
House Of A Hundred OCs

@into-the-daniverse / into-the-daniverse.tumblr.com

*Formerly apprenticealec* | Dani | 25+ | she/they | follows/likes come from dani-fandom | Minors please DNI there will be 18+ content | Icon by voidature | Mobile header/Desktop background by sadsoapbubbles | Desktop sidebar by cherrygirl666 | ALL LINKS

Welcome To The Daniverse!

This is my OC blog!

I have a lot of OCs for a lot of different fandoms and universes across my own projects, so I wanted a place where I could talk about them as much as I wanted and across as many universes as possible. (And because this was an Arcana blog first, there will be content from that fandom here as well.)

My main blog is here @dani-fandom — this is where I reblog stuff for the fandoms I’m into, resource posts, any of those viral posts that get passed between like ten mutuals go here (I’ve had this the longest 10 years, and most things aren’t tagged, but I do try to keep fandom stuff tagged at least).

My Dragon Age blog is @dani-plays-da — you’ll likely still see OC stuff from this blog reblogged on this OC blog as well, but all fandom stuff and friend OC content for DA will be on that blog.

I do have two project-specific blogs, @the-planet-ethari and @unnamed-fantasy-novel — these two are more resource blogs and archives of plot ideas or art for my OCs in these universes, and they’re not very active but they may come up (all OC thoughts for these projects will still be shared here since that’s the purpose of this blog)

To go through all of my writing, art, thoughts, etc. for all of my OCs, you can visit the link in my bio for navigation, but I will be including a “crash course” description of my most frequently used/mentioned universes and OCs and their backgrounds under the cut!


Fancy tier not avaliable atm!

*Pretty okay with any fandom! 

 About process:

  • I sent you a first sketch (within some days after the email request) and we can talk about any changes :D. The payment is made after that if you approve it, and we follow to the final art. 
  • I do the commissions in order of request, the final piece will be delivered in about 2-3 weeks after the sketch, depending on its difficult to make. And also im still a uni studant so sometimes i got into Highly Desperate Uni Hours™ and it can take a little longer ;-;. 

About alterations

  • Big alterations can be done at any sketch/lining/coloring phases, but as much we can figure everything out earlier better ;). Small alterations up to 2 days after the final artwork.

hit me up if u have any doubts!

Reblogs are so much apretiated!! Thank you kindly for read!

Hey guys! Comms are open :)



detailed commission info contact me: stellesappho@gmail.com can't catch a break, so here we go again. i don't know how to talk about this. my cat has been sick for a while and because we're poor we haven't been able to diagnose or treat him properly in time. now it looks like late stage mouth cancer. i don't want to go into details, but it's hard to watch him suffer. euthanasia also requires money we don't have. please consider commissioning me or donating even a small amount, i'd be very grateful for any help

Nothing Ever Lasts Forever
I am back after months of indecision, exhaustion, and just general ennui. Things still aren't great but at least I am able to create something .

This tale begins as many did in Ilya’s life: on a ship. Or at least looking at one. He shifted from foot to foot as the line to board inched and stalled.

He supposed there had to be some poetry in it. Something about new beginnings out on the open water, going where the wind blows. Watching the moon crest over the horizon. The smell of salt that clung. Adventure! Hopefully one with less shipwrecks.


A warm hand came to rest on his forearm.

“You know we can stay a little longer. There will be another ship next week.”

Ilya looked over to see his younger sister Pasha, worry lining her crystal blue eyes. It’s an expression she had worn like an old blanket for the past six months, an expression that did not suit her. An expression she wore for him exclusively it seemed. Ilya put on his best smile.

“Now now,” he said. “I cannot impose on our grandmas any longer. I am sure they have had enough of me these past few weeks. Besides, if I have another bowl of borscht I may turn into a beet.”

It was a weak excuse at best, even he could hear that. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could stay another week, another month, another year and the village bubbes would happily keep him. They would keep feeding him matzah until he became more matzah than man, bake him babka, sneak him some lobster if they were feeling particularly indulgent.

“We need to get some meat on those bones!” they would say as they have always said. However, as of late it was tinged with unease and concerned glances when they thought he wasn’t looking. A fear that if they take their eyes off of him, they will find him like Pasha did in his clinic; frail and weak on the floor, dying from the same illness he worked so hard to save his patients from.

It was best if he moved on.

