

@alkhale / alkhale.tumblr.com

you gotta carry that weight


Wishing all of you nothing but wonderful health and great prosperity for all of you, your families, your loved ones and your friends! Thank you all so much for reading what I continue to write, and thank you for absolutely everything!



- Instinct

- All Things Come in Threes

- Memos

- Cries of the Heart, Echoes of the Night

- Nascent

- And cycling back and going through the updates for the other stories as I get to them as well!


- I will soon be finishing up all the old requests and posting them here/on AO3, thank you so much for your patience!

For future requesters, I’ve been receiving a lot of messages about ko-fi requests, the link to my ko-fi is below. Requests are purely donation based, you can do as much as you like, leave a note in the donation about the kind of requests you might be looking for/a few general ideas. I have a list of fandoms I’m familliar with/will write for that I’ll repost as well! I tend to do the requests with rather loose guidelines, and will contact you if there’s anything I might have trouble with. 



meanwhile Big mom and Kaido

⚔️👒(main) Zoro is so glad and relieved he went with Luffy Captains only? nay nay. not on his watch ( implied all x 👒 )

timelapse here:

Anonymous asked:

yes, hello, are you. are you chill with like… nsfw asks? slightly? i had a question about lhff and a sillier one about general memos but i don’t wanna ask if that makes you uncomfortable-

Hahaha, depending on the ask yes 😉


paper heart (1/3) Portgas D. Ace/Oc - Memos AU

im finally working my way back through the ko-fi requests again, i promise i didn't forget about a single one, ill die before i let any of them not get written

the request was for really sad ace/hoku angst, so i took some liberties and ran with an idea i've had for awhile. the inspo for this one was a question i was asked once about whether Hoku could make a human from her drawings and the Black Mirror episode "Be Right Back"

i hope this works for you! thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!

Note: This an AU to the Memos Timeline, taking place sometime after the time-skip, in the midst of maybe post Punk Hazard.


Hoku leaned back against the cushioned bench, tracing her fingers over the lip of the bottle beside her.

The crow’s nest was empty tonight since she was taking the first watch. Zoro’s absurd weights were piled in the corner, boxes of everyone’s different training gear or stretching mats pressed against the wall. Hoku kept one of the windows cracked open, letting the salty breeze filter through.

The dimmed lamp on the small table cast little shadows against the wood paneled walls. A bit of moonlight shone still through the windows, the entire sky clear as a mirror tonight. Hoku could see stars scattered as far as she was willing to look. Down below, the lulling, sweet sound of Brook’s strings made its way up to her ears. She could hear Nami and Robin chatting something soft by the tangerine grove.

She couldn’t hear Luffy, which meant he was either lounged across the top of the Sunny’s mast or busied in some way below deck. In a little bit everyone would start to trickle back inside and head to bed. Hoku wouldn’t have to expect anyone till morning.

It was the perfect kind of night to mourn.

Anonymous asked:

I feel so stupid asking this question but why did ace not want hoku and makino to hang out when they were younger

you're not stupid at all anon! Ace is the stupid one, he just got jealous.

Before Ace fully warmed up to Makino, he was always a bit jealous whenever Luffy or Hoku would go running back to the village to say hello or visit. He was just a bit possessive about being one of the most important people in Luffy's life, by extension, this bled to Hoku too

Anonymous asked:

So happy you’ve returned thank you for coming back 💜💜💜💜💜💜

So I had a thought with that AU dark!Sabo/Ace fic you have, how would Sabo/Ace react to Law being over at Hoku’s? Like Law’s hanging out or slept over and answers Hoku’s phone for her and Sabo/Ace basically have aneurysms 😂

Basically I’m in a Law era and seeing him with Hoku is always a treat 💜

(Locked Here for Forever AU - Hoku is still currently doing the work for Sabo and Ace)

Minor Warning: Depictions of Dark!Sabo, nothing too serious, just in case you don't want to see Sabs acting... dark ;)

Sabo's gloved knuckles rasped softly against Hoku's apartment door.

Anonymous asked:

that bit of manu being the helicopter parent is so funny when you consider their lineage to the popoki goddess. if a feline cub is near u, the parent is definitely nearby watching u 😂 what i would give to see an au of manu and mahina living and manu is not so lowkey watching asl when the 4 become friends like a wild cat hiding behind the bushes, he did not let up the 🤨 expression even when hoku gotten older and there are more men than he like for them to be around hoku

Mahina stopped just short of bringing her hammer down onto the slab of metal sitting over her workbench.

