
Geeky Medic


my writings are under lordemjay82

It's crazy that these strikes are happening given that all the writers and actors are asking for is less than 0.3% of the revenue these studios make.

This is what gets me. The writers and actors aren’t asking for much but these CEOs are digging their heels in

It's because it sets a precedent that the CEOs are terrified to set. That they will acquiesce to worker demands if the workers are resolute enough.

Because in an ideal world for these rich fucks, the workers give up, and the CEOs win, and its reinforced in the collective public mindset that all a strike does is "disrupt the economy, deprive people of valuable products, and waste people's time". The goal is to maintain the assertion that Strikes Don't Work. I don't think they genuinely give a shit about 0.15% of their revenue. What they care about is the OPTICS.

They cannot back down, for the exact same reason that WORKERS cannot back down. Because if the workers win, it shows people just that bit more that The Poors have power and ultimately we can make the rich do what we want if we put our fucking minds to it. And that, to the rich, is bad news bears to the highest degree.


'Halbrand 'ㅤㅤㅤHalbrand mode'ㅤㅤㅤㅤ mode' ONㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ OFF  

Anonymous asked:

I love the fact that The Sandman fandom has just decided that Aziraphale and Crowley are wondering around London. It’s great for a lot of reasons but I just love the implication that Armagedidn’t happened while Dream was in the fishbowl. When Dream asks for more news from Death, she casually mentions how she rode a motorcycle to Lower Tadfield because the Great Plan. Luckily, it wasn’t the same as the Ineffable Plan and the anti-Christ turned out to be an average kid so the world didn’t end.

Yes, I am SO INTO the idea of Dream just completely missing the apocalysn't and Death enthusiastically telling him about the whole thing. Got to ride a cool motorcycle. Made some friends. Asks Dream if he's ever met Aziraphale and Crowley. They get ice cream maybe. Peaceful little sibling outing :D

Dream asking Hob later and Hob's like "nope, missed that" because that man is allergic to contact with the plot. He was very busy that week.

Sends Lucifer a sympathy card about it because he's a bitch.


Morpheus: I am the King of Dreams and Nightmares. Everyone: And what about it?


The Corinthian: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.

Dream: Wasn't Matthew with you?

Matthew: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.


anyone wanna go for a hike

Me and the girls taking the trek from poo poo point to pee pee creek


“You’ve been a good apprentice Obi-Wan, and you’re a much wiser man than I am. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight.” — Qui-Gon Jinn

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