
Enotsola's Tumblr

@enotsola / enotsola.tumblr.com


“Are you saying that murderers are right in the head??”

No there’s definitely something wrong with someone’s way of thinking if they can justify killing innocent people, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have a mental illness.

Extremist beliefs isn’t a mental illness.

Bigotry isn’t a mental illness.

Entitlement isn’t a mental illness.

Hate isn’t a mental illness.

Having a dysfunctional moral compass isn’t a mental illness.

We need to stop categorizing all these things as some undefinable “mental illness” and start looking at what we do as a society to develop and justify these things to a degree where people use them to justify killing.


Dehumanization is something you Have to look for. If the murderer doesn’t see the person they killed as a person, then mental illness is probably not the main factor there. 

Plenty of people murder women, poc, lgbt people, people of other religions etc. because they don’t see them as people.

Think about genocides - they aren’t perpetrated by big group of people/a government who all got mentally ill together the same way at the same time somehow, they just didn’t consider what they did murder because they didn’t see the victims as people.


I’m probably going to wind up reblogging this more than once because it is really fucking important.


Just a tuesday in Canada

Meanwhile, at Australia…

An uneventful day in Saudi Arabia:

oh my god what the fuck why is this so funny

All america got is squirrells

All of these images are incredibly intense

I love how fast the man in the last gif is running 😂


I’d have been terrified the moose would decide to veer into the road. Hitting a moose with a car generally does not go well for the car or the driver.


Favorite looks from carnival.

I really had to search high and low for pics of plus size women bw playing mas.

This entire post is beautiful


Everyone looks amazing. This is the first time I’ve seen men dressed like this, I love it!

Men definitely play mas,too🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

Some more menz 🤗🤗


Lemme throw some my own….


this is why its depressing to work in a pharmacy.


I was definitely a profit killer when I worked in a pharmacy (which honestly was my favorite job in the entire world, but it was short-lived and nowadays you can’t work at a pharmacy like that, it’s all tied in with corporate retail and no one should ever trust me with a cash register ever). It was not, however, actually a profit killer for the pharmacy, just for the drug companies, so no one cared. These days I do medical billing, which means I actually bill OUT from hospitals so I’m mostly spending my professional time taking money away from insurance companies. 

I will now impart all of my profit killing resources onto you, in case you don’t know them. I think most of you know them, now. But just in case you don’t.


1. GoodRx - this thing has an app now, so you can look up the best places to get your expensive medicines at the lowest possible prices without insurance on the go, and you no longer have to print coupons because you can just hand over your phone or tablet. Times have changed for the better with GoodRx. Definitely use it before trying to fill your scrip, because it will tell you the best place to go. (You can do that on the website, too.)

2. NeedyMeds - Needymeds is basically the clearinghouse of drug payment assistance. They have their own discount cards, but also connections to many patient assistance programs run by drug companies themselves. They are good assistance programs, too.

3. Ask your county - This is not a link. This is a pro tip. Most county social services will have pharmacy discount programs for people with no and/or shitty pharmaceutical coverage. You can often just find them hanging around at social services offices; you can just pick one up and walk off with it. 

4. Ordering online - There are a few safe online pharmacies. I keep a little database in a text file on my computer. Most of them are courtesy of CFS forums, my mother or voidbat, so a lot of that is a hat tip to other people, but if you’re in need of a place to get a drug without a prescription … first I’ll make sure you 100% know what you’re doing for safety reasons and then I’m happy to turn over a link. 

5. Healthfinder - A government resource that helps find patient assistance programs in your area. This might also point out the convenient county card thing. RxHope is something a lot of people get pointed to via Healthfinder that’s a good program.

6. Mental Health America - Keeps a list of their best PAPs for psychiatric medications, which can be some of the most expensive and a lot of pharmacy plans don’t cover them at all. 

This is so important ppl.

Signal boost the shit out of it!


Good Rx Saved my family a hundred dollars a month while I was getting signed up for CHIP seriously it’s a life savor especially for ridiculously expensive drugs like abilify

Useful info, friends! ;)

Since many of our followers are on medications, I feel like this would be an important resource. -Luna

Also! Some drug companies have patient assistance programs where they send you the drug for FREE if you are uninsured, or if your insurance doesn’t cover that drug.

