
Tommy Shelby? Yes Please


If he told me to shit in my hands and clap I would applaud to no end πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
I write for Peaky Blinders, On My Block, Chicago PD, Fire, Law and Order:SVU and The Walking Dead! Send requests!
Always ~ Tommy Shelby Part Three

Strolling through the streets Leah grinned as she greeted people that she hadn't seen in so long, waving her hand towards the local group of elderly church goers she couldn't help but laugh as they turned up their noses.

"That Leah girl, she's just as bad as that blue eyed devil himself!" She mimicked to herself as she thought back, it was always some variation of how she was just like Tommy. "How times change aye." She sighed to herself just as the Garrison came into view.

Always ~ Tommy Shelby ~ Part Two

Part 2!! I have no idea how to link the previous part but each part will be tagged 'Always One', 'Always Two' and so on πŸ™ˆ

As always, enjoy and let me know what you think!


...One year later...

"Alfieeee!" A Birmingham accent rang out through the distillery, reaching Alfie's ears as he sat at his desk, back aching from the morning spent hunched over signing papers.

"In 'ere treacle!" He yelled, small smile on his face as his favourite person stepped into view, her brown hair shining under the lights. "What do I owe such a pleasure, aye?" He questioned, squinting at the small smile playing on the younger girls lips.

"Well, my dearest Alfie." She began as she slipped into his office placing a quick kiss against his cheek before perching herself at the edge of his desk. "I have come with a question." She grinned, kicking her feet excitedly as she thought back to the letter she received a few minutes ago.

"How much d'you need?" He sighed, automatically assuming that she needed more money to buy more dresses that he was sure the girl didn't need, no matter how much she told him otherwise.


"Not money Solomons, well, maybe but that's not why I'm here." She grinned, laughing at the exasperated sigh that Alfie let out. "I need to go back to Birmingham." She grinned, faltering slightly as she watched Alfie's face drop.

"And why is that Treacle? Thought you had nothing left there no more." He muttered, rubbing a hand over his bearded chin.

"I don't, not really, but I got an invitation this morning, to a wedding." She gave him a small smile, feeling bad that she'd never actually told Alfie why she'd fled Small Heath, hell, he didn't even know that she was from Small Heath, only Birmingham.

After walking out on Tommy and the rest of the Shelby family just over a year ago Leah had ended up in London, knocking on factory doors looking for work when she'd stumbled upon Alfie's little set up. After an interview where she'd quickly impressed the king of Camden Town she became his secretary, then a friend,  then one thing lead to two and she was wearing a diamond ring on her left hand. He'd questioned where she'd came from, of course he did, he'd asked all about her past and her family but the answers he got were always the same.

'My Parents died a long time ago, my aunt ended up raising me but it just wasn't working anymore, so I left.'

He knew that she was an only child, and had 2 best friends that she would sometimes speak off, although names had never been mentioned, not to him anyway. As suspicious as that may seem to some people Alfie never judged her, he figured that if it was anything important or anything that she wanted him to know she would tell him, for all he knew there was some kind of deep dark secret that had Leah running from Birmingham, but it wasn't his place to pry, and if him being in the dark meant he got to keep his brummie angel then that was fine by him.

"And whose wedding would that be?" Alfie asked, eyebrow raised slightly as he looked at the childish look of excitement on his fiancΓ©s face.

"My best friend, John, he's getting married!" She grinned, her heart bursting with happiness for her best friend.

They had lost contact when she'd left, and as much as she remembered her promises to write to the Shelby family she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She'd sent two letters since arriving in London, one to John letting him know that she had made it safely and had rented a flat, failing to mention the whole working for Alfie thing, she'd received a reply a week later, begging for her to go back, if not for Tommy then for him and the family but she shook her head with tears in her eyes and threw the letter into the fire, watching as the flames ate at the words John had wrote.

The second letter she had wrote was to Tommy, laying out all of her thoughts and feelings, the paper littered with tear drops as she told him how much she loved him but just couldn't stay, not if he didn't love her the same. It took her a week after writing it for her to eventually post it, but she did, and in turn she felt the upmost rejection as she never got a reply, she had laid her heart out to Tommy Shelby again and had been kicked in the teeth, again. That was when she vowed to never bother with him again, the Shelby's were her past and no matter how much she loved and missed them she needed to move on. At least that's what she thought until she received a call from the landlord of her old flat that said there was an important looking letter sitting on her desk that had been left for her, an invitation to Johns wedding, which apparently was a secret that even he didn't know about, Tommys doing, she guessed.

"Well then Treacle." Alfie paused with a smile, "We best be getting you back to Birmingham."


Getting off the train at Small Heath Leah couldn't help but smile as the familiar smell of damp and piss filled her senses, home sweet home, she thought as she lifted her suitcase with a huff. Happily making her way down the streets of Small Heath she ignored the stares of passerbys as they watched with wonder, Tommy Shelby's girl who had disappeared without a trace was back.

The weight of her engagement ring seemed to increase as Leah slowly approached her childhood street, shaking her head slightly she pulled off the ring slipping it into the small compartment in her bag, she was only here for the weekend, there was no need for them to know about Alfie. She couldn't help but feel the nerves trickle in as she reached the top of watery lane, the row of houses making her heart race as she recalled the years worth of memories that she had on this street.

Taking a deep breath she carried on as she reached her destination, the big brown doors in front of her were closed a sign on the door stating it was for a family meeting and they'd be open again by 3. Checking her watch she sighed seeing it was just gone 1, shaking her head to herself she reached up and knocked loudly on the old wooden door.

"We're not open!" A voice came from inside, a female voice that she couldn't quite put her finger on, huffing to herself she raised her fist and knocked again.

"We ain't fucking open! Can't you read the fucking sign aye?!" A voice that she'd never forget reached her ears before the door swung open.

"Hello Arty." Leah grinned as Arthur's eyes widened upon seeing just who was banging on the dens door.

"What the fucking hell have I told you aye?" He groaned before a smile broke out on his face. "Oh come here Le!" He laughed as he reached forwards and pulled the young girl into his arms. "They're gunna lose their fucking shit." He laughed as he rested his hands on her shoulders.

Laughing at Arthur's excitement she followed behind as he led the way into the den, looking around she realised that nothing had changed, nothing but her old desk which now held the belongings of someone else, someone else's coat on her chair and someone else's bag where hers once sat. Dropping her bag outside of the door to Johns office, which hadn't changed at all, she noted, she hurried to catch up with Arthur as he stopped just outside the double doors which lead to the family kitchen.

"You ready?" He grinned with a wink, placing his hands on the door.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She murmured, her nerves through the roof as she heard the unmistakeable noise of the Shelby family on the other side of the doors.

Pushing open the doors Arthur couldn't hide the grin on his face as all eyes turned to him in confusion. "You'll never guess who I found." He said before stepping out of the way revealing Leah behind him.

"Uh, hi?" She more questioned than spoke as six pairs of eyes landed on her, all stunned into silence.

"Leah!" Finn was the first to break the silence as he got up from his chair and launched himself into Leah's arms.

"Finn!" She cried as she crouched down and wrapped the young boy in her arms, in the year that she'd been gone the young boy had shot up, now almost 8 old he was no longer the little baby that she had remembered, standing almost as tall as her. "Jesus boy what have they been feeding you?" She exclaimed as she put his hands on his cheeks and smooshed them together. "And so handsome too!" She grinned, laughing as his cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

Standing back to full height she looked over the rest of the Shelby clan, her eyes skipping over Tommy as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Oh you silly girl! Get your ass here now!" Polly practically yelled as she made her way over, wrapping her arms around the girl that had been more like a daughter than her nephews friend.

