
Ross Gaines Appreciation Squad


Elle//25//she/her//bi//UK. I post about things that I love on this blog; it’s a mess basically.
When John passed away so suddenly that night, I felt as though half of me flew away with him. […] Spring came and went. Summer. I was surprised that the leaves were shining so intensely when John was no more. It seemed like a crime, that everything else was still so alive. Fall was beautiful. And Winter. I realized then that winters would be hard for some time.” - Yoko Ono (Memories of John Lennon)
"How long are you going to last? ...well you can't really say, you know. You can be big headed and say, 'Yea we're gonna last ten years,' but as soon as you've said that you think, 'We're lucky if we last three months,' you know."

John Lennon, 1963


“It’s satisfying to have grown from where I was to where I am. But there is so much growing still to be done. As long as I live, I’ll be cleaning the past out of my mind, getting rid of those old cassettes I play over and over—my memories, my beliefs. I want to keep up with my life. Live it so completely that when death comes like a thief in the night, there’ll be nothing left for him to steal.”

Anthony Perkins, April 4, 1932 - September 12, 1992
He had a wonderful sense of humor, wonderful sense of humor.  Very dry, you know.  He was a good friend, he was a wonderful husband, dear and loving father.  I mean, he was not Norman Bates.  But he was just so brilliant.

- Janet Leigh on Anthony Perkins (April 4, 1932 - September 12, 1992)

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