A loud rustle from the front of the house caught her attention. The older woman blinked, tilting her head curiously as she set the metal aside and kept the hammer in her grip, twirling it around her fingers out of habit.

Her long white braid swung easily against her back. An ocean breeze tickled the ends, bringing Mahina's gaze outwards to the coast. Her workshop sat right beside their little house on the cliffside hill, looking right out to the ocean before them.

A short, familiar curse reached her ears and she grinned now, slinging the hammer lightly over her shoulder. "You moving the furniture again?"

Manu frowned. He'd been letting his hair grow out a bit this time, silken ends tied off just at the base of his neck with an old ribbon—one of Hoku's, she realized fondly. Their usual patio furniture sat in a cultish huddle around him, rocking chairs gazing back as Manu crossed his arms over his chest.

"Do you think they looked better where they used to be or how I had them yesterday?"

Mahina tipped her head to the side.

"How did they look yesterday again?"

Manu sighed, shaking his head. Mahina grinned cheekily, almost skipping over to her dearest friend as she came up to the steps of their home. "Are you going through your mid-life crisis now? Hoku won't mind them either way, you know."

Manu scowled, looking at her like a cat caught getting wet. Mahina laughed, coming over to help him move the chairs back into place as she set the hammer down. "What made you think she'd care if you moved them?"

"At first I wanted to move them to do something different," Manu explained slowly, evenly as he carefully polished off each chair and Mahina idly checked the wood for stray splinters. Not a single one to be found, of course, because the two of them were damn good at what they did. "But then I woke up last night—remember when I went down and started painting?"

"Of course I do, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"You? Right, Hina," Mahina laughed and Manu continued, "But then I woke up and realized, what if she's expecting everything to look the same way it did when she left? What if seeing it different will make her sad? Shouldn't I just leave it the way it was then?"

"But it's still the same chair," Mahina said, taking a seat in one of the rockers once it'd been moved. Manu immediately took up a seat beside her. "I don't think she'd mind how you moved it."

"You think?"

"Mmm, she's a funny one, that girl. I don't think she'd mind much at all unless you did something more drastic... like changing the paint or putting it on the roof?"

"Hina, why on earth would I ever—"

The sound of a car engine slowing to stop brought the two of them to a halt. Mahina and Manu froze, blinking in confusion at each other as they immediately shot their feet, rushing over to the pathway leading down their hill.

A car they did not recognize sat at the base of the hill, parked along the grassy edge. Mahina frowned in curiosity while Manu looked thoughtful, glancing to his watch. "Hoku's supposed to get picked up from the airport tomorrow—"

Both of them stopped as a familiar face appeared at the base of the hill, kicking the door to their rental car open. Manu caught a brief glimpse of a smooth hand reaching for her, as though in concern, but she was barreling out of the car before they could touch.

It was a face Mahina and Manu would know, in their dreams, every waking moment, and up to their last breath.

A happiness Manu had once never known and now could not fathom otherwise flooded his chest. Mahina's eyes sparkled, bright with mirth and love and the two of them began making their way down the hill as their daughter rushed to meet them.

"Mama! Papa!"


Anonymous asked:

Hey there, I hope I dont annoyed you with this ask 😅 but in chapter 6 of MEMOS did Hoku saw luffy’s bounty on the newspaper or was it hers? Considering that right after that scene you showed the marine printing petty criminals bounty

If I'm remembering the scene right myself, both were present! It's when Luffy and Zoro see their bounties but Hoku finds out that the marines actually print out wanted posters of "petty criminals" which was the category she had fallen under at the time.

and the ask isn't an annoyance at all, if anything, i hope you're not annoyed it took me five million business years to answer 😭

thank you for reading!


Heyy I just wanted to send in a picrew of Hoku since I can’t draw for shit. I was messing around on picrew, found this and was like “omg it’s her!” Sorry if this isn’t the right way to send it to you! Included the source link below.

Picrewの「在庫処分」でつくったよ! https://picrew.me/share?cd=9ISB4au1Yp #Picrew #在庫処分





i love that this expression can encompass a few different Hokus "You wanna bet on that?" "Nami just gave me the OK to kick your ass." "I just found a new way to die, don't rat me out and I'll reward you."

Thank you again for sharing the picrew!

Anonymous asked:

I was wondering, Hoku already met Law and Kid. But she hasn't met them in "Memoirs of a suicidal pirate" but when you write her on tumblr she has met them, I don't mean to sound rude but I'm confused am I reading wrong?