"I've missed you so much." Leah mumbled with tears in her eyes as she squeezed Polly as tight as possible. "I'm sorry I didn't write." She sighed as she pulled away, the guilt eating away at her.

"Don't you worry about that now Le, I'm just so glad you're back." The older woman smiled as she wiped away the few tears that had managed to escape.

Leah couldn't help but laugh as her eyes landed on John, sat at the table beside his sister with the biggest grin on his face.

"Well, you just gunna sit there Johnny boy?" She grinned, letting out a loud laugh as John bolted from his seat racing over and wrapping his arms around her waist before spinning her around the small kitchen. "I missed you too." She laughed as John finally placed her feet back on the floor.

"I honestly never thought I'd get to see you again." He said quietly, the smile on his face not hiding the hurt that sat in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry John." She whispered, her heart lurching just thinking about the pain her silence must have caused. "But I had to come back at some point right, otherwise Finn over there would've broken my legs!" She laughed slightly, thinking about the promise that she'd made to the young boy all that time ago.

"Break a promise and I'll break your legs." John laughed as he nodded to himself before pulling her in for another hug, squeezing her tightly. "I'm never letting you leave again." He sighed happily as Leah rested her head on his chest, only letting out a soft hum as she knew that in a few days she'd be back on a train to London, to Alfie.

"She'll leave again whether you like it or not." A bitter voice sounded throughout the room, all eyes turning to Ada as the pair broke apart. "And then she'll promise to write, promise to come back, but she won't." Her voice got sterner as she rose from her seat, Leah's eyes widened as they landed on Ada's swollen stomach, information she was in no way aware of.

"Ada.." Leah trailed off, her eyes burning as she looked at the younger girl who was once her sister. "I'm sorry, I am-"

"Yeah, sure you are." Ada cut her off, shaking her head before making her way towards the door. "If anybody needs me I'll be upstairs." She growled before walking out and slamming the door behind her.

Sighing to herself Leah looked down at the ground, she couldn't expect everyone to be thrilled at her return, she supposed. She jumped slightly as she felt John wrap his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her into his chest knowing that Ada's words hurt more than she'd ever say.

"You came back then." The same female voice that I'd heard earlier spoke, Leah's eyes locking onto those of Lizzie Stark, last she heard Lizzie was very popular with the males in Small Heath, those that had enough to pay anyway. The two girls had never gotten along seeing as Lizzie had always had a huge crush on Tommy, who only had eyes for Leah, but that didn't stop her from trying every time she managed to catch Tommy alone, only to be shot down every time.

"Lizzie Stark, well I'll be damned." Leah smiled falsely, never getting over the dislike that she held for the woman. "Never thought I'd see you at a job that doesn't require a bed." She snorted, laughing even harder as John buried his face in her neck, his own shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Enough." Leah flinched as she finally heard Tommy's voice, her eyes immediately drawn to his as he stared her down. "If you're done with the reunion I called this family meeting for a reason." He scowled, his eyes leaving hers and scanning the rest of his family.

"Get on with it then won't ya, I say we go to the Garrison and celebrate!" Arthur cheered, backed up by John, Finn and Polly.

"Family meetings are family only." He spoke with authority, as he looked straight into Leah's eyes, his cold, calculating eyes staring into her soul.

"She is family Tom." John was the first to speak, stepping out from behind Leah and wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

"No, she isn't." He said, keeping his eyes on Leah, his heart clenching at the sight of the girl he fell in love with all those years ago, knowing he was currently causing the pain in her eyes.

"She's a part of this family just as much as anyone! And much more than that!" Polly exclaimed as she pointed towards Lizzie who sat with a red face glaring daggers at the Shelby monarch.

Leah couldn't help but laugh at Polly's words before shaking her head. "It's fine Pol, I'll wait down at the Garrison, I can't be dealing with this shit anyway." She smiled, placing a quick kiss to Johns cheek and a wave to Arthur and Finn she made her way back out the kitchen, through the den and back onto Watery Lane, trying to act as though Tommy's words hadn't driven a dagger right through her heart.

Always ~ A Tommy Shelby Fic

I started this fic a while ago and have only just remembered!

Have a read and let me know what you think, I do have more parts written!


Small Heath was a small town, the sky darkened by clouds of smoke from the factories, a small estate where everyone knew everyone else's business,

The Shelby home sits quiet on Watery Lane, the once full of life house now silent as the three remaining women lay passed out after a celebratory night at the Garrison - along with the youngest Shelby man, the news everyone had been waiting for had finally arrived, the boys were coming home.


A loud banging on the door had Leah groaning as she squeezed her eyes shut pleading for whoever thought it was appropriate to almost kick down the door to do one. Huffing and puffing to herself she trudged her way to the door, shielding her eyes from the light she squinted as she opened the door.

"For fuck sake, what?" She grunted as her eyes landed on Lizzie Stark, a woman that she'd never gotten along with, you know, with Lizzie having a thing for Tommy for all these years and what not.

"The first trains are pulling in." Was the only words to leave her mouth before Leah had slammed the door in her face and ran back to the living room where Polly and Ada were currently passed out.

"Pol! Ada! Come on, up you get!" Leah yelled excitedly as she raced through the room pulling open the curtains and letting daylight in.

"What the fuckin' hell are you doing girl?!" Polly grumbled as she sat up holding her head, the celebratory drinks they'd been for last night making her pay.

"The trains are here." Was all Leah needed to say before all 3 were up and out the house.


Standing at the station arm in arm with the Shelby ladies and Finn Leah couldn't help but bounce on her feet slightly as she watched every soldier like a hawk, waiting to see a glimpse of any of the three that she was waiting for.

"Arthur!" Ada's sudden yell made Leah jump before she turned and saw the man in question walking towards them.

After letting Polly, Ada and Finn say their hellos Leah stepped forwards, tears in her eyes as they met his. "Hello Arty." She grinned, giggling slightly as Arthur rolled her eyes before pulling her into his arms.

"Never thought I'd miss that." Arthur laughed as he squeezed Leah tight. "But no more." He deadpanned before a smile broke out on his face once more.

"What? No love for your best friend?" Made Leah spin around so fast she was surprised she'd managed to keep her footing.

"John!" She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped away from Arthur and crashed into Johns arms, the tears falling as the pair stood rocking each other. "I'm so happy you're back." She whispered, other than Tommy, John was the Shelby that she was closest too, he was her best friend above all else.

"So am I, Le, so am I." He whispered pressing a kiss to the top of her head before he pulled back slightly. "You've still got one more." He spoke, nodding to behind her.

Turning her head she couldn't hold back the tears that started to fall as she locked eyes with her blue eyed soldier, stood next to Polly as he watched Leah.

"Tommy." She whispered, pulling away from John and racing towards Tommy with all that she had, jumping into his arms she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life, while his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her as close as he possible could, the pair hiding their faces in each others necks as the tears flowed. "You came back." She whispered as she pulled away slightly, her hands gently cupping his cheeks as her thumb moved up and down over his jaw.

"Always." Tommy whispered, the first word he spoke to her after four long years. "Worried you weren't gunna be here." He muttered softly, his hard blue eyes watching her greens intently.

"I'll always be here for you Tommy, always." She whispered back, before pressing her lips to his in a long awaited kiss.


Leah sighs as she tries to snuggle further into her pillow, the memories of the day the Shelby boys came back from France fresh in her mind, but now they were different, rather than catching her Tommy had let her fall, stepping away and walking off, away from her and straight into the arms of that Irish tart, her words ringing in Leah's ears.

"You can't hold him together forever."

