
You Sadistic Kitty

@smallwinds16 / smallwinds16.tumblr.com

Jas, 28, Christian, (avatar image: Vertigo)

You were right, Lucienne. The Dreams and Nightmares no longer seem to recognize their master. I will remind them and take from them what I require.


Morpheus acts real tough for a guy who looks like he’s one small inconvenience away from totally losing it

[after saving woman's life]
Woman in alley: Thank you! Thank you! That thing was going to kill me!
Bucky: Well, what did you expect? Out alone in this neighborhood—I've got half a mind to kill you myself, you half-wit.
Woman in alley: What?
Bucky: I mean, honestly, what kind of retard wears heels like that in a dark alley? Take two steps and break your bloody ankle.
Woman in alley: [annoyed] I was just trying to get home.
Bucky: Well, get a cab, you moron, and, on the way, if a stranger offers you candy, don't get in the van!

Remember when RDJ posted this about a year ago?

Now don’t get me wrong but MCU can never compare to the gem that was Avengers Assemble. It might not have given us everything but one thing that never changed was this:

The man on the receiving end was always the same! 


Ten years ago one of the most criminally overlooked and underrated comic book movies of the decade was released, a raucous, ballsy and unapologetically irreverent little actioner based on the Vertigo series by Andy Diggle and Jock about a misfit gang of dishonoured mercenaries out to clear their names while kicking some major arse … and no, it WASN’T The A-Team (that came out a few months later and TOTALLY stole its thunder, most unfairly).  It was pure gold, a huge amount of fun, packed with cracking action and a pretty edgy,m mischievous sense of humour, and featured one of my favourite star turns from Jeffrey Dean Morgan, although the film was roundly stolen by Chris Evans in oe of his most deliciously devious comedic turns.  Here’s to a full-on DECADE of this hidden gem …

WARNING!  Potential minor spoilers ahead for those who haven’t seen it …

I ain’t [Tony Stark], I’ll tell you that flat out. There’s always a bit of a burn off period when they run out of call sheets for me. I’m just a fucking actor. I’m just a guy who does have a very interesting past, who does not regret it, who wished to shut the door on it. I think that that translates. 

55 years of greatness - April 4th, 1965


the pros of reading ao3 fics in public is that their layout is so clean and simple that people would think you’re reading some academic researches when you’re in fact reading a 50k fic. the cons is that you need to control your face all the fucking time

An additional feature: the layout is clean and simple BUT anyone familiar with AO3 will immediately recognize it. Pro or con? You decide.


If they know it enough to recognize it on sight, they probably aren’t going to be judging me about it.

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