Anonymous asked:

I've been around since the days ye olde DMMD and to see you're doing better even though you've disconnected from social media is so heartwarming. And hearing your thoughts/plans to become a vtuber has me so excited!! I'm a vtuber!! You have an excellent voice and I'm sure you would kick absolute ass in the vtubing sphere!!

I'm glad to know you're still interested in content creation but going about it in a way that is good for you and that you're living a stable, enjoyable life!

Vtubing is interesting to me primarily bc I don't have to show my face. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I've had plenty of bullshit happen to me as a result of streaming. Crippling debt because of some kid using his dad's card, and being doxxed on all my social medias and messengers. Really tough times.

I've already shown my face online though so it's not like I'll be completely anonymous, but at the same time, it'll bring that layer of personal closeness I feel I was missing when I streamed. I did enjoy streaming but a part of it was trying to -do- something instead of accepting handouts to survive, so there was always that pressure.

And yeah, I'm glad that if I ever get into it, it'd at least be on my own terms and not out of some sort of necessity. The only thing really stopping me at this point is the fact that I dunno what I want my model to look like / finding an artist/rigger etc.

I could do it myself, but not only am I lazy, I hate everything I draw lmfao. The rigging's not too difficult for me though because I have experience using programs similar to Live2D.

Anyway, thanks for writing in and for being along for the ride for so long.

Keep being awesome! ♥

Anonymous asked:

I miss you and your barasans aaaa

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Low-key I can't listen to my own nsfw audio without cringing tho, but the fact people enjoyed it is good enough for me. I really remember championing sexual wellness and body positivity on that blog so its fond memories at least lmao.


Hoping for the best for you. Not to make you feel like even more of a dad (or a grandpa even), and maybe not to be a broken record, but you were a big part of my early preteen years. I've begun my early 20s now and it's just wild. Where did all the years go, man


Awww.. That means so much. I'm glad I could entertain you for as long as I did. Being an adult can be tough bc you get all these new responsibilities, but if I can do it, literally anyone can lmfao.

Good luck and well wishes to you ♥!


Shot in the dark here but how's it feel to be 30?


I'm 29 and omfg don't remind me I totally forgot until like two weeks ago because I still act like I'm a teenager. LMAO.



Yeaaaah I realized my math was off after I sent it and was lowkey hoping you wouldn’t see it until next year lmao.

To be fair, I can't see timestamps on Tumblr anymore for some reason, this website feels like a foreign land to me now.


Shot in the dark here but how's it feel to be 30?


I'm 29 and omfg don't remind me I totally forgot until like two weeks ago because I still act like I'm a teenager. LMAO.




I've been quietly active on Tumblr again, mostly been looking at Sims 4 CC but I'm here like every day at least once.

I figured I should say hi. So uh. Hi lol.

I'm finally living modestly I dunno if I said that before, but ironically it happened around the great purge of Tumblr when they said no more porn so I never really came back to say anything because most of my friends left the platform.

I feel like thank you is never enough because my followers on here literally kept me alive, fed, and sane. So I do want to say thank you again just so nobody thinks I'm ungrateful for the support.

Lastly, I don't really use social media anymore. I fell off the internet and honestly have been better for it. I may pick up streaming on Twitch someday in the future as a VTuber, but for all intents and purposes, my YT channel, twitter, and tumblr are essentially dead. It was a good long run that aside from the worse parts of the experience, is a time I'll treasure for the rest of my life.

I hope everyone is safe and healthy and that wherever life takes you, know that while the world stops for no one, there's always someone who will slow down for you and help you keep going. ♥

Take care, and stay strong, - Adachi

Anonymous asked:

You can never be reminded enough - stay safe man

For once, living in buttfuck nowhere has it’s advantages.

Tho there was some nasty stuff going on a few miles away from where I live. Police attacking protesters. I’m so / p  r o U d/ of my local police force. /s/


Black Lives Matter

Breaking my hiatus to remind you.


Revisited my Troll OC. Learned a few things and made some changes to his design. Still have more to go, but I haven’t gotten far enough to make those decisions yet.

Besides I think purple looks much better on him tbh… lol

Wow look at this asshole lmao.

I rarely ever used this guy and I remember putting way too much effort into his design.


TFW you realize a little too late it’s hamsteak.


I was in bed all day but wow homestuck sure is fukkin’ old huh?

I only got into it a few years ago but seeing all my friends get excited and nostalgic puts me in a good mood for sure. I certainly had fun with the series and it was one of the first voice acting projects I ever worked on that wasn’t anime related lmao.


Today I learned:

My laptop has two headphone jacks and the one I’ve been using has been the source of many audio-related issues, not my headphone cord. This potentially saves me quite a bit on headphone jack repairs.


This however never prevented me from buying multiple pairs of headphones in a desperate attempt to fix my “headphones” when it was the jack this entire time.


Updated versions of Yolanda and Angelique

A friend of mine helped by editing a few pieces I found on the gallery to better match their clothes (at least in color) and I did find better hair for Yolanda.

Only thing that I need to do for her is to get a proper waist belt that hangs off her hip but I can’t seem to find anything like it. I was considering making Rosie and Alina but I might just make my style savvy character instead and have the three of them run a boutique \o/


Just to put into perspective: My Sims’ story.

Young Adult living with his roomie in a moderately sized home.

He becomes a detective and DJs on the side while his erratic room-mate pisses off the entire neighborhood and gets in fights with vampires while writing stories such as “My name is Jojo and I like to play in the rain naked.” and having a career as a food critic.

Alfyn finds a lover eventually and they have hot sex and get married in like 4 days. They then have their girl friends be their surrogates and give birth to a boy and a girl.

At this point they have like buttloads money, so once the kids became children they move into this big ass house in Newcrest. Husband still works for the military, Erratic room-mate hasn’t pissed too many people off in this new city and Alfyn quit being a detective and has a PRETTY AS FUCK GARDEN with bee friends that he takes care of, and is just living his best life as a stay at home dad.

He still has like 20 something days as a young adult.

So if we had to put it into perspective, in human years he’s probably only lived 4 years and already has grown children and is your stereotypical suburban dad.

And to be fair, at no point did I cheat to make any of this happen. It just sort of happened lmao.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any mods in your sims game?




No. Too many.

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