A short sentence that tore a gaping whole through her chest, what did that even mean? She wasn't holding Tommy together, they were a team, they always had been since the day they both went after the same bully at school, Leah was a couple years younger than him, in the same year as his younger brother John, the two soon becoming good friends. After finding out that one of the boys from Tommy's year had pushed John to the ground they both had gone storming over to the group of boys, the one in question stood still as Tommy and the small girl approached with faces like thunder, and if you asked which one scared the poor boy more, the answer would surprise you.

The young girl walked ahead of 14 year old Tommy, her pigtails bopping side to side as she strode forwards swinging her fist straight into the bridge of his nose, barely flinching at the stream of blood that came flowing as she swiftly raised her foot and stomped on the boys foot before bringing her knee to his groin. Tommy stood there in stunned silence for a moment before he came back to his senses, making his own move, pulling Leah away from the wailing boy and swinging his fist into the boys stomach leaving him to drop to the ground as he hunched over himself.

Crouching down Tommy couldn't help but smirk as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, one he'd stolen from his aunt earlier that morning, lighting it before leaning down into the bloody mess of his face.

"You ever touch my brother again, and I won't be pulling her away." He threatened, blowing the smoke from his cigarette into his face, a loud laugh escaping as a coughing fit caused the boy to groan in pain. "Come on, Pol's gunna go mad at the state of that." He grinned, nodding to the red swollen knuckles on the girls right hand.

"Yeah, well, nobody touches my best friend." She shrugged with an innocent smile but a devilish glint in her eyes, and Tommy knew, right then and there that this girl had him, and she had him good.

Leah remembered that day so vividly, she could still remember the anger she felt when she caught sight of John falling to the ground, the older boys stood laughing making her hands shake, she may have only been twelve but when you grow up with three older brothers you know how to fend for yourself, and that Leah did. She could still feel the pressure on her knuckles from when her hands met the boys nose, she could imagine the stickiness of the blood on her hands and the proud look on Tommy's face as they walked away, anxious of what Polly's response to yet another fight would be.

Leah was knocked out of her thoughts as Tommy started to fidget in bed next to her, his skin coated in a layer of sweat as he starts to twitch.

"Tom?" She whispered, sitting up in bed so she could see him better. "Tommy?" She tried again, her frown deepening as he did nothing but mumble, no trace that he'd heard her. "Tom." She said a bit louder, placing a hand on his shoulder before letting out a scream as he flew up and rolled over, laying his body on top of hers as his hands wrapped around her throat, a crazed look in his eye as he stared through the woman that he loved, his mind stuck in the mud trenches of France.

She clawed at his hands, dug her nails into his wrists as his grip got tighter, his weight pressing down onto her before all of a sudden the air was rushing back into her lungs, the pressure on her legs gone as she immediately brought them up toward herself, pushing up against the headboard as Tommy stood at the side of the bed staring at her with wide eyes.

A moments silence passed as Leah caught her breath, her shaking hands wiping under her eyes, she knew it was an accident, she knew he didn't mean it, but that didn't mean it scared her any less.

"Tom." She whispered hoarsely, watching as a switch flipped in his head and he was getting dressed, throwing his clothes on without giving her a second look. "Tommy please." She muttered, shuffling to the end of the bed, watching as he grabbed his cigarette case from the bedside drawers, lighting one up before securing the case in his inside pocket. "Where are you going?" She sighed, worry evident in her voice as her eyes followed his moves.

"I've got things to do." He muttered, stopping with his hand on the door knob, not making any move to turn and face the woman he'd claimed to always love.

"What things Tommy? It's half past 2 in the morning, come back to bed." She pleaded, knowing exactly where he'd end up if he walked through the door, her hopes starting to rise as he dropped his hand from the handle.

"I can't." He suddenly muttered, swinging the door open he tore from the house like a hurricane the door slamming behind him, with a sigh Leah stood up and took out one of the cigarettes from the spare case, she couldn't sleep without Tom, what she didn't know at the time, was that that night would be her last night by his side at all.


The sun shining through the dingy window is what brought Leah back to the land of the living, having cried for hours she'd eventually passed out on the bed... Lifting her head slightly she sighed as the events from last night came rushing back to her, the slight sore feeling in her throat brought back the feeling of his hands around her neck, looking around she realised that Tommy had not returned to their shared bedroom, everything the way it had been left in the early hours of the morning.

Shaking her head Leah dragged herself out of bed and threw on the clothes that she had worn yesterday, lifting herself off the bed she grabbed the large bag stored in the wardrobe and stuffed the few possessions she owned inside before zipping it up, leaving it just inside the bedroom door before heading down to the family kitchen already dreading the conversations that were going to come next, the walls in the Shelby home were thin, there's no doubt that at least one person heard the raised voices. Muttering a good morning the young woman avoided the stares from the family as she made herself a cup of tea and took a seat between John and Finn.

"You look like shit." John was the first to talk after a brief silence, he'd heard the two in the middle of the night, not that he could make out what they were saying but he knew how his best friend sounded when she was upset, and upset she had been. "Ow! What was that for?" John cried out as Polly walked past landing a swift smack to the back of her nephews head.

"Shut up John." She muttered as she took a seat opposite Leah. "That looks sore." She said knowingly, her eyes lingering on the red/pink fingerprints that sat just to the side of Leah's throat quickly catching John's attention.

"It's nothing." Leah mumbled, shrugging her shoulders just as the front door opened with a gush of cold air, fitting really as Tommy walked through the door.

"What the fuck did you do?" John yelled instantly, standing from his chair he lent over the table pointing his finger at Tommy, Arthur quickly jumping up to make sure that he can grab John if he actually went for Tommy, not like he would, he remembered the outcome from when they were children.

"Shut the fuck up John." Tommy mumbled without looking at his younger brother as his eyes watched Leah, her head down, his eyes widened slightly as she lifted her head and his handy work from the night before came into view, not that he remembered what had happened, he remembered an argument and going to the garrison which is where he woke this morning. "What?" he squinted slightly, trying to get a better look, his face falling as he made out the shape of fingerprints and the memories came rushing back. "Leah, I-"

"Don't even bother Tom." She muttered, already knowing what road they were about to head down, again.

"I'm so-" "You're what? You're sorry?" She chuckled to herself. "Save it Tom, it's always the same old shit with you. I get it okay, I get that you saw some messed up shit while you were in France, I really do, and I know that you didn't mean to do it, but you just up and left!" She scowled at the man she loved, the man she loved so much that she would have willingly laid her life down for his, would have, if you had asked her yesterday.

"I know that, can we just go upstairs and talk about this." Tommy sighed, the hangover making itself known as the throbbing in his head started, getting louder and louder with every word, he didn't need this right now, especially not with his entire family watching.

"Why? So they don't hear what I've got to say? So they don't know that you almost killed me last night?" She laughed, a full belly laugh that had the likes of even Polly looking uncomfortable in her seat. "I'm sick of it Tom. I'm sick of being treated like shit, being treated like I don't even exist unless you need something, I'm sick and tired of pretending like everything is fine, like you don't leave me sat in the booth at the Garrison alone because you're too busy flirting with that pissing barmaid! Who, by the way, I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw the ugly bitch!" Leah screamed, the weeks of silent treatments, arguments and frustration finally taking their tole. "Oh yeah, don't think I haven't noticed how you look at Miss Blondy." She scoffed as Tommy's face dropped, the confusion on his face standing out plain as day.