“If you’re sure,” Pasha said. By the furrow of her brow Ilya could tell exactly how she felt about him leaving. Luckily she respected him enough to not push. Though it wasn’t as if she wasn’t itching to leave herself. Pasha’s hunger to see the world was insatiable. He could see it in the way she looked at the ship when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. According to the bubbes, Ilya and Pasha looked the most alike when faced with adventure. He couldn’t help but agree.

“I am positive. In any case, if we stick around another week we will miss the Sun Festival in Firent.”

He couldn't hide how his smile widened at his sister’s surprised squeak.

“The Sun Festival!” Pasha said. “I have been wanting to go for years! Are you sure we’ll make it?”

Ilya nodded. “If my almanac is correct, and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet, the solstice is in about two weeks. If the weather holds we should be there with more than enough time to spare.”

Pascha clapped her hands excitedly. Her eyes shone brighter than they had in months. “I have heard so much about their library! And their markets! Oh I heard the view of Nimbus Fork is just stunning. I am so thrilled I–”

Suddenly, there was a beat of hesitation.


He looked at his younger sister with concern, the sudden shift in mood unlike her. Pasha toyed with the end of her shawl.

“Are you sure you are up to it?” She asked quietly.

“Of course I’m sure!” Ilya replied. “My clinic handled half a year without me, it could handle a few more weeks.”

“No I don’t mean that. I mean–”

Her sigh seemed to come from somewhere deep.

“I mean are you sure it wouldn’t wear you out too much? I know you are so much better, but things have changed Ilyusha.”

The worry lining her eyes returned tenfold and he could feel his smile become brittle.

“I am sure Pasha,” Ilya said through almost gritted teeth.

“Listen, you don’t need to push yourself for my sake. We can always go another year–”

“I said I am sure.”

He faced forward and did his best not to clench his jaw too tightly. It’s because she cares, he reminded himself. She cares. He could feel it in his soul, in the way her eyes searched the side of his face. She cares.

(was this it then? A loop of would he? should he? could he? when did his little pashenka, who once toddled on beaches and made friends with every seal she met, become his keeper? when did he lose his function? was it when he coughed up blood into his handkerchief ? or was it when he felt a tickle in his throat that first week? or maybe it was the day he stepped foot in vesuvia. his life became patient, patient, funeral, patient, patient, minyan, patient, patient, no ma’am i’m sorry you cannot see him it is contagious!, patient patient funeral minyan funeral minyan. another loop. could he should he would he.)

The line inched forward.


I want to join a BG3 discord but I don't want to have to sift through all of the racist/homophobc/transphobic/zionist ones first in order to find the 1 (one) server with sane queer people

If any mutuals from this blog who've shifted to BG3 have any servers they'd be willing to share with me I would appreciate it!!


I love coming back to tumblr now that my grad school is almost done and seeing so many of my mutuals into BG3 it’s like a present just for me 😭


my biggest pet peeve in the world is when landlubbers design cool fantasy pirate cabins but completely forget that they’re on a fucking boat. yeah here’s a loose shelf with 50 glass bottles of rum on the top shelf. no there isn’t any sort of guard on the edge. “yeah sorry cap’n we hit One Wave a little weird and every single glass item you own crashed into the ground at once”


I’m getting really tired of the wise serene pacifist trope in fiction. Every committed pacifist, prison abolitionist, antiwar activist, etc I’ve ever met in real life has been vibrating with compressed rage at all times. Do you know what it’s like to believe deeply in your heart that doing harm to others is wrong and the goal of society should be to alleviate suffering for all people and live in the United States of America? IT’S NOT FUN. Show Us The Pissed-Off Pacifists. 

Dude there might be a word for the emotion that is forged when someone’s deep abiding love and compassion for all people and living things welds itself into decades of built-up foaming fury at how those people been treated their whole life by those in power to create a sort of alloyed super-commitment to a set of ethical principles but i promise you “tranquility” is not that fucking word


angels can be transgender but in the sense of like. hey i wish i had a body. hey i wish i wasn't made of light i wish i had flesh and blood. like you. i wish i had skin, i wish i had eyes. i wish i could tan. i wish i could get a tattoo. i wish i could be marked by the things that affected me, instead of being immortal and pure and unblemished. i wish i could show it. i wish i didn't have to go into battle and come out without a scratch, i wish i could fall and i wish i could scrape my knee. oh shit

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