Do a Google search for “patient assistant programs” + (your med), or search the manufacturers website. Sometimes the info is online; other times you have to call.

Even some of the big name pharma companies have this. It’s certainly not all companies, or all meds, but it is worth a shot.

Before Obamacare, I lost insurance and couldn’t pay for my mood stabilizers (kiiiiinda important to have those when you’re bipolar.) I was on generic Lamictal, but I went to the official Lamictal website, filled out a form with a valid prescription, and they mailed my meds to me every month for free.

If you know anything about bipolar disease, you know that that was a literal life saver. Patient assistance programs ftw!

This is so important given the recent vote to repeal Obamacare. And the cartoon above is so on point They’re literally voting to kill people. Literally.

Some of my meds are no longer going to be partially covered by my ridiculously expensive private insurance. I just used the GoodRX website to look it up, and I can either spend $40 at Target to pay for one of them out of pocket–per month–, or I can get it at Sams Club for $4. No that is not a typo. The drug I need to take every single day to keep my allergies from spiraling out of control (yay auto-immune bullshit) is literally ten times cheaper at Sams Club. Holy shit.

Signal boost for my US buds

Prescription hope is another good one. Any medication you can for 50 dollars a month. My diabetic med cost 475 dollar at most pharmacies….I use prescription hope and it has been a life saver!


New goddess idea: She’s an earth goddess of the new age who’s domain is spinning and weaving, but specifically spinning and weaving gigantic structural steel cables for construction and other industrial purposes. Her skin is steel grey and hard to the touch and her hair is like long dredlocks of woven steel. She laughs at shitty architecture deigns that will fall apart if actually built and protects well-made bridges and buildings she likes. She might warn you of unforseen danger if you always wear your proper PPE.

Okay now what do I name her






That’s my goddess. 👍🏻

May O’sha bless you with earplugs that are comfortable and respirators that fit perfectly. 

the only divinity where you don’t take your hat off in the temple – you put your hat ON.


Our Lady of Health and Safety,

Hazard flies from thee.

Inform us of our rights at work,

Lead us not into destruction,

but deliver us from error.

Maketh us to lie down among blueprints

And lead us to good designs.

You give us appropriate PPE,

We shall not want.

Holy Lady, of engineers,

Pray for us sinners,

Now and at the end of our contracts.

In the shadow of the valley of evil

You show the way with adequate backup lights,

You deliver us from trip hazards.

For thine are the Great Works,

the power and pylon,

Now and forever.

Close paren.


i love this photo because none of them look like they are at the same event like travis, sam, and matt didn’t know this was happening today so this just came straight to the set from chilling at home, ashley and liam were prepared for a casual cosplay shoot, marisha was at a nascar race, laura was just at the farmer’s market, and taliesin looks like he was just summoned away from the feywild where he was in the middle of playing tricks on unsuspecting mortals


Taliesin “looks like” that. Sure. Looks like.

“I say you are a coward and you are; I think you hunt only to reassure yourself that you are not what you are: the weakest thing to ever walk the Earth. He will come for me and then we will be gone, and you will be helpless for all your hunting, because Westley and I are joined by the bond of love and you cannot track that, not with a thousand bloodhounds, and you cannot break it, not with a thousand swords.”

Here’s how you fix The Princess Bride: You make Buttercup a poet.

Did you know The Princess Bride needed fixing? I didn’t, until we did an unauthorized unlicensed live performance of it as my high school play. I got to direct and choreograph all the fight scenes. For months, I lived and breathed that play. I got to know all the plot holes (How does Inigo know Buttercup is the man in black’s true love? How does Westley know Buttercup and Humperdinck never said their vows?) and I also got to know the biggest hole, the enormous gaping void in the centre of the story.

It’s Buttercup. I’ve never been able to un-see it.