"Because I'm not good enough for you!" Tommy bellowed, his voice making her jump slightly, he never yelled at her, in the 10 plus years they had known each other, not once had he raised his voice toward her like this. "I'm messed up Leah! I'm a broken man after that fucking war and I'll never be the same as I once was, that Tommy is dead, and I'm sorry about that I really am but that's just the way it is!" He all but screamed, the veins in his neck popping as he pointed down into her face, his heart breaking at the slither of fear that had appeared at his tone. "Leah, just, come on, enough is enough now aye." Tommy sighed as he pressed his palms into his eyes, he really needed to get some sleep. "Let's just go upstairs and-"

"No, Tom." She interrupted him once again, her patience running thin as she watched him clearly shrug her words off before he headed towards the stairs. "I'm done Tommy." She sighed, her shoulders sagging as she looked at him in utter defeat. "I'm done." She gave him a small smile before walking past him quickly, rushing up the stairs she grabbed her bag from behind the bedroom door and turned, walking past the shocked face of Tommy and the confused faces of his family.

"Leah, you don't have to do that, you can stay at mine with me." John was quick to talk, having watched her scream at his brother he knew that she was serious, she was done with Tommy, but that didn't mean she had to be done with him too, did it?

"I'm sorry Johnny, I'll write to you okay, make sure you take good care of them children, you hear me." She smiled sadly, a small tear running down her face that he was quick to wipe away. "I love you Johnny boy." She smiled sadly as she wrapped her arms around his waist, burrowing her head into his chest, inhaling his scent one last time.

"I love you too Lee-Lee." He sniffed slightly, wrapping his arms around the smaller girls shoulders.

"See ya, Lee." Arthur murmmered as she pulled away from John and faced the oldest Shelby sibling, the two of them smiling sadly at each other as Arthur stepped forwards pulling the girl into a tight hug. "Bye Arty." She giggled as he scoffed. "How many fucking times have I told you, aye? Makes me sound like an old man." He chuckled softly as he pulled back, keeping his hands on Leah's shoulders. "Together or not, you'll always be me sister, alright? Anybody tries to fuck with you, you're Leah Shelby, got it?" He told her sternly, no hint of a smile until the young girl nodded her head, words failing her.

"Thank you Arthur." She smiled before turning to the two youngest, Ada had been the sister that Leah had always wanted, and vice versa, the two girls had become inseperable while the men were away in France, sticking as two peas in a pod even when they had returned.

"Don't go." Ada whispered as she wrapped her arms around Leah's neck, even though she was a few years older than Ada they were the same size, Leah not having grown since she was about 16 years old.

"I'm sorry Ades." She muttered, her heart shattering in her chest as she held the young girl to her chest, her dress dampening due to the girls tears. "Hey, hey, we'll be fine, you hear me? I will write as soon a I can, sisters for life, right?" she whispered, pulling away and wrapping her pinky around Ada's something they used to do when times got hard during the war.

"Sister's for life." Ada smiled, heading over to Pol as Finn tugged on the end of my dress.

Little six year old Finn, he didn't have a clue what was going on as he looked from the upset faces of his family, to the cold, distant look that sat on his older brother's face, Tommy stood watching from the bottom of the stairs, his eyes cold and calculating, as though the love of his live wasn't about to walk through the door and disappear. But that's what he had to do, he had to act as though he didn't care, she was finally leaving, leaving the danger that was him and his family, the dingy, dangerous streets of Small Heath, she'd be better away from it all, she'd be safe.

"Where are you going?" The small boy asked, his small eyes full of tears as he struggled to understand, Leah had been here for as long as he could remember, she can't just be leaving, right?

"I'm going to get away for a while, okay?" Leah started, crouching down and giggling slightly as he threw himself into her arms, wrapping his arms around her neck as tight as he possibly could.

"You're coming back though, right?" His small voice was muffled against her hair, his question kicking her in the gut and she choked back a sob.

"Of course, I promise and what do I say about promises?" She tried to sound happy, ignoring her voice breaking and the tears that were threatening to fall at any second, and she had prided herself in making it this far with only a few escaping.

"If you break a promise I'll break your legs." The young boy giggled as he pulled back and placed a big sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"That's right." She laughed slightly, looking up to try and stop the tears from falling, but she couldn't, wrapping her arms around the small boy she held him close to her chest as the tears dripped from her chin. "So." She started before she cleared her throught. "So, if I don't come back, you have full permission to break my legs, okay." She laughed, wiping her tears away as the small boy nodded his head before being picked up by Arthur.

"Pol..." She breathed out as the head of the family was suddenly standing before her, her face as stern as it had always been in the years she'd known the older woman, the woman who had been more like a mother to her than her real one had every been. For every scrape, break and tear that Leah had experienced Polly was always there to make it better.

"I know, love, I know." She muttered, of course she did, Polly knew everything, ask anyone. "You are going to leave. You are going to get yourself together and you are going to come back, whether it's for him or not, this is not the last time we are going to see you. Do you understand?" She spoke confidently, the only thing that would let you believe that she was feeling some kind of sad were her eyes, the one's that Leah knew so well.

"Yes Polly." Leah muttered, giving Polly a hug she breathed in the scent of home one last time before she pulled away, picking her bag up she made her way to the front door, pulling it open she gulped as the Small Heath air hit her face, turning one lest time she made eye contact with Tommy, her Tommy, or what was her Tommy, but like he had said, the old Tommy is dead.

"Goodbye Thomas." She muttered sadly as a lone tear slid down her cheek, shaking her head she stepped outside softly closing the door behind her.

As the soft thud sounded throught the Shleby home all eyes turned towards Tommy who was stood watching the door, almost as though he was hoping that she would walk back through, tell him that she was just proving a point but she wasn't really going anywhere, but there was nothing, nothing but silence and the disgusted looks from his family.

"Well done Tom." John scowled, his eyes narrowed towards his older brother as his hand clenched into a fist.

"Fuck off John." Tom muttered before walking up the stairs and shutting himself away in their - his room, taking out his pipe he sighed as the smoke glided down into his lungs, laying back on the bed he couldn't help the few tears that escaped.


First part done! I do have 5/6 other parts ready to go! Let me know what you think!


Tommy Shelby x reader - Tangled

Hi guys! It's been a bit of a while but I have an idea, I'm planning on doing a tangled reboot with the one and only Thomas Shelby, the first part is written but before I carry on I'd like to know if there's any interest!

Enjoy this first part and let me know!



Unchained Melody (Part Six/Final Chapter)

Summary: After a passionate night rekindling your marriage. Yours and Tommy's happy bubble of bliss quickly bursts when the Governess' deadly plan comes to fruition. With each of your lives in danger, will you be able to escape her devilish agenda, bringing her to justice for her harrowing acts of evil? Or will her crazed delusions become a reality for all those that still reside in Arrow House?

Warnings: Language, angst, fluff, violence, murder

Word Count: 6024

This whole series? Actual perfection! ❀️


I need you now - Modern!Tommy Shelby Imagine

Part 3 of Before he cheats - Based off of I Need You Now by Lady Antebellum

Requested - kinda - @jadesjam sent this as an idea for part 2 but I flipped and made it the third and final part of before he cheats! It hasn't been proofread so beware!

Enjoy! πŸ₯°


"No." I sighed for the upteenth time.

"Oh come on y/n, it's been weeks since all that shit with Tommy, it's about time you come and find yourself a rebound!" My longest friend Leah practically begged down the phone, her birthday was coming up and she'd been trying for the last hour to get me to go out for her pre-birthday bash.

"Le, you know I love you but I'm really not in the mood tonight, we'll do something in a couple days, okay?" I sighed, trying to find some middle ground so the conversation could end.

"Okay fine, but I'll hold you to that! Love you girl!" She cheered happily through the phone, my answer enough to stop the pestering, for now.

"Have fun babe, love you too!" I smiled before hanging up, the smile dropping from my face as soon as the beep sounds. "Guess it's just you and me." I whispered as I looked down at the shoebox in my lap.

