



Rachel Sennott and Molly Gordon are so very important to me and to cinema and to women in general


I knew I fucking loved Nebula for a reason. For many reasons. Many many reasons. She has become one of my favorite MCU characters over the years.


"In the 70s it was black and minority ethnic people, in the 80s it was gay people, trans people are just the latest to get it in the neck from comedians who can't be bothered to try at their jobs anymore. I cannot stand there and watch another dogshit comedian go: 'Ooohh if a woman can identify as a man, maybe I'll identify as a chair!' Why don't you identify as good comedians, you hack motherfuckers?!"

- Nish Kumar: "It's In Your Nature To Destroy Yourselves pt.2"

Yeah but you need to actually hear the full clip and the fury and passion and glee (because he knows he's nailing them) in his voice. (Wish I could find the audio somewhere other than Twitter, but I can't.

here it is!



It’s a fucking piece of shit! The first ten minutes are shit comedy. No judgments, we’ve all done that, some of us are doing it right now. But then the next ten minutes is just him having a go at trans people! Guys, why is everyone so angry with trans people? What did they do, there’s like twelve of them! Why is everyone so upset? Everyone’s like “oh, do you say he or she” - I dunno, ask, it’s not an unsolvable conundrum! Also, in my experience, trans people are not deliberately mysterious when you do ask, it’s not like you ask and they go, “OOOooOoooOooh, oooOooOOoh I’ll never teeeell~!” You’re thinking of poltergeists!

And there are a lot of people, to be fair most of them cisgender heterosexual men, who say things like this: “Oh, if you let trans women use women bathrooms, then they’ll do sex attacks!” Now there’s a few problems with that. Firstly, to be fair, they don’t say ‘do sex attacks’. Secondly, trans people are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual violence moreso than they are the perpetrators of it by an unbelievably large amount. And thirdly, do you honestly think if there is someone out there willing to commit a sex attack, arguably THE worst thing one human being can do to another, do you honestly think if there is someone out there, regardless of their gender identity, who has done the logical gymnastics required in going into thinking that you can perpetrate the worst thing one human being can do to another, do you honestly, do, do you think they’re currently being put off by a sign on a door? This has never happened: “Oh I’m gonna do such a big sex attack, why it’s gonna be the biggest sex attack, why it’s gonna be the big sex—oh sorry I didn’t realize this was the ladies’.” THAT’S NEVER HAPPENED!

FUCK Ricky Gervais! FUCK Ricky Gervais! Because what he’s doing is not edgy or interesting. He seems to think that it makes him an edgy or interesting comedian. It’s not, all he is is just the same as every other rich white dude comedian who gets too successful, runs out of ideas, and tries to shit on the latest minority group. In the 1970s that was my fucking family, it was black and brown minority ethnic people, in the 80s it was gay people, trans people are just the latest to get it in the neck from comedians who can't be bothered to try at their jobs anymore. I cannot stand there and watch another dogshit comedian go, “Ooohh if a woman can identify as a man, maybe I'll identify as a chair!” Why don't you identify as a good comedian, you hack motherfuckers?!


this is amazing and i already love but now i have the image of a trans poltergeist stuck in my head and honestly goals

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