


I'm so gay. I love Erlu so much it's an addiction.

First time participating in the Fairytail reverse big bang this year. I had so much fun. If you're interested in reading the story that goes with this image, make sure to check out the fanfiction 'Warmth' by @raptorbox


Fairy Tail Reverse Bang 2022 Sign Ups are OPEN!

Event banner by @oryu404

Signup Dates:

  • Artists - Jan 1 - 31
  • Writers and Betas - Jan 1 - Feb 9

Artist Initial Check Ins:

  • First Check In (Feb 9) - Minimum requirement is a rough sketch
  • Second Check In (Feb 20) - Minimum requirement is line art. You will also need to fill a short questionnaire for each fan art entered. This will allow you to communicate to potential writers any triggers or things you don’t want in the stories at claim time.

How does this work?

The Fairy Tail Reverse Bang is an art first event. Artists will provide fan arts that suggest a story. Writers will then have a chance to claim a fan art and write a story inspired by it.

This event will run in phases with check-ins throughout to help everyone stay on task. Posting is scheduled for May. Check the form for the complete event schedule.

You may sign up as a writer, an artist, or both. You may also sign up as a beta reader or a pinch hitter.

We will place all sketches and artist preferences in a document for the writers to select which ones they are interested in writing a story about. We have set the minimum word requirement at 2,000 words based on the results of the interest check.

Matches will be blind and made in the order they were claimed. Once all arts are claimed, we will continue to assign the remaining writers. It will be possible for one art to be assigned to multiple writers.

An email address is required to participate in this event. We will not share your information with anyone.

This event is open to all content creators in the Fairy Tail fandom.


  • We will not tolerate ship or character bashing.
  • All @ftguildevents are LGBT+ friendly
  • We will not accept any content that portrays incestuous relationships
  • We will not accept any content that portrays romantic relationships between adults and canon minors.

If you have any questions, please send an ask to @ftguildevents or join our event Discord.

Please REBLOG to help us get the word out!


Gonna be doing this too, It's very fun and everyone is very friendly on the discord server.


I made a chart of ships to share my opinion on ships.

Will anyone look at this?


Will anyone care about my opinion?


Am I going to do this anyway?


ENJOY MY OPINIONS! If you don't agree with them please don't be rude about it. I have a right to how I feel about these relationships.

Without further adoo.....


Erza x Lucy: Ok I’m going to make this short because I could ramble for an hour about how perfect this ship is.  So I recently saw this ship and FELL IN LOVE. It’s perfect and the way that Lucy looks at Erza and their relationship make me just squeal! Plus it’s gay!


Natsu x Lucy: Good ship, It’s cute and cannon. Their relationship is amazing and trustworthy and I believe they would be good partners for each other, I also see them as just friends though.

Gajeel x Levy: Rocky start……. But it grew on me, it grew on me HARD.

Lucy x Juvia: I like to imagine that Juvia worried about Lucy taking Gray so much that she ended up spending a lot of time with her to make sure Lucy stayed away from him………… until she fell head over heels. 

Lucy x Cana: They are close friends and I could imagine them starting to grow crushes over time, I think it’s cute and has serious potential!

Wendy x Shelia: wholesome ship with girls figuring out their sexualities together.

Evergreen x Elfman: I didn’t see this one coming, but the way they look at each other is really cute.

Mavis x Zeref: This is just too sad NOT to like.


Kagura x Erza: First they were fighting to the death, then it turns out Erza saved her as a kid, then Kagura KISSED HER. I couldn’t contain my gay heart.

Natsu x Grey: These are basically just two idiots that make excuses to fight so they can be close to each other.

Erza x Jellal: honestly I’m not a fan, the only thing I like is their chemistry. Otherwise, I find the ship sort of disturbing.


Levy x Lucy: Although I prefer them as friends, this is also just so wholesome.

Grey x Erza: I feel like it would be an interesting relationship, there isn’t much content and I feel like it’s a little forced.

Freed x Laxus: This is just one of the ships I like because they are totally gay.

Lyon x Shelly: They have a nice relationship, I can see them becoming a couple.

Erza x Natsu: I see how Erza would fall for Natsu, it would be cute.

Merady x Jellal: I find they’re dynamic nice and sweet, I could see them getting together.

Yukino x Sting: Basically good friends that have potential if Sting wasn’t gay.

Loke x Lucy: Love their relationship, although I don’t see Loke as the very romantic type, its sweet either way.

Juvia x Natsu: I just feel like these two guys would get into some fun together.

Sting x Rouge: Gay bois just bein gay


Natsu x Lissana: I mean they seem like good friends, but I don’t see much else.

Cana x Bacchus: People only ship these two because they are both alcoholics. Also, Cana is gay, change my mind.

Grey x Lucy: Feels a bit forced, but interesting nonetheless.

Jellal x Kagura x Jellal: I mean, Kagura wanted to kill Jellal but she kissed him, Jellal emotionally tormented Erza but she likes him, so I guess???? I dunno.

Rouge x Yukino: I mean they don’t seem to have much chemistry.


Bixlow x Lissana: Not sure if I’m forgetting something, but when have these two ever interacted?

Mirajane x Laxus: They never seemed to have much chemistry.

 Rouge x Yukino: They don’t really interact.


Laxus x Cana: They havn’t talked much, and Cana is CLEARLY a lesbian.

Minerva x Rouge: I just dont think this fits, people probably ship them because they have the same hair colour.

Wendy x Romeo: People just shipped them because they were the same age and that irks me.

Grey x Ultear: Nope, they are sort of like siblings and just NOPE.

Natsu x Jellal: Bro what.

Kagura x Jellal: She wanted to kill him, so no.

Mira x Freed: Freed is %100,000 gay

Laxus x Lissana: I just dont like this, also they don’t seem to click.


Grey x Ultear x Lyon: These are just like, all siblings, like NO.

Ultear x Jellal: She emotionally manipulated him and used him for the majority of his life, so no freaking way.

Sting x Wendy (I think): SHE IS A CHILD.

Rouge x Lucy: They haven’t even interacted and the fact people ship them is something I hate.

Lucy x Sting: Why does Lucy need to be shipped with everyone?

Lucy x Gajeel: He tortured her! I mean he also knocked out Levy but those were orders, while with Lucy he was ENJOYING HIMSELF.

Rouge x Wendy: Literally wtf.

Sting x Minerva: Minerva used him and basically kidnapped his best friend to win a stupid game, so nope. 


You aren’t born gay you accidentally read a erlu fanfic at 14 and you become that way


Yea this sums it up pretty well

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