Checking the time I couldn't help but laugh slightly at how the time had managed to get away from me, with the clock reading 1:04am I couldn't help but laugh slightly as I looked over the piles of photographs that were covering the floor. "Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor, reaching for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore." I sighed, picking one up and focusing on the smiling faces beaming back at me, it was from my 21st birthday around ten minutes after Tommy had officially asked me to be his. We were so happy, everyone was so happy that night, laughing and singing being the only thing to be heard throughout Small Heath that night as everybody celebrated their king finding his queen.

Putting the picture down I reached up to wipe the line tear that has slid down my cheek, sniffing quietly before I picked up another, this one of me and all of the Shelby siblings, Ada and John on one side with Tommy and Arthur the other, even at 16 years old and apparently seeing Greta, Tommy still has his arm round my shoulders, my head resting on his arm. Throwing the picture to the side I huffed as I rubbed my hands over my face, the thought of Greta leading me down a rabbit hole.

"I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me it happens all the time." I spoke to myself, "Probably not, you've probably had a whole queue of women waiting for this to happen." My voice cracked as I said what I'd been thinking out loud for the first time. "Maybe I should just send a quick text..." I whispered, picking up my phone, opening Tommys contact I paused before starting to type.

It's 1am, I'm all alone and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now.

Shaking my head I quickly deleted the message and locked my phone, throwing it onto the floor besides me. "Don't give him the satisfaction." I reminded myself with a sigh.

The loud shrill of phone made me shriek, my hand flying to my chest to try and soothe my racing heart. "Motherfuck." I breathed out, reaching over and seeing it's Leah calling.

"Hey Le, what's up?" I asked worried, knowing that she never called when she was out, unless there was a problem.

"Baaaaabe! You'll never guess where we are!" Her cheery voice burst through the phone making me wince slightly. "The garrison!" She squealed without waiting for an answer.

"That's great Leah, but I'm still not coming out tonight." I sighed, not understanding where she was going with this.

"Yeah, yeah, -- all depressed, I know, but I also know that lover -- is just as bad as -- are, if -- worse." She laughed through the phone, the music and voices in the background muffling half of her sentence.

"I can't hear you properly Le." I smiled slightly, her giggles infectious. "Le?" The beep of the phone indicated that she'd hung up. "What the hell was that about?" I muttered, my question answered two seconds later as my phone buzzed again.

I said that lover boy is even worse than you!

A message from Leah with an image of Tommy attached, say at the corner of the bar in the Garrison alone, his head in his hand as his other holds onto a glass of whisky - probably. Just from the zoomed out picture I could see his hair had been left to grow out and his shirt had been left untucked, something that had never happened before, in public anyway.

"Oh baby." I couldn't help but sigh, my heart breaking all over again at the picture.


Keeping my eyes down I swigged the last dribble of amber liquid from the glass raising it high before rapping it in the bar a couple times, a sign for the bartender to refill. Feeling the glass being moved from my fingertips I looked up, giving the bartender a nod of thanks as he slid the bow full glass back to me.

Another shot of whisky, can't stop staring at the door, wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before. Rubbing my hand over my face I clenched my eyes as I thought of her, the reason I'd been sat here for the past few weeks doing nothing but drinking whisky after whisky and chain smoking till my chest hurt. Looking over at her door I couldn't help but think back to y/n's 21st birthday, the day we became official, she had come barreling into the garrison with her windswept hair and rosy cheeks absolutely fuming because she thought that everyone had forgot her birthday before the shout of surprise had her forgetting she was ever mad. Shaking my head I couldn't help but wonder if I ever cross her mind, for me it happens all the time, every little thing reminding me of her.

"Fuck sake." I growled to myself, pulling out my phone to check the time. "Quarter past fucking one and I'm sat drinking by myself, again, Thomas Shelby the king of fucking Small Heath aye." I chuckled ironically. Not like I hadn't had plenty of offers during my evenings rotting away at my own bar, but none of them were her, none of them were my y/n.

My heart started to race slightly as I noticed the missed call notification only to drop again as Arthur's name came into view. She said she didn't want to hear from me but surely one text won't hurt, right?

It's 1:15 I'm a little drunk and I need you now, I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now, and I don't know how I can do without - I just need you now

I'll be at the Garrison - T x

"Fucking pathetic Tom." I shook my head before locking the phone, not realising my thumb had already hit send.


1:17, it had taken all of 3 minutes to reach the Garrison, shoving my hands into my pocket so said as I stared up at the gold sign above the door, a door that I'd walked through so may times before but never feeling like this. I jumped slightly as my phone buzzed at the same time as a group of girls can tumbling out the door, laughing and stumbling down the road as they held onto each other for support, I couldn't help but laugh slightly before pushing open the doors.

Stepping through the doorways Leah and the girls immediately caught my eye, giving me a quick wave she grinned before pointing over to the bar my eyes immediately landing on the mop top of black hair and slumped shoulders in the corner. Sending her a quick smile I slowly made my way over to Tommy, hesitantly taking a seat on the stool next to him.

"Not interested." He muttered making me jump slightly.

"Meh, I like your brother more anyway." I shrugged, giggling slightly as his head shot up, eyes wide as he stared at me.

"Y/n.." He breathed out, reaching his hand out he placed his palm on my cheek almost as though he was checking I was really there. "Y/n, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He muttered, pulling me forwards slightly and resting his forehead against mine.

"Tommy I-" I took a breath, struggling to think clearly being this close to him after so much time, the longest we'd been apart since we'd met some ten years ago now. "I'm sorry too, I should've let you explain, should've listened to you." My voice wobbled slightly, pulling away I used my sleeve to wipe away the tears that had started to fall before resting my hand on his.

"I figured it would be easier to just finish things, after hearing about you and Gracie I just couldn't think of anything else... And I just lost it.. I dunno Tom. I guess I just, I guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all." I whispered, knowing that over the past few weeks that's exactly how I'd felt, nothing.

"Hey, don't you dare apologise, these past few weeks have been nothing but my fault, and I promise you y/n with everything I have and will ever have, I will spend every day of our future making it up to you. If you'll let me, just one last chance, please." He trailed off, his eyes on mine the whole time.

"One chance Tommy, that's all we have left." I whispered, my grip tightening around his wrist slightly.

"That's all I need." He smirked standing up and pulling me along with him, his arms wrapping around my waist and mine came up around his neck, playing with the longer hair at the nape of his neck. Pulling me in he placed his lips on mine, moving in sync I couldn't help but smile, the Tommy shaped hole in my heart slowly shrinking.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled after we pulled away, resting his chin on the the top of my head as he pulled me into a hug, completely ignoring the looks he was getting from the punters who had never even seen him smile before.

"I missed you too Tommy." I sighed happily, resting my head on his chest, sending a quick wink to Leah as she caught my eye, making her erupt into screams, much to the confusion of everyone else.

"So that's how you found me aye?" Tommy chuckled, the sound echoing through his chest.

"She helped yeah, but there was also the text you sent." I giggled slightly, as I head the faint 'shit' leave his lips. "It's okay Tommy, I love it when you're cheesy." I grinned, patting his chest as I looked up at him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He chuckled as he shook his head. "I love you." He whispered, eyes locked onto mine.

"I love you too." I smiled, placing a quick peck to his lips before resting my head back against his chest. "Oh and Tom?" I muttered without looking up, only the slight hum letting me know he heard.

"I'm sorry about your car."


And there we have it! I know it's slightly shorter and I personally don't feel like this part is even nearly as good as the previous two, but hey, we move on!

