

@goma-itoh / goma-itoh.tumblr.com

dragon age fan art.

Hi guys!

I’m still alive.... i’ll draw DAart soon.....please wait for a while(T_T)

Anonymous asked:

Hi there. I just wanted to say your art is beautiful. Thank you for sharing! I adore your Hawke :) Do you sell prints/artwork anywhere? And would you mind telling me what you draw with? Is it on a tablet? So many questions! Thank you ☺

Thank you for your comment(〃艸〃)!I’m drawing with Wacom tablet(cintiq21) and clipstudio-paint(software).I registered with Redbubble, but I have uploaded only one picture yet.please wait for a while!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! we are not going to hear about a new dragon age game for probably 1 year or a little more, because bioware is focus on mass effect andromeda. By the way, your art is awesome

 oh really??(´;ω;`)thank you for comment!

Anonymous asked:

I love your drawing, your manga❤️ everything!!!

(n*´ω`*n)thank you!!

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