OHHHHH jelly new theme so so pretty <33333333 🫂
— from zo xoxo
zooooooooo 🍊💗 thank u soo much my love i reaally love it too .ᐟ i made it like twinsies with my twitter layout but i like this one better bc we can use gifs BUT THANK YOUUU ZOZOOOOO 🫂🥣
OHHHHH jelly new theme so so pretty <33333333 🫂
— from zo xoxo
zooooooooo 🍊💗 thank u soo much my love i reaally love it too .ᐟ i made it like twinsies with my twitter layout but i like this one better bc we can use gifs BUT THANK YOUUU ZOZOOOOO 🫂🥣
241115 ೀ no doubt
241122 ೀ no doubt
new mobile theme yipieee .ᐟ
Hi. I love your blog!!!! You are just truly amazing ✨💜✨💜✨ may I ask how you create your gifs?
hiii bb! oh thank you soo much 🤍⭐ what a sweet thing to say! sure sure i can show you! i actually have a ps tag for the tutorials in my blog but here is a quick video on how i make my gifs.
quick notes: i use two programs in making my gifs. vapoursynth (download here) & photoshop cs5 (but any kind of photoshop will do)
additional notes: it's important that you use the tumblr dimensions in resizing your gifs so your work will not lose it's quality. (these are in px) the height doesn't really matter as long as the right width is followed.
final final notes: the maximum size for gifs is 10mb. i have a general tag for gif tutorials i have made in the past <33 here it is!! and here is the blabby version of this video which i made 5 years ago aaa so if you want that you can watch them here and here hehe!! HAPPY GIFFING!!
LASTLY: tag #enhypenet in your works so everyone in enhablr can see 🤍
RESULT: (you can add your coloring if you want it's up to you!)
hi :)) may i ask what mv the first gif in this set is from, please? i'm so intrigued 😊
hiiii 🫶🏼 it’s from enhypen’s orange blood concept trailer <3!!
jungwon #leads, enha #follows
blah blah blah. proper name. place name. backstory stuff. 💭
ENHYPEN JAY — MAMA 2024 (Behind the Scenes)
JUNGWON: xo (only if you say yes) (kcon la 2024)
(video by lychee_0209)
SUNGHOON for esquire