Thank you for reading and I do hope you've enjoyed! πŸ₯°β€οΈ

After he cheats - Modern!Tommy Shelby x reader

Look at me bashing two out in two days πŸ˜‰

Part 2 of Before he cheats!🫣


Tommy sighed as Arthur's car pulled up out front of the garage, a place his cars spent way too much time on account of all the bullet holes and busted windows he managed to acquire on a weekly basis. He couldn't help but let his head fall back onto the headrest as his eyes landed on his beat up Land Rover sitting on the forecourt, after y/n's little show 2 days ago he'd had Johnny dogs pick it up and bring it over, he's almost forgotten about the thick jagged cut that now ran the length of the car, until now.

"Troubles with that Sabini again, lad?" Head mechanic David laughed as Tommy stepped out into the open, his childhood friend always taking pleasure out of seeing Tommy's latest car disaster, and the payments that came with it of course.

"What is it they say?" Arthur called as he walked around the car to join the pair, smirking as his eyes caught the smash in the windscreen. "Hell have no fury like a woman scorned." He couldn't help but laugh, holding his side as he smacked Tommy in the shoulder making the younger brother huff.

"Very funny Arthur." He nodded, a small, almost unnoticeable smirk appearing on his face at the thought of just how pissed off you had looked that afternoon, but he'd fix it, you two always did.

"Damn, that girl of yours has got a temper aye." David whistled as he pulled open the passenger door and laid eyes on the messily carved name across the seat. "Remind me to never get on the wrong side of her." He mumbled as he slammed the door.

"Look can you fix it or not?" He put it bluntly, he had things to do if he was ever going to fix this situation, and he believed it would take a whole load of fixing.

"Who are you asking exactly? You know I can fix this baby back up, but it'll take a while, and it ain't gunna be cheap." David smiled, knowing that while he never overcharged the Shelby brothers, being technically in their employment, he always knew that with a Shelby fix came a big bonus.

"Just get it done." He nodded pointing at David. "Sooner the better David." He called as he walked back towards the car with Arthur in tow.

"Where to now Tom?" Arthur asked as they climbed into his car, having one last laugh at the state of Tommy's car.

"It's been 2 days Arthur, 2 days and still nothing." Tommy muttered, pulling his phone out and checking to no avail. So that's what it feels like, he thought to himself in regret, never meaning for any of this to go the way that it did.

"Take me to her Arthur."



"He's lying to you!"

"Don't say I didn't fucking warn you!"

"See! What did I say? Dickheads, the lot of you!" I I huffed to the Netflix couple before slamming my laptop screen shut. "Even on TV the men are knobheads, honestly." I muttered to myself as I picked up the last tub of ice cream that was sitting besides my bed, the place I'd been for the last 2 days since I walked away from the Shelby family.

Flopping backwards into the bed I groaned as I dropped the empty tub onto the floor, my dreams of more ice cream demolished at the realisation. "Seriously y/n, laid in bed shouting at Netflix and crying over the ice cream being all gone, how stereotypical can you get." I huffing to myself as I pulled myself up to once again silence the vibrating of my phone. Over 99+ missed calls and messages, mainly from Tommy, Polly and Ada a few from Esme, John and Arthur, and that's not including the facebooks, instagrams and snapchats that I'd recieved over the last 48 hours.

A loud pounding on the door shook me to my core as my phone flew from my hand landing on the opposite side of the room, the vibrations continuing to slide it around on the wooden floor. "Shit, shit, shit." I whispered as I rested my hand on my chest, he wouldn't call the police would he? "Obviously he wouldn't idiot, local gangster, duh." I whispered once again, smacking myself on the forehead gently. "Gracie, oh I swear to god if I get arrested because of her I will kill her, and that is a promise - Oh fuck, I'm coming!" My Grace rant was interrupted by another loud set of banging on the front door.

Taking a deep breath I swung the door open prepared to be facing the boys in blue only to sigh in relief, kind of, to be met with a pair ice blue eyes and an old school cap.

"Fucking Jesus, honestly could you knock any more like a copper?" I breathed out, my heart racing from the panic. "This is why I need a ring doorbell." I sighed stepping back into the flat and leaving the door open for him to follow, knowing that if I closed the door I would probably have to buy a new one after he kicks it in.

"So you can see if it's the police?" Tommy asked as he closed the door behind himself, making himself comfortable at the kitchen table as I busied myself boiling the kettle.

"No, so I can see if it's you and then I'Il know not to answer." I muttered, flicking the kettle off. "I'm gunna need something stronger." Reaching for the whisky and glasses I filled 2 before sliding one across the table to him. "So what do you want?" I asked, leaning against the side on the opposite side of the kitchen, knowing distance is best in these situations.

"I think it's probably time I explained." He muttered, reaching into his pocket he pulled out his pack of cigarettes lighting one for himself before sliding them over to me.

"You don't say." I said sarcastically, taking two of his cigarettes and tucking one away behind my ear for later. "Go on then." I waved him on before lighting my own, revelling in the small smirk that took over his face.

"A few weeks ago now, some Irish inspector showed up at the shop spouting some bullshit about knowing about the races and all that shit." He nodded to himself, tilting his head back as he let out a breath of smoke, the vein popping in his neck as he did so. "Now, as much as we've had issues with the coppers in the past he knew too much, and he knew things that I haven't even put into place yet." I watched as he spoke, the vein in his forehead poking out slightly at the thought of good old Inspector Campbell and his dodgy leg.

"Right.." I trialled off as he stopped speaking, tapping the ash down the sink as an excuse to look away, not wanting to get caught up in his eyes like I had done so many times before. "And what's that got to do with you spending every free minute you have with Gracie?" I asked with a head tilt, purposely trying to make him feel a little bit stupid, like he had with me so often.

"Gracie? Really?" He asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk, he'd noticed it the other day, that you'd taken to calling her Gracie, with a slight nod of your head he carried on. "Well, she just happened to show up all of a week later, walked straight into the garrison and asked for a job which, with Arthur being Arthur, was handed to her the minute she fluttered her eyes at him." He recalled, thinking back to how pissed he had been at his brothers idiocy, not even a reference check before he'd handed the girl an apron.

"Is there a short version of this story?" I sighed, tired of standing here and listening to him speak, as much as I was holding on with a brave face I couldn't wait for him to leave so I could cry myself to sleep once again, after heading out to grab some more ice cream, of course.

"The short story is I spoke to Mae at the station and it turns out Grace had been sent from some specialist unit to get any info she could find on us. And when I found that out I decided to use her for my own gain, I told her false information, got her and her little team halfway up to Scotland as we speak." He shrugged, as though his actions were totally justified.

"So that's it?" I asked with furrowed brows, smushing out the remains of the cigarette in the sink before washing it down the drain. "You threw 10 years of friendship and over 2 years of us away for some silly little copper that got your knickers in a fucking twist?!" I yelled, picking up the closest thing which happened to be the now empty whisky glass besides me and throwing I at the wall just to the right of his head my eyes not leaving as his as the glass shattered.

"Uh, yes?" His confident demeanour gone as he looked at me in confusion, truly believeing that if he'd told you his side of the story, the real story then all would be well and you'd have his ring back on your finger in no time.

"Okay, that's fantastic Tom, really great, thanks for letting me know." I nodded. "Do make sure you close the door on your way out." I sighed as I walked past, pulling my wrist out of the way as I felt his touch.

"What the fucks going on? Nothing happened with the two of us, I promise you." He pleaded as he followed me into the bedroom, his eyes quickly scanning the boxes of tissues and the 3 empty ice cream tubs that littered the floor. "3 tubs in two days, aye." He couldn't help but comment.

"Yep." I muttered. Liar, the voice in my head spoke, that's just from this morning. "You've explained, now can you just, go, please." I whispered, my head starting to pound as I stood looking out of the window, the empty street of Watery Lane a poor distraction.