Hahaha, you're not reading wrong! A lot of the snippets are just what-ifs/AUs that I do for fun with the two of them, kinda also helps me practice their dynamic more

For Kid tho, Hoku has met in Memos :) Law technically I guess, just as kids and for a brief moment


Ahhhh I’m so happy you’re back with all the memos tidbits!!! That little snippet of kid and his crew and the latest where he was literally thinking of throwing her into a crate and stealing her onto his ship really really realllyy makes me wonder what would happen is Hoku actually did join his crew (aka hokunapped) hahah. Been in love with their dynamic since the chapter they met hehe

  • Hoku would be an absolute menace on Kid's crew
  • His crew would actually begin to question whether or not it was a good decision to let their captain force her onto their ship
  • Would claim she's only working temp on his ship because she had strangely rationalized that this was a good way to get Luffy to give up on her/she could just ditch this crew whenever and go die peacefully in a hut somewhere after following the news of the Straw Hat's journey
  • Is constantly questioning/not listening to his authority, she never takes it to the point of being blatantly mean, but just kinda ignores his orders/does whatever she wants
  • Hoku makes sure to get work done for the crew to earn her keep, helping out with ship chores, figuring out who's the cleanliest and making sure things don't look too gross with all these grease monkeys hanging around (she's not that neat either)
  • pops up in strange places around the ship, gets along with random crew members, even offers to help ink tattoos for them from time to time once she really warms up to them
  • she's become a bit fond of these weird, punk rock pirates
  • is always fighting with Kid, it's either two-sided shouting matches or one-sided curses and shouts from Kid while she picks at her ear and ignores him
  • unironically ends up causing him to be both a more destructive and less destructive pirate, he causes less human bodily harm but ends up destroying more houses or towns from his fights with Hoku (she always tries to rebuild homes for anyone)
  • it's a running joke to see how long they can go at sea before Kid gets angry at her, he seems to get livid at the very sight of her just lounging on her back on top of some barrels, but his crew reminds him its his fault for wanting her
  • Hoku likes messing with Kid but she actually starts to warm up, very, very little to him. She kind of finds him more amusing than anything else, fun to mess with, likes that he's so bullheadedly passionate about his dreams but just hates how angry he always is
  • "I think he just needs to get laid," Hoku finally joked once to Killer, causing the first mate to pause completely in the middle of his meal. There's a few things Killer could say to that, but he decides it's wiser not to get involved with anything in that regard
  • Killer just isn't sure how to tell her that sometimes Kid's "anger" isn't quite "anger"...
  • Hoku and Kid spar often, mostly because it's a fight turned physical but Kid genuinely thrives when it comes to fighting with Hoku
  • one sparring match in particular ends up a bit...

"You're always runnin' around like a rat," Kid accused, kicking up a storm of sand as he lunged for Hoku. She leapt out of his reach, dodging his metal extended claws. "Afraid of getting caught, doll?"

"You're always grabbing," Hoku snapped back. She lowered herself briefly to the sand, swinging her foot out and catching Kid in his side. He grabbed quickly for her ankle, but Hoku swung her foot up and sprung back on her hands, just out of his grasp. "Always tryin' to hug me."

"Shut it!" Kid snarled. The shore line lapped right at their side, encroaching closer onto the sandy slope. A salty breeze tousled Hoku's hair out of her face, baring her completely to him. "One of these days you're gonna be cryin' because of this."

Hoku laughed, a loose, breezy sound that grated against his ears. Kid felt his pulse thundering louder in his ears. Hoku leapt nimbly closer, he knew this tactic well by now, her way of getting ready to try to finish him off. Her fingers reached for her sword. "Whatever you say, brat—"

Kid moved differently this time, lunging forward, arms raised. Hoku balked for a second in surprise, eyes wide at his frontal assault. Kid still had hulk and mass over her, the entirety of him slamming her down into the ground with a ghost of her breath rushing past his ear.

Hoku reacted quickly, scrambling with him in the sand as grains flew across the both of them. Kid wrestled with her, trying to force either both her wrists into one of his or pin her legs down—whichever he could manage first—a knee slammed into his ribcage, a foot managed to extend and catch the side of his head—damn she's flexible.

Hoku's hand grabbed at his hair, pulling roughly. Kid snarled, blood pumping at the sensation while Hoku glared fiercely beneath him. Something thrummed, a little louder in his ears, and before Kid could force her down Hoku was suddenly heaving with all her might—legs locked tightly around his waist. Kid felt himself go sideways before he could fight back, forced with a rough palm down onto his back and facing upwards as Hoku straddled him.

