



There was that @pukicho guy from tumblr but he was a 700ft tall beast harassing some small Turkish town and the government couldn’t do anything about it, but then Disney sent drones to vaporize the monster because of copyright laws.

I woke up and had to google if Disney owns Pokémon.


Coastal town of Yumurtalık prepare yourselves

this is the weirdest crossover event I’ve seen on here in recent memory


Instead of a playboy persona, I feel like this iteration of Bruce Wayne would be a disaster celebrity that people love because he's such a mess all the time. There are listicles like 'Top Ten Moments Bruce Wayne Was All of Us' and it's him falling asleep at the opera or dropping his coffee on the street and staring at it, clearly on the verge of tears. He'd get memed constantly and understand none of it. A WE publicist makes him a twitter account and he posts like a fifty-year old man, he just tweets 'Hello. I am Bruce Wayne.' or some shit and it goes viral.


I've waited so long for this post to reach 69 notes


"our flag means death what we do in the shadows and good omens should be the new superwholock" WRONG our flag means death black sails and pirates of the caribbean should be the new superwholock except now they're all pirate media with canonically queer people in them. like I cannot BELIEVE how soon you people forgot that jack sparrow is literally canonically gay divorced

like okay to elaborate on this obviously they couldn't go super explicit because this was disney in 2003, but in the original idea for the film jack and captain barbossa were like. confirmed as having been in a relationship and while a lot of it was obviously cut what you need to know about the original pirates of the caribbean set was that it was like. almost lawless so some of that did make it through to the film like for example this line

and just in how the two of them interact with each other like in this shot for example

and we see more of this in the later movies like this bit in at world's end

and this bit in on stranger tides

sorry for the long post I'm just very passionate about this and literally no one talks about this for some reason. like my darling tumblerinas gay pirates have been real since 2003


@curiousstrawberry how does it feel to be this hilarious


listen as much as i love this idea op is just making shit up akjhfadhg


I think we should all act like they were canonically gay divorced anyway though


URGENT:   help biscuit with vet bills! 

from my gofundme: Biscuit is an adorable stray pup I picked up in 2017. He is the sweetest, most lovable puppy you’ll ever meet. He loves running around our local dog park and making new friends. He and my daughter and grandma are the reasons I survived 2020. I’m torn up because last week he was diagnosed with heartworms and I can’t afford his treatment and medication. The vet had me giving him some pills, which ended up making his liver enzymes high, so we had to give him more pills to bring the enzymes down. While I have a job (which helps pay for my daughter’s need + household items + gas ), any little bit would help me out here. I’m doing this as a last resort because I love my dog and I don’t want to see him suffer prematurely.

I’ve asked my friends and family for help. They have given what they can but I’m still coming up quite short. I’m asking if you guys could spare some pocket change here and there to possibly help Biscuit out, Thank you so much.  PLEASE SHARE EVEN IF YOU CAN’T DONATE❤️ $0.00/$1200

oh my gosh thank y’all so much for sharing. no donations so far. keep in mind that even $1’s and $5’s are welcome right now. every bit counts toward biscuit’s bills and health and i am so grateful. ty all ❤️❤️


please boost and donate if you can!


Fondly remembering the time that a cat owner casually entered their calico Maine Coon in a cat fancier's competition and the judges lost their minds because the cat was 1) male and 2) able to bear children

Anyway here's Dawntreader Texas Calboy as a silly lil kitten

Here's an excerpt from one of the articles about the drama his entry caused among the Cat Fanciers that I thought was very earnest and sweet <3

And also some of Calboy's children!

He is fearfully and wonderfully made!

I was about to say he would technically be an intersex king (not because I dislike the concept of trans cats, just bc intersex rep is sorely needed too) but I did some more reading on this icon and actually found the article OP referenced.

He's not your usual male calico kitty as it turns out. That's already cool and rare, but he's even cooler and rarer than that!

Calboy is a chimera!! Which is really fucking cool of you ask me. The chances of having a male calico this way are slim to none, but the mad lad still exists! What an icon. I would die for Calboy.


Tumblr Code.

If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “i fill my ass with orange juice”

that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything

I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person


must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!

Remember the answer is: ”17 cocks”


always reblog tumblr identification

this post makes me want to gouge my eyes out

im laughins so hard who changed it



No seriously the edit function has been gone for years who did this


I basically just repeat the phrases “oh my god”, “holy shit”, and “hell yeah” and that’s the extent of my personality


there’s nothing funnier than twitter and tumblr official accounts gloating at facebook-insta-whatsapp collapse i swear-

this is going to be historical i promise

they’re having the time of their lives


So when this happened the other day I took a bunch of screencaps of my favorite Twitter posts about it and this seems like as good a place to put them as any:

And finally, this exchange explaining what happened:

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