"Look Y/n, I know I fucked up, believe me I do, I never wanted to lie to you or keep you in the dark but, fuck, y/n you know the shit that I do, that I'm involved with, if anything ever happened to you I don't know what I'd do. The only way to keep you safe was to keep you in the dark, but it won't ever happen again." He stayed back as he spoke, knowing that if he tried to touch you at this precise moment in time the only thing he'd be walking away with would be a split lip and a lower sperm count from the boot he'd receive in the crotch.

"That's rest Tommy, really, is that supposed to make me feel better? Supposed to make me feel like any less of an idiot? Everyone saw the two of you together Tom! Just in the last two days I've had so many messages offering their sorry because they've heard we've split up and you're with fucking Gracie!" I screamed, spinning around just as the tears began to fall. "You've made a fucking fool out of me Thomas Shelby!" I screeched, flinging the desk lamp towards him. "Get the fuck out!" I whispered, counting to ten in my head. "Please just fucking go!" I cried, runnning my hands through my hair as I tried to steady my breathing.

"Alright, I'll go." He muttered, looking down at his feet. "I'll walk away and never come back, never even look in your direction again if that's what you want." He watched as you stood with your back to him, his own heart breaking at the sight of your small shoulders shaking with silent sobs, the image of your reflection of your hand over your own mouth burned into his mind. "I know that you might not want this back right now, or ever, from me anyway.." He said with a sigh, reaching into his pocket to pull out the diamond ring that you'd thrown at to the ground two days ago. "But it's yours, whether you're mine or not y/n this ring will always be yours, as well as my heart. I get that I've made you think the worse time and time again and I will never stop apologising or trying to make it up to you, no matter how long it'll take. And that's a promise. I love you y/f/n, please don't ever forget it." He finished, placing the small ring on the table besides the bedroom door before shoving his hands into his pockets and turning to leave.

He stood for a second with the front door open, with a view into your bedroom he turned one last time, willing with everything that he had that you'd turn and come running, tell him that you love him and can out this whole Grace shit behind you, but no, with one last sigh he stepped out onto the street and closed he door behind him.

Hearing the door slam I spun around, my eyes landing on the small ring, the light bouncing off of the biggest diamond sitting proudly in the centre. Sliding down the wall I let out a heart breaking cry, the sobs no longer silent as the tears slid down my cheeks one after the other, one hand squeezing my chest as though trying to hold my heart together while the other tried unsuccessfully to muffle the sobs of a broken heart.

Before he cheats - Modern Tommy Shelby x reader

I've had this song stuck in my head for days and it's gotta go 😩 This literally took me all of 2 hours to plan/write/post and it hasn't been proofread so bare with!

Enjoy! πŸ₯°


"56, 57, 58, 59, 60, that's it, I'm done." I huffed as i threw my phone onto the sofa besides me, frown on my face as I sighed. "That's two fucking hours!" I muttered to myself stamping my feet into my trainers I threw my coat on before picking up my phone on some final hope that I'd actually had a reply, but low and behold, obviously not.

"Fucking Thomas Shelby always thinking with his mother fucking dick." I continued to mutter under my breath as I left my home on Watery Lane slamming the door behind me, my chest burning in anger. Stepping out onto the path I shoved my hands into my coat pockets, fists clenched as I headed the short distance down the road to the house where I'd practically grown up.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" I screeched as a teenager flew past on his bike almost knocking me into the road. "Fucking males and their fucking shit." I continued to slate each and every male that came into view in the 2 minutes it took to get to my destination, 'men are all the bloody same' my mum used to say, 'honestly, get yourself a women, their much easier.' Looking back maybe I should've taken her advice.

"Where is he?" I asked as I pushed open the doors to the betting shop that sat in Watery Lane, the punters and staff going silent as I watched with my hands on my hips. "Oh come on, you know exactly who I'm talking about!" I all but yelled into the silent room, after being with Tommy for 2 years now I had almost as much authority as him, almost.

"Y/n, not here." Polly's voice had my head on a swivel, finally spotting her in the doorway to John's office I stormed over ignoring the looks I was getting from everyone.

"Where is he Pol?" I sighed as I flopped down into Johns office chair. "And why are you in here?" I asked noticing that John wasn't in his own office.

"He's disappeared with Esme somewhere, honestly these Shelby boys and their dicks are ridiculous." She mumbled, lighting the cigarette she held in her hand.

"Tell me about it." I sighed, knowing that if Tommy wasn't in the office he was only going to be in one other place. "He's at the Garrison then." I asked, watching as she froze slightly before shaking her head.

"I think so, yeah, what's he done this time?" She sighed as she rubbed her eyes, having dealt with nothing but pissed up (and off) men and women placing bets they can't afford all morning, dealing with her nephews love life was definitely not on her to do list.

"Nothing Pol, he's done nothing which is the fucking problem! He was supposed to meet me 2 hours ago and I haven't heard anything since a lousy morning text all because he's too busy with that fucking whore Grace!" I ranted, reaching out and taking one of her cigarettes before lighting it and slamming the lighter down on the desk. "You know what I'm done." My voice sounded much more convinced then my mind as I said the words.

Shaking my head I stood up in a flash, out of Johns office and into Tommys within a second, without looking I reached behind Tommys desk and picked up the baseball bat that I knew he kept there in case of emergency's. Pushing my way past Polly who was stood in the doorway I made my way through the punters and out into the street without a second look, the bat weighing heavy in my hand.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Pol's voice follows me out into the street. "Come back inside!" She yelled, passers by stopping to look at the scenes, before a sharp look from Pol had them walking on.

"Woah! What's going on here?" I was stopped in my tracks as Arthur, John and Esme appeared from the corner ahead of me, grins on their faces as they looked from the bat in my hand to the scowl on my face.

"Looks to me that she's off to play baseball." John laughed, his input met with a thud on his chest by his wife.

"Would you two idiots shut up already." She giggled slightly as she pushed her husband into his older brother. "Now what's up with the bat?" She asked, smirking slightly as she had a feeling she knew exactly where you was going, after sitting on the phone for an hour the last time Tommy pissed you off she knew not to get in the way.

"Like John boy said." I shrugged, my hold on the bat tightening ever so slightly. "I'm going to practice baseball with a nice new shiny Land Rover I saw parked outside of the Garrison." I grinned before pushing my way through the trio and continuing on my way.

I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh as the Garrison came into view and just as I had predicted there was brand new Land Rover sat outside its doors. The brand new Land Rover that only 3 days ago I had travelled up to Scotland to collect with Tommy, not knowing that it would be the last journey I'd take with both him and the car.

"Y/n come on back to the shop love, we'll sort this shit out." Polly pleaded once more making me stop in my tracks, the Shelby's had been like a family to me, even in the years before me and Tommy had officially gotten together, being friends with Ada and all.

"I'm sorry Pol." I sighed shaking my head as I turned to face her and the trio that had followed behind. "But right now, right now he's probably slow dancing with that bleach blonde tramp and she's probably getting frisky. Right now he's probably buying her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot whisky." I laughed a little, knowing for a fact that she couldn't handle the drink that Thomas Shelby worships so much. "Right now he's probably up behind her with a pool stick showing her how to shoot a combo, but he don't know." I laughed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys, my hand wrapping around the longest and sharpest of them all, ironically the spare key Tommy had given me for this exact car.

I could help but grin as I stuck my key through the shiny black metal of the drivers door, the small act creating some kind of pleasure, a pleasure that only increased as I walked my way down the car, the key dragging a horribly crooked line right down the side.

