of the prices!

The prices:

1 - A Digital Full art Ilustration of your OC or Fanart

2 - An “hybrid” art (Digital and Traditional) art of an OC or Fanart

3 - An a traditional Draw c:

Also, there are a few rules: 

1: No NSFW

2: No Gore

3: No abusive or insulting content

This will go from today (May 13) to May 18, and the winners will be anounced at May 21

Good luck Everyone! and Take care!

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