I had never cosplayed before the first time I attended Chicago TARDIS in 2012. At that time I wore a male TARDIS suit, because that seemed a lot less common than the many fantastic TARDIS dresses seen at cons. I made a few variations of that over the years but I began thinking of ways to be able to incorporate something Pakistani into my cosplay, to show not just my love for the show but my own heritage. With that in mind, on my next visit to Karachi, I went to a tailor to have the coat, shalwar-kameez, turban and khussas (the pointy shoes) made. Amusingly, this is the traditional pattern of a groom’s outfit, but the blue colour is definitely not traditional! I then translated the Police Box wording into Urdu and got it made into custom patches from a vendor on Etsy. I will confess to some trepidation about wearing an outfit like that with Arabic calligraphy, but the response was very enthusiastic and positive. I’ve worn it for two years and have gotten an amazing amount of positive feedback and appreciation. My friend told me that someone told her it was a very brave thing to wear.. I don’t know if that is necessarily true but it was gratifying to hear. There was certainly a lot of curiosity as the costume was instantly recognizable for what it was, just in a unique form. In some ways I think that immigrants always remain ambassadors, and this was one of the ways that I tried to be one. I came into cosplay a bit late but have since become an avid cosplayer.. Acting in the theater is one of my pastimes so in some ways it is a pretty natural fit! Sometimes it’s just basic costumes but sometimes I like to visualize some fusions to mix things up, then I just need to find people who can make them.. I do have some ways to go in embodying the character while cosplaying, rather than just wearing the costume, but I hope to get that knack down. And I hope to keep finding ways to incorporate my heritage and background into the expression of the other things in life that I love! —- Assad Khaishgi Photo : https://twitter.com/Legopolis 

The RCMP are setting up exclusion zones and closed roads to the public and media as officers get set to dismantle two camps on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory.
“During the police enforcement operation, temporary exclusion zones and road closures will be established for police and public safety reasons,” said the news release sent out Monday morning that confirmed the RCMP will enforce a court order requested by a pipeline company trying to build a pipeline through Wet’suwet’en territory.
“Those areas will be clearly marked and media/public are welcome to stand at the perimeter, but no one will be allowed to enter the exclusion zones. These zones will only be maintained as long as necessary.”
See full statement here: What to expect during the police enforcement of court ordered injunction in Houston, BC
The raids have been highly anticipated after a B.C. judge granted an interim injunction in December against two check points leading to the construction site for the LNG Coastal GasLink pipeline.

you know, that whole thing when a colonist militaristic police force storms a indigenous encampment, removes it’s people who live there, all for corporate interest, so we can pump more oil out, and accelerate the death of the planet.  Then once the Cops storm the place, they declare an “exclusion zone” deploy a wifi and cell blockage, AND exclude media. All so no news of it gets out. You all need to be fucking outraged.  We live in a police state, and the moment your life gets in the way of making money, you cease to matter. 

Hey Americans, you know how we Canadians all shared information about Standing Rock as it was happening?

We’re having a very similar situation in Canada right now.

Now would be a good time to reciprocate.

This is happening RIGHT NOW.

Nobody on this site besides me and a few other bloggers are talking about this. 

Like there are only 2 or 3 blogs in total in the #Wet’suwet’en or #Unist’ot’en or Unist’ot’en Camp hashtags from the past week.

Source: aptnnews.ca

Save a life

Totes good data.

The part of this I don’t like is “they will most likely move on to an easier target.” Like I’m supposed to feel fine about someone else with a less sturdy door getting ripped off?

Change your neighbor’s screws too

Channel your inner dad

Chage everyone’s screws


Mythbusters did this but not exactly on purpose, they put together a door to test how to kick it down and didn’t have the right sized screws so they used the longer ones and even Jamie running at speed had trouble breaking the door with the longer screws


Not only will longer screws keep you safer, they also prevent your door from sagging over time, which leads to scraping or your door not closing properly.



A lot of adulthood is shouting “AUGH MY LAUNDRY” hours after you put it in the washer/dryer and running to go fetch it


oh shit my laundry

reblog to save someone’s laundry

this is a companion post to the “don’t forget your made tea and its getting cold” one

Augh, my tea!

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