"Right that's enough now! Cut this shit out!" Polly yelled, her eyes flickering between her nephews burnt lover and the door which he could come through at any second. "Think about what you're doing y/n." She almost pleaded, or at least as close as I'd ever seen her.

Ignoring her I made my way round to the passengers side, the metal bat dragging across the floor being the only sound to be heard, except for the muffled giggles that the other two Shelby brothers struggled to keep back. A wave of emotion hit me as I climbed into the car, a lone tear slipping down my cheek which I quickly wiped away.

"He doesn't deserve it." I muttered to myself as I quickly wiped it away without a second thought. "Fuck him and all the whores he's had in this fucking car." I growled gripping my keys as I began to carve my name into the leather seat.

"What the fuck is going on right now?!" My head snapped up as I heard another voice, Ada having stumbled upon my little rage room experiment, shall we call it.

"Ada! Nice of you to join us, i'll tell you what's going on shall I?" I asked as I hopped down from the car swing the bat up over my shoulder as I waved over to her. "Right now, your brother, you know the one that I'm supposedly engaged to, is in there living it up with that Irish tart of a woman!" I yelled, using the bat to point towards the door, not caring how loud my voice had gotten. "Right now she's probably up singing some white trash version of Shania karaoke, right now she's probably saying 'I'm drunk' and he's thinking that he's gunna get lucky! Right now, he's probably dapping on three quids worth of that bathroom polo!" I screamed, the more thought I put into what was actually going on just inside fuelling the rage even more.

I let out a gut wrenching scream as I swung the bat into his headlight, once, twice, three times moving on to the next I swung again laughing as the glass crashed to the floor before swing it into the windscreen for good measure. Throwing the bat to the floor I put my hands on my hips and grinned as I looked at the mess that was Tommy Shelby's new car before making my way over to Arthur.

"I need your knife." Holding my hand out infront of him. "Please Arthur." I sighed knowing that he always carried one no matter where he went.

With a sigh and grin he reached into his pocket and placed the small switch blade into my hand.

"Seriously Arthur?! Why the fucking hell did you give her a knife?!" Polly yelled as she threw her arms up in frustration, knowing that if anyone was going to be killed for this it wasn't going to be her.

"She asked nicely Pol." He shrugged, loving the fact that his brother was about to have the surprise of a lifetime and all he had to do was sit and watch.

Sticking the knife into the front tyre I smirked as the hiss of air filled the air, walking round and putting a knife slash in all of the tires for good measure, I stood back with a grin laughing at the look of amusement over the 3 Shelby siblings faces, the smirk on Esme's and the fed up look Polly had been giving me for the last 10 years.

"What the fucking hell is going on?!" The man of the hour roared as he stepped out onto the street, the pub doors banging against the walls before Grace appeared behind him, eyes cast down. "Answer me!" He bellowed, the vein in his neck popping with each syllable.

"Hi Tommy, remember me?" I asked sarcastically making his eyes jump to me, his face dropping ever so slightly. "You know, the fiance that you used to have!" I stepped forwards as I spoke shoving him back slightly, knowing if it was anyone else they would have recieved a bullet to the head, but I knew he'd never lay a hand on me.

"Y/n? I thought we were meeting later?" He asked, brows furrowed in confusion as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, the numerous texts and missed calls flashing on the screen and the time that read two and a half hours after the planned meeting time. "Oh." He muttered, wiping his hand across his face. "What have you done?" He asked as his eyes trailed along the nice long line that now travels the length of his new car.

"Yeah, oh." I nodded, laughing slightly as Grace stepped out besides him. "I suppose you missed the show while you were in there with ol' Gracie here. But I'll give you a rundown shall I? Well I dug my key into the side of your pretty little souped up four wheel drive, carved my name into your leather seats. I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights and slashed a hole in all four tires, maybe next time you'll think before you cheat." I couldn't help the tears that fell next, the adrenaline slowing and my whole body began to ache, the end of an era, me and the Shelby's.

"Y/n-" "No." I cut him off, not wanting to listen to any kind of reasoning he would throw at me, anything to get him back in the good book. "I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl, because the next time that you cheat, oh you know it won't be on me, no, not on me." I wiped my eyes before pulling of the ring that he had given me 6 months ago. "Guess I'll give it to you aye, Gracie." I muttered, throwing the ring at her feet before turning to walk away.

"Y/n!" His voice reached my ears just as I'd passed Polly, Arthur, John, Esme and Ada. "Y/n please!"

"Bye Tom!" I yelled without turning back, keeping my head up I shoved my hands into my pockets and carried on, not giving them the chance to see the tears that were currently streaming down my face.


There you have it! My first fic where they don't end up happily ever after, hopefully you enjoyed!

Feel free to send any requests! πŸ’–


Once a little boy went to school. One morning The teacher said: β€œToday we are going to make a picture.” β€œGood!” thought the little boy. He liked to make all kinds; Lions and tigers, Chickens and cows, Trains and boats; And he took out his box of crayons And began to draw.

But the teacher said, β€œWait!” β€œIt is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. β€œNow,” said the teacher, β€œWe are going to make flowers.” β€œGood!” thought the little boy, He liked to make beautiful ones With his pink and orange and blue crayons. But the teacher said β€œWait!” β€œAnd I will show you how.” And it was red, with a green stem. β€œThere,” said the teacher, β€œNow you may begin.”

The little boy looked at his teacher’s flower Then he looked at his own flower. He liked his flower better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just turned his paper over, And made a flower like the teacher’s. It was red, with a green stem.

On another day The teacher said: β€œToday we are going to make something with clay.” β€œGood!” thought the little boy; He liked clay. He could make all kinds of things with clay: Snakes and snowmen, Elephants and mice, Cars and trucks And he began to pull and pinch His ball of clay.

But the teacher said, β€œWait!” β€œIt is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. β€œNow,” said the teacher, β€œWe are going to make a dish.” β€œGood!” thought the little boy, He liked to make dishes. And he began to make some That were all shapes and sizes.

But the teacher said β€œWait!” β€œAnd I will show you how.” And she showed everyone how to make One deep dish. β€œThere,” said the teacher, β€œNow you may begin.”

The little boy looked at the teacher’s dish; Then he looked at his own. He liked his better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just rolled his clay into a big ball again And made a dish like the teacher’s. It was a deep dish.

And pretty soon The little boy learned to wait, And to watch And to make things just like the teacher. And pretty soon He didn’t make things of his own anymore.

Then it happened That the little boy and his family Moved to another house, In another city, And the little boy Had to go to another school.

The teacher said: β€œToday we are going to make a picture.” β€œGood!” thought the little boy. And he waited for the teacher To tell what to do. But the teacher didn’t say anything. She just walked around the room.

When she came to the little boy She asked, β€œDon’t you want to make a picture?” β€œYes,” said the little boy. β€œWhat are we going to make?” β€œI don’t know until you make it,” said the teacher. β€œHow shall I make it?” asked the little boy. β€œWhy, anyway you like,” said the teacher. β€œAnd any color?” asked the little boy. β€œAny color,” said the teacher. And he began to make a red flower with a green stem.

~Helen Buckley, The Little Boy


I hate that I hesitated to reblog this just because I expect people to think it’s pretentious or melodramatic when it’s seriously real as fuck and I’ve witnessed it

Fuck man

My mom likes to refrence a story she read

About a guy who escaped North Korea

He said living there was like living in a pot

And he grew up there, so he grew into the shape of the pot

But once he was out

And the pot was gone

He was still in the shape of the pot

And he had to work really hard to grow outside that shape

I think its the same with alot of things

Art, gender presentation, decoration prefrences, food, hobbies

You forget what made you happy in favor of what kept you alive.

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