
Nerd Logic

@termytheantisocialbutterfly / termytheantisocialbutterfly.tumblr.com

Creative Writing BA and Terminator trash. Sci-fi nut. Bisexual. Spiritual, tarot, you know the type. Girl Scout Troop Leader. Feminist. Free Palestine. TERFs incredibly unwelcome. Resident Trash Goblin. 26yrs old. She/Her. Endeavoring to persevere as the world continues to burn hotter. We didn't start the fire and, unfortunately, I don't think we're putting it out either.

Anyway, reposting my Amazon wishlist here because I feel we've reached this level in my internet life.

And for those of you brave enough, here's my Weird No Longer Secret Amazon Wishlist here


We gotta vote for Biden or Trump will-

Biden is not gonna win.


He wont if you dont vote for him ya fuckstick we're doin damage control to keep the crazy fascist out of office when has third party EVER worked?! Answer: it hasnt.

Fucking vote to keep IT out of office


In the last 32 years, when have the Democrats ever worked?

We got Clinton into office and got: Reagan’s union-destroying NAFTA, the repeal of Glass-Steagall (which directly set up the 2008 meltdown), “the end of welfare as we know it”, and a bunch of GHWB-doctrine “global policeman” troop deployments. (And also Trump-style sexual sleaze and the launch of that incompetent right-wing half-wit Hillary onto the national stage, but those aren’t policy.)

We got a Senate majority in 2006 explicitly to end the Iraq war and hold GWB responsible, and we got: more funding for the Iraq war and impeachment ruled “off the table”.

We got majorities in both houses of Congress and Obama in the White House in 2008 on the explicit promise of finally ending the Iraq war, holding Bush responsible, and patching up the economic meltdown that Clinton’s imbecile fiscal policies made inevitable, and we got: the war “ending” on GWB’s original timetable, bailouts and no punishments whatsoever for the Too Big To Fail banks, more drone bombing than GWB, more erosion of civil liberties than GWB, and a government mandate to buy crappy for-profit health insurance. Also no coding of abortion access into law, even though it had been a part of the platform.

We got majorities in both houses of Congress and Biden in the White House, explicitly to end Trump policies and “follow the science on Covid”, and we got worse Covid policies, Trump’s border wall still being built, more money spent on the military, an entirely new category of spending created to give even more money to our killer cops, more fossil fuel extraction on public land than any previous administration, and now a fucking genocide.

At this point, it is no longer rational to regard the Democrats as doing anything but failing on purpose. It can’t be coincidence that they keep not doing what their voters want. They have to be behaving this way on purpose.

Stop kidding yourself: third parties, unlikely as their victories may be, are the only way out of this mess, specifically because the Democrats are deliberately making things worse.


already vastly prefer the odyssey to the illiad. it probably helps that there's significantly less listing of random names


when i type a full stop . followed by a pause i need you all to imagine me looking around nervously like an easily startled prey animal to make sure i'm alone before continuing to speak

"what happens if you do hear or see something" i pull out a gun and start firing wildly without forethought or intent


This actively happened in my lifetime, and I’m in my 30s. A lot of us experienced it in real time and no one stopped it. No one helped us.

When I was 16 we would hang out outside and inside the library. We ranged from a group of 20 to a group of 3-4 people on any given day, because us 16 year olds also hung out with whatever other kid was around the area. (Mostly younger siblings and then their friends.) We never did anything wrong, never mind illegal. We were never loud in the library and were always polite to the staff. We sometimes got a little loud outside on the street when there was some contest thing going on, but not very often. We mostly hung out and talked about stuff going on in our lives.

Then one day someone called the cops on us.

And the cops showed up all ready angry, then started yelling at us for doing nothing. They couldn’t even come up with a real reason to be there yelling at us, other than to demand to know if we were a ‘gang’. When one of my friends started crying, I turned to tell her that it would be ok. The cop grabbed me, screamed at me to not look away when he was talking to me, then demand I get in the cop car and go down to the station. It took almost an hour for my mother to find out where I was because I didn’t have a cellphone at the time and the cops had just fucking kidnapped me. For comforting a friend while they screamed at us. And you know what happened?

We never hung out like that again. None of us. We all got banned from the library for a year. Again, all of this for literally no reason. They told us we were ‘misbehaving’ for simply hanging around outside being kids. And then we had no where to go. Some of those kids were forced back into their abusive homes. I literally never saw half of them again. Ever. And I lived in that town for several years after that.

So, yeah. They just started kicking us out from the outside years ago and not a single adult or group of adults gave a shit.

There are mosquitos set up near CHILDREN'S PARKS near me like don't fucking live opposite a park if you don't want kids near you


You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.

Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…

…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.

Adding onto this: characters who are so deeply repressed that they don't even realize they're not fine, or at the very least not supposed to be fine. Characters who do tell you about a situation they're in that should be bad, but instantly laugh it off saying they can handle it (spoiler: they can, in fact, not handle it). Characters who laugh with you and listen to all your woes and much later you learn that they were actually going through something at least equally bad at the time, but they wave it off and don't want to speak of it. Characters whose main coping mechanism seems to be "don't think about it" on endless loop.

Basically, the fictional embodiment of the "this is fine" dog.

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