Her hair fanned out wildly around her face. Sweat dripped a bit from her chin from their brief and rough struggle. Hoku glared down at him, daring him to fight back. Her lips pulled into a little bit of a snarl, the faint glint of that sharp canine catching light. Kid's hand shot up automatically, gripping her waist, the other grasping her thigh—his entire hand could almost cover the expanse of her thigh, he realized suddenly, like a screw clattering to the ground in the back of his head. He could feel the heat of her skin through her rough pants, the taut muscle and still slightly plush flesh at his fingertips, dents pressing under his grip.

Her hip fit even easier into his hand, one firm grip. His eyes flickered up briefly to her face, still twisted into a daring look of triumph above him—the faint heave of her chest, the rise and fall, rise and fall—

A drop of sweat rolled down the column of her neck. Kid felt something heavy pull into his gut.

God, he should kill this woman.

More screws clattered to the ground in his mind, a ruckus of noise, each one a shattering image of Hoku laughing annoyingly amidst his crew, shoving Wire as she almost fell over her barrel. An image of her snoozing uselessly in the sun, glowing from its warmth, sprawled out with ease across the deck. Her hair catching the first rays of light as she peeked over the crow's nest from the watch the night before. Her eyes meeting his across a bar, crinkled at the corners in teasing annoyance—

He needed to wreck this woman.

Her fingers wrapped around her brush. The slow or quick turn of her hand across paper. The colors that spilled out beneath her fingertips. Her happy, grudging huffs of awe at his work. The soft, audible sound of her in his private workshop, gaze lowered to whatever project laid before her.

He needed to—

Her eyes, flickering to meet his gaze, reflecting his visage entirely.

Hoku suddenly went ramrod straight above Kid. She paused, her once firm grip of his chest and head faltering. Kid blinked, annoyed to have been dragged from his thoughts as he looked back up at Hoku—

Kid blinked, once, twice, going almost slack in disbelief at the sight before him.

Hoku's cheeks had flushed, a dark, flustered red. She looked stunned, stupified almost as though she was trying to comprehend and register the situation at hand herself. Kid watched, almost mesmerized by the way that blush seemed to creep from the back of her neck as well—did her whole body flush like that? How far did it go?

Why the hell was she blushing in the first place—

(Something hard pressed flush against the inside of Hoku's thigh, a size she did not need to consider, situated right beneath the weight of her pressing originally hard down against Kid to keep him pinned—)

Kid went carefully still in realization. His grip on Hoku instantly went slack.

(Her weight fit snug against him. A shudder threatened to run down the back of his neck. Shamelessly he imagined for a second her back against the sand, her hair sprawled out amidst it. Her eyes, round and wide filled with his visage, her cheeks flushed, his lips following it down her neck. Something hot pooling in his gut flushed upwards, right to his fingertips as they flexed, suddenly itching to hold—)

Hoku was off Kid in a flash, jumping to her feet as her hands flew up into the air as though she were under arrest. Kid scrambled up onto his elbows, jaw working—

"Hey, uh, sorry about that," Hoku said first before Kid could even think of what ought to come out of his mouth. He blinked dumbly at her. "It's—that's a totally normal thing to happen, so don't worry about it, yeah? No worries, bud. Uh—I'll um, go? See ya back on the ship!"

Hoku darted away, running off the sand before he could even grab for her ankle or hold her back. Kid sat there amidst the sand, heat pulsing against his skin, a very real, very personal problem tenting upwards against his—

Kid let out something like a slew of curses, shouting angrily at nothing and everything—

  • Killer was perplexed for only about five minutes later that evening when Kid returned, some time after Hoku, more angry and grumpy but strangely subdued around her in a way he was not before, and then Killer sorta figured it out

-basically Hoku on Kid's crew is 3/5 her giving him an aneurysm and 2/5s something else

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I have a question for you that running in mind since a loong time but what kind of music would like yours oc's ? I'm thinking that maybe Kestui listen classical music and Rye certainly likes all songs about love🤔

  • Ketsui is definitely a classical music lover, she'll listen to all different types of composers but her favorite scores are the softer ones. She's also a fan of cheesy Italian love ballads or Japanese ballads now because of Niko
  • Rye is a dead-to-the-public-blank faced romantic at heart. She's actually quite honest about liking sweet, sad, or tragic romantic songs
  • Hoku's the type to listen to almost anything, she likes to give most genres a chance, favorite might lean toward the types of songs that are easy for a lot of people to sing, she likes listening to people sing the same song together
  • Kali's the type to love songs about going places, whether leaving, coming back, coming home, any type of music with that sort of theme
  • Fuyu likes the type of music her grandparents like, so outdated rock songs, old love ballads, even more traditional folk music, she's especially fond of this
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